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After that, Y/N spend the day out of his mind.
In class he was trying to focus, but the thoughts would always change to Mikey.
That was a bad moment for Mikey to appear when he was trying to move on.

After hours of struggle, the school finally ended and Y/N's mother came to pick him up.

"How was your day?" Y/N'S Mother, Rose asked.

"It was great, for the first time they went quiet the whole lesson" Y/N smiled and got into the car.

"How are you feeling"

"Quiet tired to be honest" Y/N admitted, it has been a long time since he focused on listening to the teacher.

"Go and rest a bit before studying ok?" She suggested and Y/N nodded before leaning back.

'I was supposed to move on!' Y/N saw Mikey's face in his mind again.

He took his phone, he doesn't know what he is doing anymore.

'Did he put a spell on me or something? I can't get you out of my mind!' Y/N was annoyed.

Staring at the contacts, Y/N was lost on his behavior.

'What am I doing' He asked himself.

Without seconds Y/N opened Mikey's contact.

"...." He hesitated.
'What if he blocked me...'

The boy was left thinking on what to do until they arrived.

"Mama! I am going to my room!" Y/N runs inside.

"Rest well honey!" Rose smiled.

In Y/N's room  he threw his things to a corner and lays down on the bed.
Staring at Mikey's contact.

Before saying anything he sent a random emoji to Mikey.
Staring at the "sending..."

"He probably deleted me...." Y/N sighed.

Until it said "Seen" under the message.

The boy quickly deleted it and felt his heart beating faster.

Y/N was able to calm down, but when he saw Mikey typing, almost threw the phone away.

Mikey: 👍

Y/N was glad that he didn't say anything more.

Mikey: What do you want.


Y/N: Nothing.

Mikey: oh, ok.

Dry ass conversation....

Y/N: Uhm, How are you.

Y/N felt anxious when Mikey didn't replie for a while.
He was going to put the phone aside and do homework.

Mikey: I am fine, what about you.

This one response made Y/N smile.

Y/N: I am great, what are you doing.

Mikey: Nothing special.

Y/N: Nice


Y/N: Uhm, my mom is
calling me, I need to go.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now