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Takemichi got back in the future, trying to get more information, going to ask future Draken about the past.

"That's all, do you need anything more?" Draken asked.

"I just need to know about Y/N-San now..." Takemichi said.

Which made Draken trouble, because seems like he and Y/N had a weird relation in the future.

"You know, that I got in jail for killing someone right?" Draken sighed.

"W-was it Y/N-San!? " Takemichi was afraid.

"What! No! The last person I would kill is Y/N! Why do you think I would kill him? He is very alive" Draken was also indignant by the thought of killing Y/N.

"So...what about him?" Takemichi asked.

"Hah...this is pretty sad to say. But Y/N left Japan days after Bloody Halloween..." Draken looks down, hiding the sadness behind a weak smile that wouldn't convince anyone.

"He left?...." Takemichi was confused.

"It surely broke Mikey's heart...let me tell you a secret" Draken chuckled.

"I am listening"Takemichi smiled back, trying to light a little the pressure that was in the room.

"Mikey is someone who really doesn't like to show his weaknesses in front of people and so does Y/N you might already know" Draken started.
"Mikey used to pretend that he moved on and shit. But he would call me in the middle of the night and ask if he did anything weird in front of Y/N so he can change to not look bad"

They both chuckled.

"But sadly, Mikey never knew that Y/N was going to leave. I remember the way Mikey would run around trying to find Y/N. This dude just couldn't believe that Y/N left without saying anything..."
After Draken said that, Takemichi was feeling emotional.

He suddenly remembers a memory.

Which was Mikey knocking on his door in the past.
In a raining day, Mikey was crying and asking if he knew where Y/N was.
Immediately running to the next place to ask about where Y/N has been after being told that he didn't know.

Draken was following Mikey, with an umbrella on his hand trying to reach the shorter.
Takemichi also grabs his umbrella and follows Mikey around.

"Y/N!....please come back...." Takemichi remembered Mikey falling to his knees and starting to cry heart out.

Back to the current situation.
Takemichi remembered how Mikey was broken by losing Y/N.
From that, Takemichi saw himself on Mikey when he lost Hinata.

'Mikey should know about Y/N's leaving...' Takemichi decided.

"And another thing, the one who put the handcuffs on me was Y/N" Draken smiled.


"Yeah, I also was shocked when I saw him there...I think he became a police officer or something ahahah"

"Oh well....it's my time now...need to go" Draken said as he was taken away.

"I will do anything I can! I promise!" Takemichi yelled.
Walking out of there, Naoto was outside waiting for him.

"How was it" Naoto asked.

"Got a lot of information..." Takemichi answers.

"Well, shall we go back to--" He was cut off by a phone call.
"...excuse me"

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now