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31st of October

《Bloody Halloween 》

The fight, everyone gathered at a abandoned car lot to watch the fight between the two gangs.
Some went there to see drama.
Some went to see bloody fight.

Everyone excited for today's big event.

"Walk next to Kazutora" Hanma demanded Y/N to.

Y/N just obeys and stands in the front line next to Kazutora.

'I can't get nervous...I need to do my best' Y/N prepared his heart.

Toman hasn't arrived yet, they stood there waiting for the opponent.
Y/N looks around and spotted two familiar people.

The Haitani brothers.

'Snack thief' Y/N yelled in his mind and pointed at them with anger on his face.

Ran and Rindou just smirked and knew what Y/N was thinking about.

'Don't you guys dare to leave after the fight' Y/N draw a line on his neck.

Finally, Toman arrived the battlefield.

Y/N unconsciously stepped back and slightly hides behind Kazutora.
Somehow embarrassed to face Mikey at the moment.

"Thanks for overseeing the fight" Mikey said to the overseer.

Next, the representatives of both gangs would decide the format of the fight.

"Five on five or all-out" Draken gives Kazutora the right to decide.
"Since Valhalla started the conflict, you decide. We only have one goal, that's to bring Y/N and Baji back"

Y/N was surprised and confused at the same time.
He thought that Toman saw him as enemy, but why would they try to take him back?

'Take me and Baji back?' Y/N looks around to find Baji, but couldn't see him anywhere.

Then he glanced at Mikey who was focused of Draken and Kazutora.

'Mikey....I will do my best for you' Y/N puts a determined expression.

Well, Y/N's gaze slowly goes lower and without noticing, he focused on Mikey's abs.
Mikey caught Y/N staring at him.

'Shit!' Y/N blushed and froze, he couldn't take his eyes off Mikey.

'My eyes are up here' Mikey lip synced with a smirk.

"Take Y/N and Baji back?" Kazutora laughed and made Y/N pay attention back to the two representatives.
"Baji joined Valhalla on his own. Y/N was already in Valhalla 3 months ago. What do you mean take them back?"

Y/N quickly looks at Mikey, who was surprised by the new information about Y/N being in Valhalla 3 months ago.

'I swear to God....I will kill Kisaki, he set me up....And I was stupid enough to accept his invite! ' Y/N sighed, knowing that he also made a bad decision.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now