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The sound of police sirens could be heard and both gangs begin to leave.

Mikey carries Y/N bridal style and proceeds to leave too.
While Kazutora decides to stay with Baji's body.

Mikey doesn't step in Kazutora's decision and let it be.
The tattooed boy bows and apologized.

"I don't expect forgiveness about Shinchirou and Baji's death...I will carry tge weight of their deaths with me for the rest of my life..."
Kazutora said, Mikey didn't say anything and leaves with Y/N still on his arms.

Soon, the police arrived the car lot.

"Rose, there are two people" Kurai said.

"We're at work! Call me Scarlett dumbass" It was Y/N's parents.
"And I can see"

"Sheesh...Calm down"

"SHUT" Rose rolled her eyes.
"Seems like a gang fight happened...should we investigate?"

"No, no, no! This is our job! I am thankful that top units like you two are here, but this is our job" an old officer said.

"Let's leave" Kurai holds Rose's hand and they leave.

"Some old Japanese people are really intolerant huh" Rose rolled her eyes again.

"Let's go back home" Kurai said and the woman nods.
"I am back" Mikey said as he still carries Y/N on his arms and arrives home.

"Brother? Oh my God....what happened to Y/N and your head!" Emma was disturbed by their stage.

"I will go to my room and take care of Y/N. Might get me the first aid? " He asked and Emma quickly goes to get the first aid.

Then the blonde one goes to his room.
Emma then takes the first aid to him and leaves.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" Mikey puts the boy laying on the couch.
"How did you get into this mess..."

Y/N slowly opened his eyes and saw himself in Mikey's room.

"Mikey" Y/N rubs his eyes.
"Mikey! Are you alright? Gosh, your head..."

"I am fine" Mikey touches Y/N's hand.

"What happened when I dropped?" Y/N asks as Mikey starts applying the medicine on Y/N's wounds.
"Ouch ouch ouch, this hurts"

"Kazutora was arrested..." Mikey said.

"....at least you didn't kill him or you're the one in jail" Y/N sighed.

"Takemichi made a whole ass speech...couldn't argue with him haha"
Mikey smiled.
"Seeying you all injured with bandages remembers me of our first months of dating"

"Wah? Why are you mentioning our dating days...kinda awkward now" Y/N looks to the side.

"Is it? I am sorry....Y/N"


"Are you keeping something from me?" Mikey gently strokes Y/N'S hands.

"N-...no?" He lied.

"I see....Then let me confess something" Mikey puts his hands on Y/N's face.

Y/N waits for Mikey to speak, but he decides to wait and build confidence.

"Y/N L/N" He finally said something.

"Manjiro Sano?...are we doing a name check or something? Haha...." Y/N's heart was beating really fast as he noticed Mikey getting closer.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now