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Y/N faces Kisaki that is currently trying to blackmail him.
But Kisaki was surprised by how confident and unaffected he was about Mikey finding out.

Kisaki ignores that and told Y/N his intentions.

"Help me to take over Toman"

Y/N was dumbfounded.
"Do you believe that I will betray my boyfriend like that and help you take over HIS Gang where all my friends are?"

"If you break up with him, it will be alright" Kisaki smiles.

"Get real, I will not help you. I will beat your weak looking ass if you say anything more" Y/N threatened the other.

Kisaki was calm and just sighed as the other turns to walk away.

Hanma suddenly appeared to stop Y/N from leaving. Now he was found between the two.

"Mikey will never believe what you tell him" Y/N stated.

"Yeah, pretty sure he won't listen to me" Kisaki agrees making Y/N tilted his head in confusion.
"But he will believe in what he sees"

Y/N was about to snap again by Kisaki's nonsense.
But Hanma grabs Y/N's wrist and waist, then pressed the boy against the nearest wall.
The taller forced himself to kiss Y/N's neck.

Y/N struggles and kicks Hanma away.

"What is wrong with you?!" He said angrily.

"Do we have a deal?" Kisaki shows his phone  telling him that he got the pic.

"Son of a bitch..."

"Y/N! Are you there?" Mikey could be heard looking for Y/N.

Y/N looks back and then glares at Kisaki.
"Don't you dare to do anything with the photo.....we will discuss about this later..."

"At the back of the school, 9 pm" Kisaki spoke.

"Damn you....Mikey invited me to go to his house at that time." Y/N frowns  unsatisfied with everything right now.

"You show up or the photo will be shown to Mikey" Kisaki leaves with Hanma.

"Fuck you..."

Y/N quickly turns and runs to Mikey, hiding his anger behind his smile.

"You took so long, that girl already went back in and your still here?" Mikey asked.

"We just argued a little about the phone number thingy, needed to calm down after that" Y/N lied.

"Let's go back in, you must be hungry" Mikey holds Y/N's hand.

"I am not hungry, I am Y/N" Y/N said making Mikey frown.

"That's the worst joke I've heard" Mikey giggles.

"Hahahha, sorryy"

The moment they get back in, the food was already on the table and the captains were waiting for the couple.

The girl was staring at Mikey and Y/N.
Y/N noticed while sitting next to Mikey.

"Let's eat!" The blonde yells.

Y/N holds Mikey's chin with two fingers and gives him a kiss while looking at the girl.

"We didn't have to see that" Draken spoke while eating.

"But someone elese had to" Y/N widely smiles.

Mikey just smiled and gave the kiss back.

The girl was stunned, she told her friends that she wasn't feeling well and left early.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now