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After talking a lot, I became good friends with him and started to feel something for Mikey after hanging out with.

I don't usually open myself to other people so fast, but Mikey's presence is different. It makes me want to do my best every time when I am around him.

I remember calling Mikey one night to hangout with him.

"Mikey!" I said after the other side picks up.

"Hi~ What do you want? It's late night" Mikey said yawning.

"Oh, I am sorry, I will call tomorrow" I was about to hang up.

'How can I be so stupid! Calling him at night? I am embarrassing myself' I thought.

"No no, now you're going to say it" Mikey interrupted.

"I was just going to ask if you want to hangout" I explained.

"Oh, OK! I am fine with that" Mikey said.

"Are you sure? You don't have to"

"Nah, shut up, I am going to your house! Wait for me" He ends the call.

I was sitting on my bed, staring at my phone. I don't know why...my heart is beating so fast....
I kept checking the time, it was almost midnight.

I looked outside of the window, walked around and sat down. I couldn't be quiet!
Suddenly, someone yells.

"Y/N! I am hereee!" I heard Mikey's voice.

My heart that was starting to calm down before he arrived, started to beat faster.

"What is happening to meee" I put my hands on my chest and felt my face heating up.

"Y/N!! Are you there! I am going to leave!" Mikey yells.

I quickly ran down stairs and opened the door for him.
He noticed that I was out of breath and nervous.

"What are you doing? You look tired" Mikey said tilting his head.

"No no, nothing.....I was just doing exercise...yeah" I lied.

"I called Ken-Chi to hangout but he wanted to sleep, so it will be just us" Mikey said and I felt somehow happy.

Usually Draken would hangout with us everytime, he is cool and a good friend  but sometimes I just want Mikey's attention for myself...

"What are we going to do?" Mikey asked.

"I actually don't know...." I scratch the back of my head with a akward smile.

"You called me to hangout without a plan?" Mikey raised a eyebrow and I stayed in silence.


"Let's drive around then!" Mikey grabs my wrist.

He drags me to his bike and made me sit behind him.

"Hold tighter" He said turning the engine on.

It's not the first time I sat on Mikey's bike, but my heart races every time I find myself this close to him.

He starts to drive around and we just enjoy the night breeze.
After moments  we were in a street with a lot of cars, the sound getting louder, I knew Mikey was cursing at the situation, but I couldn't hear him.

"Mikey" I spoke, but the loud noise covers my voice.

"Where did those cars came from! Fuck!" Mikey said, but I couldn't hear.

"I think I like you" I said hugging him tightly.

"They finally started to move! Let's go!" He starts to drive.

Now that we finally got out of that situation, we were having a break in Musahi Shrine.
I was drinking water and Mikey was laying down.

"I am tired" Mikey said.

"You want to go back?" I asked him.

"Not now, let me rest a little" He said and stays in silence.

I stared at the stars and said his name.

"Manjiro Sano"




"Are you sleeping?" I looked at him.


I looked back at the stars and said his name again.

"Manjiro Sano!" I slightly raised my voice and took a small glance to see if I woke him up or not.


"You're such a good friend...But I wish we could be more than just friends" I lowered my voice and looked down.
"I think....I like you"


"No, it's not just liking you....I think I love you" I sighed.
"I was unsure if it was or not before....but now I am sure of it"


"Don't you want to say it when I am awake?" I heard a giggle

I looked back to see Mikey staring at me with a smile.
I was embarrassed, the first reaction I had was to stand up and try to run away.
But Mikey stood up too, grabbed my arm and pulled me into him for a hug.

"Don't run away Y/N" He said whispering in my ear.

"You heard everything...why didn't you say anything before?" I asked him while frozen by his hug.

"I was just messing around, I didn't know someone was going to confess their love for me" Mikey chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me..." I looked to the side.

"But hey!" Mikey grabs my face making me look at him.


"I am happy that I am not the only one who feels this way"

That's it, the happiness I felt blew my mind.

"W-w...." I tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.


"WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND!?" I suddenly yelled with my eyes closed.

"Sure thing" Mikey answers me with a kiss on my lips.

"Don't you feel weird?" I asked.

"Weird? Of what"

"That...a boy likes you, people will say bad things about us being together...I don't really care about what others think, but I don't know if you're..." I continued to hug him.

"I am fine with that, we're not keeping our relation in secret! If someone says anything, I will kill them" Mikey chuckled.

"By the way, why do you like me?" I asked sitting down again.

"Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like you? You're an amazing person  caring, funny, kind hearted and cute!" Mikey sat next to me.

"I hope you're not lying" I smiled.

"I hate liars, I will not lie to you Y/N!" Mikey said with a bright smile.

"....me too! I will never lie" I forced my self to say it.
I hated the fact that I lied for so long...
If felt like swallowing needles down while saying that.

■FlashBack off■

It's too late for me, if he finds that I am a insincere, bad person, bully and a two faced...I will lose him.

That's why I am trying to stop fighting too much, but the karma from the past is still chasing me.
After all these little encounters...Mikey will start suspecting something for sure.


-Hope you liked it!-
-Sorry for any typo-

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now