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Sorry for any typo!

After that day, Kazutora would be meeting Y/N at his school for a while.
People ignored the fact that Y/N was uncomfortable and afraid while around Kazutora.

They decided to assume that Y/N was dating someone again and let it be.
Because Kazutora would always keep an eye on him.
Rumors that Y/N cheated ran up again.

"Hey" Kazutora appears infront of Y/N's classroom.

"Yes?" Y/N looks down.

"We will go have some business to do" Kazutora told him.

"I am still in class" Y/N said nervous.

"Get your ass up" Kazutora left the room.

"Sure....Miss...I need to go" Y/N said, uncomfortable, but stood up and prepared to leave.

"Y/N-Senpai, if you're in a abusive relationship, you can ask for help..." A girl who was taken by the rumors decided to speak to Y/N.

"I am not dating...." Y/N smiled akwardly.

He took his things and left the classroom.

Walking out of school, Kazutora was waiting for him.
They kept silent the whole time and Y/N just followed Kazutora with his head down.

Finally they arrived another school.

"Why are we here" Y/N asked.

"This is my school, we are going to pick up a guest"Kazutora goes in and Y/N only follows him.

Walking through the hallways, everyone recognized Y/N and were panicking.
Until they realized his submissive aura around Kazutora.

For the first time of Y/N's life, he felt what was like being bullied for real.
Being scared, anxious and worried about everything the bully might do that can affect them.
He regrets being a bully, wished to go back in time and never did that.

"Open the door" Kazutora demanded and Y/N did it.

'Don't you have arms?' Y/N rolled his eye.

But Kazutora noticed.

"Sorry..." Y/N apologized.

He also noticed that his vocabulary around Kazutora was only "Yes" or "Sorry"

"Y/N-san?" He heard Takemichi's voice.

The boy was surprised, unconsciously he asked for help with the despair in his eyes.

"What is happening" Takemichi was confused.

"Go outside" Kazutora glanced at Y/N.

Y/N did what he asked.
Takemichi was dumbfounded by how Y/N was obeying to Kazutora and scared of him.

Takemichi had a talk with him and got out of the classroom.

"Let's go back to Valhalla" Kazutora said and Y/N nodded.

Kazu was walking in front of them while Takemichi and Y/N were behind him.

"Y/N-san, what are you doing here with him?" Takemichi whispered.

"It's complicated....The thing is, I am in Valhalla."

Takemichi was shocked.

"What! You can't be there! You need to leave!" Takemichi said.

"I know...but...I have something in mind this time" Y/N took a deep breath.

They finally arrived Valhalla's hideout, walking inside it Y/N and Takemichi were surprised by Baji beating up someone.

"Wait! Isn't that Chifuyu Matsuno?" Y/N was scared to death by how Baji was punching him mercilessly.

'Fuck....I didn't know about this part of the plan.'

Well, at this point, I need to explain what is happening between Baji and Y/N.

Baji and Y/N talked about the situation, Baji ended up confessing about why he joined Valhalla.
Because he knew about Kisaki's plan and is trying to take it down.
Y/N after hearing that, decided to help it out.

The plan is, when Mikey faces Kazutora, Y/N will be there distracting him and not let him reach Mikey.
Meanwhile, Baji will take care of Kisaki.

Right now, Baji was taking the loyal test.
What surprised Y/n was the fact that Baji's opponent was Chifuyu.

"We need to stop him!" Takemichi asked for Y/N's help.

But he just stands there.

"Why?" Takemichi asked.

"Great job Baji Keisuke!" Hanma laughed.
"You just proved your loyalty! Even I was surprised that you choose your best friend"

Hanma threw a white jacket to Baji.

"And of course our dearest Y/N" Hanma stood up and laughed.
"We have your's here too. Took a little time to get a small one"

"Shut up" Y/N got annoyed by Hanma making fun of his height.

As Y/N walks towards him, Hanma puts the jacket over the boy's shoulders and Y/N wears it.

"You look great in white!" Hanma laughed and sat back down.

Takemichi couldn't understand Baji's intentions, neither Y/N's.
He just stands there, with an upset expression, staring at the two infront of him.

Takemichi starts to talk with Baji and asked his reasons. Baji explained his past with Kazutora and ended the conversation.

"But...Y/N-san what about you" he asked.

"There is not a escape for me anymore Takemichi" Y/N said.

"Let's get out of here now Y/N" Baji said.

Y/N looked at Kazutora for permission, he only nods.

The two members of Valhalla walks out of the place.
The blond boy holds Y/N's arm.

"You can't just leave like that!" Takemichi didn't let Y/N go.

Baji on the other hand, pulled Y/N to him, releasing the boy from Takemichi's hold.

"Leave us alone Takemichi" Baji said and they left.

Hanma just let a loud laughter escape.


Days after, Takemichi met Chifuyu and got to know him.
He also found Draken and Mikey visiting someone's grave.

The blue eyes explained what happened in Valhalla's hideout.

"...My brother's death can't be undone, and I understand that Baji and Kazutora didn't mean to kill him" Mikey sighed.
"They tried to steal a bike for my birth day,but it was already going to be my birthday gift..."

They stay in silence to listen to what he has to say.

"I forgave Baji, but I will never forgive Kazutora for killing my brother" Mikey states.
"But, also...I can't forgive Baji for siding with Kazutora after everything..."

Mikey stands up and turns to Takemichi.

"But what I really don't understand is....why did Y/N join Valhalla....he is on Kazutora's side too. By now, Y/N surely knows about the fight and our background..." Mikey took a deep breath to stay calm.

"Mikey-Kun, I am sure things will go fine okay?" Takemichi spoke.

"Also, I told you to bring Baji back didn't I? Why is Chifuyu here?" Mikey asked.


Sorry for any typo!
Hope you liked it!

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now