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"Can I bring Souya?" Nahoya asked.

"Of course!" Y/N said walking to the bathroom.

Draken was looking around the living room and found cigarettes.

"Mikey? Does Y/N smoke?" Draken asked.

"He never smells like cigarettes to me" Mikey replied, taking a look at the cigarettes.

"It might not be his" Mitsuya said.

"Y/N doesn't smoke, I don't know why he has this..." Mikey started to think.

"Oooooh, is Mikey being cheated on? " Baji spoke and Mikey gave a angry look.
"What....it was a joke"

"Y/N would never cheat on me, don't bring bad luck saying that!" Mikey got angry.

"Ok OK, I am sorry" Baji closed his mouth.

"I am back!" Y/N walks out of the bathroom.

He saw the group looking at him, with a box of cigarettes on Mikey's hands.

'How did they find that!? I thought I threw them out months ago' Y/N kept a straight face, but inside his head he was panicking.

"Do you smoke?" Mikey asked first.

"I don't smoke...I...uhm....I went to a family event where my uncle gave everyone a box of cigarettes...he's a smoker, I just accepted it" Y/N made it up.

"Whaaat, why are you lying?" Mitsuya smirked.
"Weren't your family out of the country?"

"Only my parents! The end of the story is that I don't smoke!" Y/N crossed his arms.

The door knocked, Nahoya went to open it and it was his twin.

"Hello Y/N" Souya slightly bows for Y/N who did the same.

"Let's go eat?" Y/N said.

They all forgot about the cigarettes and excitedly ran towards their bikes.

"I really don't smoke" Y/N said to Mikey who was waiting for him.

"I believe you, but even if you did, I would be ok with it" Mikey said.


"Because it's you" Mikey gave a little kiss on Y/N's forehead.
"Let's go"

"where are we going?" Nahoya asked.

"You know that new restaurant?" Y/N Said after locking the door.

"Whaaat, that's expensive" Mitsuya was surprised.

"I have enough" Y/N chuckled.

"You're rich!" Souya was amazed

"Thanks to my parents" Y/N smiled.

They turned the engine on and started to drive.

"By the way, I have a new friend, do you want to meet him?" Mikey asked to the boy.

"A new friend?...his name?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Hanagaki Takemichi" Mikey answers.
"He's a funny guy and cries a lot!"

"Cool" Y/N said.

"Are you jealous?" Draken teased.

"WhaAt"Y/N gasps while offended.
"Why should I be jealous? I don't even know that Hanagaki guy! How am I supposed to be jealous if I don't even know how he is! That's just nonsense! I will shut up"

"He is jealous!" Baji said it loudly.

"Whatever, but I am happy that you're making new friends tho" Y/N said it to Mikey.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now