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"The plan isn't going well!" Y/n was panicking.
'I knew I couldn't do it...I can't do anything right without messing up! Baji, where are you'

"Kisaki Tetta!" Baji suddenly appeared behing Kisaki and knocks him down.

Baji smiled to Y/N.

"Idiot, i thought you'd leave me alone" Y/N was relieved.

But, Toman still didn't notice that Baji was on their side and tried to talk to him.
Baji just continued to act like a traitor and sees Toman as today's enemy.

Chifuyu also steps is trying to talk with the boy, but nothing was changing.

Y/N goes up the car lot to be next to Mikey.

"Gosh you look awful..." Y/N touches Mikey's bleeding head and puts him in a more comfortable position.

With a glance, Y/N caught Kazutora slowly getting up.
Holding something.

"You stay here" Y/N grabs Kazutora's arms and pressed them against his own back.

"Silly...You still think you can hold me down huh..." Kazutora said in a low voice.
"How many times do I have to show you, that we are in different levels"

Kazutora struggles and Y/N had a difficult time to keep him down.
Kazutora frees one arm and grabs Y/N's neck.

"Ah.....Let me go..." Y/N felt Kazutora squeezing his neck.

The tattooed boy covers Y/N's mouth and points a knife at him.

"Shush" Kazutora said, he didn't want to drain attention to them when everyone was focused on Baji and Chifuyu.
"I still can let you live if you choose me instead of Mikey"

Y/N was mad about what he said.
How can he still ask this kind of things when everyone is fighting for their life's.

"I am here to fight you, not date you" Y/N glared.
"You're selfish"

Kazutora didn't seem to be affected by what Y/N said.

"I'd choose Mikey, till the end of my life" Y/N said, making Kazutora finally realize that he couldn't change Y/N's mind.

"Then, you should just die" Kazutora raised the knife.

Y/N caught his wrist when the sharp object was almost going into his skin.
He used his whole strength to avoid Kazutora stabbing him.

The tattooed boy raised the knife again, Y/N was ready for anything.
And Kazutora locks Y/N's hands together.

"That was too fast" Y/N struggles.
'Shit, I am going to die'

He closed his eyes, but nothing happened.

Soon he realized Kazutora disappeared.
"I have priorities"
The boy whispered to himself.

"BAJI!" Y/N yelled as soon as he noticed where Kazutora was sneaking to.

"Huh?" Baji looks at Y/N and he felt a sharp feeling.

So fast that he didn't even feel the knife going in his skin.

"You betrayed me too Baji...."Kazutora knew about Baji's betrayal from Hanma.

Takemichi pushed Kazutora away.

"Thank you, but don't worry, it's just a scratch" Baji smirked.

He walks to Kisaki prepared every emotion and decided to kill him.
But he collapsed and starts coughing blood.

"Baji" Y/N worried jumps car to cat until Baji.
"Buddy, are you there? Someone call an ambulance! He will die if he bleeds more!"

"Why...why! KAZUTORA!" Chifuyu yelled his name.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now