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In the middle of the class, Y/N got out of his seat and left the classroom without warning.

The teacher noticed, but only rolled her eyes.
She continues to talk even tho most of the students didn't care at all.

Y/N took his phone out and went to the restroom to call someone.

"Hello?" Y/N said.

"Hi honey!" A woman's voice spoke.

"Mother, how are you?" Y/N said smiling.

"You called me just to say hi? That's sweet!" She chuckled.

"This is the only time I can call you and have a talk" Y/N gave a little giggle.

"Let me ask, how is your relationship with that boy?" The mother asked.

"You mean Mikey?....well, he is....cool" Y/N was a little embarrassed talking about Mikey in front of his mother.

"Are you shy?" The woman laughed a little.

"I am not! But, Mikey is really sweet with me, I am actually willing to stay with him forever" Y/N akwardly laughed.

In the middle of the talk, a group of people went to the restroom interrupting Y/N's call.

"Yoooo, look who is here" The one in the middle said.

"Mother, I will call you next time ok?" Y/N said.

"Alright honey, take care!" The woman said and Y/N hang up.

"Beautiful face, amazing S/C(skin color) skin, H/C(hair color) hair...isn't this the well-known Y/N L/N?" The guy said giving glances to his buddies.

"I've heard that he changed a lot" one spoke.

"Are you sure?"

"He doesn't get into fights too much like before" The guy said.

"Oh no! Please leave me alone! I don't want to fight! I am scared!" Y/N stepped back acting scared.

The boys smirked and gave judgmental looks.

"Aww, short ass" The guy in the middle laughed and pushed him.

"Woah! Don't touch him!" Anothe stopped his friend.


"Don't catch gay virus!" They laughed after hearing that.

"You're right! Who is his boyfriend by the way?" They asked.

"I don't know, maybe some weird ass Creep hahah" they continued to laugh.

Y/N who was just messing around acting defenseless got upset hearing them talk about his boyfriend.

"Yo, if I am not wrong...You're a freshman right?" Y/N crossed his arms and stood straight.

"So what? Are you gonna teach me a lesson senpai?" The middle guy gave a middle finger.

Y/N smiled at the boy's face.

"Oh, I would love to" Y/N cracked his knuckles and charges for his face.

The other ones tried to push Y/N away from the first guy, but they ended up being thrown against the wall.

"If I hear you all talk about something related to me again I will kill you all" Y/N hides his hands on the pockets, kicks the boy that's laying on the floor and walks out.

Y/N checked the time, clicked his tongue after because he lost the opportunity to talk to his mother. It was rare to talk to her.

Y/N now pissed off, walked back to his class and grabs his belongings.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now