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Everyone is waiting for the news about Draken.

I was sitting on the chair waiting too, the Toman captains were present, but they didn't even look at me.

Are they mad at me because I am a bad person or they think I cheated on Mikey?

Once again, I can't speak up for myself.
I need to tell them....

The room's silence was broke by Mikey's arrival.

We kept eye contact, he was the first to break it.
I am feeling so....bad.
What do I say?

"M--"I opened my mouth.

"How is Ken-chi" Mikey interrupted.

"We don't know yet" Takemichi answers.
"We need to wait"

Mikey nodded.
He stood there staring at the lights, waiting for it to change.

'What am I doing here...No one will even care' I stood up.

The lights changed and the surgeon walks out.
Telling the great new that Draken was alive.

I let out a relieved sigh.
And prepared to leave.

Of course I had to walk past Mikey...
My heart hurts....
I need to speak with him!

Stopped in the middle of the way, turned back and held the edge of Mikey's shirt.
He ignored.

"Mikey" I Raised my head to look at him, but he was facing the other side.

"Mikey! Should we leave?" Baji asked.

"Sure" Mikey smiled for him, ignoring my presence.

"Mikey!" I held his wrist.
"Please...just let me speak. At least hear what I got to say....I beg you"

Mikey finally glanced at me, pulled his arm back.

"Let's find a private place then" Mikey walks to an opposite side.

"What is he doing" Baji raised an eyebrow.

"Draken is fine!! YES! Did you hear that Mikey??....Where is he" Takemichi looks around and didnt find the blonde one.

Meanwhile in a more private place, me and Mikey stared at each other.

"Say what you want" Mikey started.

"Mikey, I love you, please don't leave me" I said.
"I am sorry, I lied, but I was going to tell you the truth! Not today but..."

"So you did cheat" Mikey frowns with a smile in disbelief.

"I didn't! I never did! I would never cheat on you! I promise!" I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

"Then what's the truth you wanted to tell me?! Non of the things Hanma said was good! I never thought I was dating such a disgusting person" Mikey yelled.

I felt weak, I was scared to speak back.

"Y-you said you would try to understand my side before, please list---" I was cut by Mikey.

"What side? Just tell me...What side!? The side where you bully people, hurt them for NO REASON? What is wrong with you"  Mikey got closer and raised his voice.


"But you didn't change at all right? Tell me, did you succeed at stopping being a bitch?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't just call me that" I laughed in disbelief.

"And you didn't just make me work hard on a fake relationship" Mikey said back

I can't believe he said this...
I...can't take it anymore.

"Fake?! You fucking bastard! I worked so hard to keep you around me, acting all lovely-dovely just for you! Even tho my personality wasn't real! My feelings towards you were!" I pushed Mikey, yelled my lungs out.

"Did I ask you to pretend? I NEVER ASKED YOU TO BE SOMEONE WHO YOU WEREN'T!" He yelled and pushed me back.

"You said you liked me because I was kind! So I tried to change myself! It was your fault! If it wasn't you! We'd never meet! You could've just let me alone!"

"Do you even hear yourself?" Mikey chuckled.
"My fault? If you really loved me why did you keep this from me?! And what the fuck are the photos Hanma had!"

"I was forced, blackmailed and threatened to give Hanma information about your fucking gang. I did all I could just to protect you!"

"I don't need protection!  I am strong enough to handle things myself, why the fuck you didn't tell me?!"

"It was for y--"

"Because you thought about yourself Y/N"

"Hahah...I can't believe this, I wish we never met! I would be happier! Without having to deal with this shit!" I Chuckled and held my head with my hands.

"Great, thank you for speaking, you can leave" Mikey smiled.

This reaction made me even more broken, instead of showing anger, I copied him.

"Right, thank you for your time Manjiro" I quickly turned around and left the place.

Y/N POV End.

Mikey leaned to the walls and sat down.
Crying his eyes out after everything that happened today.
He was really upset by Draken's situation and heartbroken after acknowledging  the real side of Y/N L/N.

While Y/N was walking fast through the hallways, to leave the place and coincidentally meet Takemichi.

"L/N-KUN " Takemichi saw the boy walking furious.

"Out of my fucking way!" Y/N yelled making Takemichi step to the side.

Further the hallways, Emma was there.

"Y/N what happened? Where is Mikey" She asked.

"I don't know, I am leaving" Y/N continues to walk forward and spotted the Toman captains.

"What happened?" Emma followed the boy.

Y/N turns around.

"We broke up, amazing right? Now I need to leave before I see his face again" Y/N smiled and walks through the Toman Captains pushing them away of his way.

"Y/N, don't act like he was the wrong after you messed the things up" Baji spoke.

"..." Y/N stopped and slowly turns around.
"Do you think I give a fuck? Leave me alone! There is no need to talk with me anymore, think whatever you want, just keep in mind that I never cheated on him"

Y/N gives a middle finger after starting to walk away again.

"What kind of Crack he was on" Nahoya commented.
"You said you'd try to understand my side....." Y/N broke down in tears after finding a quiet place.
Drowning on his own thoughts, regretting a lot all of his behaviors.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!♡

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now