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❗You might feel single as hell in real life
Or you already are and it doesn't affect you anymore 👀
(Dw, you're not alone :')  )

Mikey was on his way, while a fight involving Y/N might start.

"I will teach you a lesson" The guy prepared a punch.

Y/N dodged it easily since the guy was slow.

"Instead, let me teach you how to punch" Y/N punched back.

He was about to attack the guy more, but got interrupted by two people locking his arms.

"Well, only losers need help. Couldn't expect less" Y/N laughed as the guy stands up.

Y/N was being beaten up, but he only laughed.

"It doesn't even hurt~ my man can do better " Y/N couldn't help but laugh.

In the middle of the situation, Mikey arrived and walks in. He looks around the courtyard and found people making a fuss.

Y/N saw Mikey trying to see what was happening behind the guy and stopped laughing.

'Damn it....I can't force the tears right now....' Y/N thought.
'Why are you appearing like that so suddenly!'

Y/N stares at the guy in front of him.
He got confused by the sudden change.

"What are you looking at? Continue laughing! Weren't you having fun?" The guy Continues to punch Y/N.

"Please...let me leave..." Y/N said looking weak.
"I am sorry"

"What the hell?" The guy frown.

"Pelase! Leave me alone!" Y/N yelled.

Everyone was confused.

Mikey heard his boyfriend's voice and started to push people away.
The blonde saw his boyfriend being held against his will and felt his blood boil.

Y/N looks at the boy in front of him who suddenly got hit by a heavy kick from Mikey.

"That's Manjiro Sano! What the hell is he doing here!" People started murmuring.

"Mikey!" Y/N looks at the boy with a weak expression.

"What? Why are you acting like this!" The guy stood up and grabs Y/N.

"Get your hands off" Mikey warned.
"No one is going to touch him under my presence"

"What is happening?" The guy laughed.
"He doesn't need your protection? Are you blind or something?" The guy smirks pointing at Y/N.
"Y/N L/N acts like the boss around here and beats us everytime he wants. Also——"

Y/N glared at the guy, making him not daring to speak more.

"...what?" Y/n acts like he doesn't understand a single word the boy said.

Mikey turns to Y/N and gives him his backpack.

"Thank you" Y/N said and Mikey touches his jaw.

Then the blonde one gives another kick to the guy.

"Be careful with what you say, if I see you again. I will make sure your parents don't recognize you next time you go home." Mikey kicks the boy away.

"Thank you Mikey" Y/N said.
"My class will start, I need to go"

"Be careful, I told you. If someone bothers you again, tell me as soon as possible" Mikey said giving the boy a hug.

"Bye bye" Y/N waves at him leaving.

After confirming Mikey leaving, Y/N smiles widely.

"Move" Y/N kicks the guy on the ground who was still in pain because of Mikey's kicks.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now