Extra Chap

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"Y/N, are you busy?" Mikey called his man.

"Actually I am...I just need to sneak into a rich man's social gathering, arrest the owner and some rich dudes that participated. It's kind of far away from Tokyo so I need to leave early" Y/N was getting his suit, he is going undercover as a butler.

"Sure, see you there" Mikey hangs up.

"See y-...mf hang up!"Y/N rolled his eyes.
"Wait is he going to be there!?"

Y/N starts checking himself in the mirror

"I better look good..." Y/N grabs a small mirror and puts it on his pocket.

"Sir, the first unit already got into the enemy's base, they are preparing the decorations and illegal substances" A person knocks on the door.
" Bonten is going to be there"

"Is it?....Remember to focus on our goal, this isn't about Bonten this time" Y/N got ready and opened the door.

"Yes sir"

"Let's get going"

In the afternoon, Y/N was already undercover.
He was now putting the deserts on the tables and moving tables.

"Are you new here?" Y/N was surprised by someone suddenly calling him out.
It was the place's owner.

"I was hired just to help today...Will be leaving after this event..." Y/N bows.

"Oh, I see hahah, if tou need anything just ask ok?" He smiled and winks at Y/N.

"Thank you" Y/N bows again as the man walks away to bother the other workers and making them uncomfortable.

"Disgusting" Y/N walks away.

"Sir, the last unit arrived and they are around the residence"

"Tell them to not space out and register every car plate" Y/N walks pass his ally who nods and quickly distributed the message.

Walking to the kitchen, there was no one, Y/N looks around and pulls the small mirror out.

"Ah....what am I doing! Focus!" Y/N sighs and takes a last look on the mirror.
'Will he be the last one to arrive?...Anyways! Back to work"

Y/N grabs the trash bags and takes them out.

Quickly the night falls and everything was prepared.
Y/N got notified that cars were approaching the property and all of Y/N's people got their earbuds on.

"Mr.Seeker, The first car to arrive is from a celebrity's" a person spoke.

"Update me when Bonten's car arrives" Y/N said in a serious tone.

But the one who got told that the mission wasn't about Bonted let out a confused "Huh?".

Not much waiting, a lot of people showed up, celebrities, mafia, rich fuck boys and high status people.

"Sir!" A agent who was outside called.


"Bonten is arriving"

"Great!...I mean, shit...to the unit that's with me inside the house, don't get too close to them" Y/N said as he takes the wine glasses to the entrance.

Y/N waits a bit and soon he could see the white haired man being followed by the other executives.

"Good evening sir, thank you for showing up at our master's social gathering, want a glass of wine to start the event?" Y/N bows formally to Mikey who checks the man up and down with a smirk.

"Sure, I'd like to" Mikey got closer and took one glass.

"Manjiro Sano! Hahah! I've been waiting for Bonten for the whole day!" The owner   walks up to them.
"You can leave now"

He said it to Y/N.

"I already prepared the drugs, when will you take them?"The man said, exited for the money.

"How about after the event?" Mikey suggested.

"Of course ahahah..."

With Y/N, he was told that the operation was delayed and they couldn't proceed right now.

"What do you mean by that! Who the fuck messed the things up! Don't fucking joke around"
He was angry and forced himself to smile and keep the cover.

He spots Mikey on a couch, talking to the other executives.
They made eye contact and Y/N points at the fruits.

He takes the bowl and takes it to Mikey.

"Here you go Mister" Y/N smiles making Mikey giggle.

"Sit here" Mikey grabs Y/N's wrist and pulls him to sit on his lap.

'The fuck are you doing' Y/N panicked as he looks around, noticing that the other undercovered agents were looking at him.

"Don't get scared Agent Seeker...but I think that you need to take one for the team, no matter what he does...don't denie for your own safety"
Someone said.

"What the fuck do you mean..." Y/N blushed a little as he glanced at Mikey.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Mikey whispered.

"They told me to take one for the team"

"...that's easier for what I want to do" Mikey said making Y/N sweat.

"Don't joke around now...I am at work"

"Aham, And I don't care" Mikey took the wine and had a sip of it.

Holding Y/N's chin and conected their lips.
Mikey made Y/N drink the wine.

Y/N noticed his allys around and decided to play along.

"Sir...that's not appropriate" Y/N looks down.
Mikey was about to laugh but hold it.

'Stop laughing at me! I am doing my job!' Y/N was almost deciding to lock Mikey.
"Stupid...I will fucking arrest you too if you laugh"

"Stupid? How dare a simple bulter talk like that to me?" Mikey pushed Y/N making him lay down on the couch.

"Ok, ok, stop it Mikey, what are you doing...don't get too into the acting...and let me go, there are people around" Y/N whispered.

"Acting? Who said I am acting" Mikey smirks.
"Look at you, you're so red! I am sure you're liking this"

"This this this...uh...is because of the wine!" Y/N tries to explain.

"Anyways, I am also not liking the people looking at us, shall we have more privacy just for us" Mikey chuckles.

"Don't make things weird" Y/N sighed.

"Weird? I was referring only about having a private conversation...you didn't change your dirty mind Y/N~" Mikey picks the other man up and takes him out of that lobby.
"But if you want something else...I am up"

"Aham...attention to all units....I don't think I will be taking part of the ambush anymore" Y/N warned.

"We understand Mr.Seeker....keep it strong sir..." They all saluted quietly.

"Did he really ignored us when his man came here?" Sanzu frowns.

"I felt instantly invisible" Kokonoi commented.

"Let them have fun~ Oh, also it's our first time meeting Y/N again after all those years right?" Ran said it to his brother Rindou.

"Hope he already forgot about the snack issue" The younger said.


Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now