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After school, Y/N ran out of the classroom as fast as he could.
Searching for his phone while running and fell above someone.

"Look where you're going" A boy with glasses said.

"You're too short, he might have not seen you " his tall friend said laughing.

"Who's this bitch" The boy with glasses said looking at Y/N.

Y/N stood up and stared at them.

"Watch your mouth and move away from my way" Y/N pushes them out of his way.

"Y/N L/N the biggest bitch of the school" The tall one said chuckling.

Y/N heard it and turned around.
He noticed the tattoo in the other's hands and recognized him.

"Hanma Shuiji" Y/N said his name.

"You know me?"

"Who wouldn't know your horse looking ass?" Y/N said.

Hanma was going to say something, but Y/N's phone started to ring.
The boy smiles after hearing the phone ringing and walks away.
Hanma gets annoyed and yells.

"Why are you running!" He said.
(Not a reference 👀)

"Fuck off" Y/N continues to walk and picks up his phone.
"Mikey! My lessons ended!"

"I know, that's why I called you" Mikey said in the other side with a smile.
"Where are you?"

"I am still in school, accidentaly met a horse in the way" Y/N said.

"A horse? Are animals allowed in your school?" Mikey chuckled.

"Maybe, thats why there are a bunch of dogs in this school" Y/N said it loudly, everyone in the hallways heard.

"Woah, whaaat that was mean, I see you're being naughty" Mikey didn't see it coming.

"I am just a little salty today, it happens" Y/N laughed.

"I am coming to pick you up, wait for me! The boys are coming too if you don't mind" Mikey said, Y/N could hear his bike's engine turning on.

"No problem!" Y/N said.

"Bye bye! Love you" Mikey gets on his bike.

"Bye bye!"

"Say it back!" Mikey yelled

"Hmmm no, I will say in when you get here" Y/N smiled and hang up.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa?" Mikey whined.
"Let's get going!"

"Wait a little more! You will not die if you don't get kisses from your boyfriend" Baji Keisuke gets on his bike.

"UWuWh I l0v3 yU0" Nahoya Kawata hugs himself making duck lips and mocks the way Mikey said it.

"Haha, Smiley-Kun, shut the fuck up" Mikey gave him a middle finger.

"Let's just go already!" Draken yells and they go.

Y/N was waiting infront of the school gate.
He heard people talk shit about him like always, but he never cared about it.

"What is he doing standing there?" A girl said.

"Ahaha, maybe doing he's job, being a prostitute" They laughed quietly.

Y/N heard it, but the fact that Mikey will arrive soon made him hold the urge to beat them up.

'Mikey is taking way too long' Y/N thought.

"Ee, that's disgusting!" A boy said.

Y/N suddenly smiled, he saw Mikey and his friends coming from far away.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now