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In the next day's morning, Mikey was awake at 5 Am, he just couldn't sleep.

'Y/N is leaving today at 6Am....' Mikey thought.
'I feel like I forgot something....'

He stood up and walks around his room, opened his closet and found a small box.

"SHIT! FORGOT TO GIVE HIM THIS!" Mikey quickly dresses up and brushes his teeth.

Didn't get his hair done and rushes to his bike.

"WHY DID I FORGET THIS!" Mikey starts his bike and quickly goes to the airport.

When he arrived at 5:45 Am to the airport, it was full of people at the moment, Mikey runs inside and tries to find Y/N or his parents.

"Y/N!" Mikey yelled.

"What" Y/N heard Mikey's voice vit couldn't find him.

"Y/N!!" Mikey finally caught Y/N and runs to him, pushing everyone away from his way.

"Mikey? I didn't think you would come here" Y/N was surprised as Mikey hugs him.

"Shit...I just...here, keep it safe" Mikey gives the small box to Y/N.

"Thank you very much Mikey, I will keep it with all my heart" Y/N said and Mikey immediately kisses him.

"Hey?" Y/N's father was in shock.

"Shh, let them be Honey" The mother smiles.

Soon Y/N's flight was called, Mikey was afraid to let Y/N go.

"I need to leave..."Y/N said as he starts walking away.

"Sure...have a safe trip" Mikey smiles for him as the other walks away.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" Y/N waves to him.

Mikey did the same and then stopped when Y/N couldn't be seen anymore.

"Are you ok?" Y/N's mother checks ok Y/N.

"I am...fine" Y/N wipes his tears as they get in the airplane.

Moments after, Y/N's flight was already leaving Japan.
Mikey runs out of the airport and sees the airplane in the sky.

"Can you see me?" Mikey wonders.

Y/N was looking down and saw the blonde one getting smaller and smaller until he couldn't see him again.

"What did he give me?" Y/N looks at the small box and opens it.

He is then surprised with a silver ring on it and a small note saying "I love you".

Y/N took the ring and puts it on his finger.
'I love you too'
Y/N gives it a little kiss.

Meanwhile, Mikey was getting home alone.
Feeling like the most unfortunate man right now, after Y/N leaving.

When he arrives his house, the boy quickly goes to his room and gets another small box.
Where it had another silver ring.

A days after, Y/N sent a message to Mikey.

"Wanna do call?" Y/N asks and Mikey quickly accepts.

"HELLO!" Y/N greets.

"Hi Y/N-san!" Takemichi could be heard.

"Hi~ How are you doing" Mikey asks.

"I am great and you?" Y/N smiled behind the phone.

"Mikey is terrible, because you're not here" Draken said and laughed with other people.

"Leave me alone!" Mikey tries to run away and get to a quiet place.
"Anyways uhm...how is it going there?"

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now