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Sorry for any typo!

'Is this shit really happening?' Y/N asked himself as he holds two bags full of snacks, because the other members started to demand things.

Walking out of the store and goes back to Valhalla's hideout.

When he got there, he saw Baji Keisuke Walking out of Valhalla's hideout and Y/N immediately covers his face.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Baji asked, recognized Y/N and started suspecting.

"Me? That's what I am going to ask you" Y/N asked back.

"I am leaving Toman..." He said without hesitation.

Y/N stopped his thoughts for a second and then continued to talk.

"You're leaving Toman?...are you joining Valhalla?" Y/N asked him again.

"I just don't feel like following Mikey anymore, I am sticking with Kazutora" Baji sighed.
"Hold on, you're joining Valhalla too right?"

"Well...yeah" Y/N shrugged.

"Are you giving your back to Mikey?!" Baji aggressively holds Y/N.

"Hey! This kinda hurts ok? Let my arm go!" Y/N warned.
"Says the one who is going to leave him for Valhalla!"

"That's not what I am talking about...Don't you care about Mikey's feelings? What will he think about!" Baji stares at Y/N who was still confused.

"Hey! I am just going for one fight! It's not a big deal, Mikey doesn't have nothing to do with this. You're the one who is leaving for another gang!" Y/N couldn't understand Baji's intentions.
Baji was joining Valhalla, but he wonders why it is a big problem for him to join.

"You don't understand!" Baji let Y/N go.
"Valhalla is Toman's enemy! And that one fight you're joining is the one they'll be fighting!"

Y/N finally had the thoughts together and started to panic.

"What" The fear in Y/N's eyes could be clearly seen by Baji.

"But I can't leave anymore....I don't want to fight Mikey" Y/N's tears starts to fall down, but he couldn't make any expression by how affected he was.

"...Did you meet Kazutora?" Baji asked and Y/N only nods.
"We could talk with him and-"

"No, it's no use...I already tried my best to fight against...." Y/N said slightlyshaking, he was scared of Kazutora's power and strength.

"This is a really messed up situation...Mikey will also be upset by this..." Baji said.
'I can't tell him this now...it will make the things worst'

"I need to go..." Y/N cleans his face and grabs the bags.

Before Y/N leaves Baji there, the taller one hugs Y/N.

"Baji?" Y/N felt the warm hug and couldn't help but cry again.

"Stay strong Y/N....You're not alone" Baji said before letting him go.

Y/N gave the hug back and cried.
But this time he let his voice out.
Crying with all his emotions and strength.

"Thank you..."Y/N stepped back and bows.

"There is no need to say that, We're friends right? Ahaha" Baji pats Y/N's head.
"I am leaving now, see you"

Y/N nodded and sees Baji leaving.

He wipes the tears off and took a deep breath.
He still had to walk for some minutes, so he started to run to Valhalla.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now