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"Punch me"Y/N looks at the wounded guy.


"Punch me and I will leave" Y/N said for the last time.

The dude just grabbed Y/N and punched the boy.
Y/N didn't dodge or fight against him.

Mikey who saw that, quickly ran near them.

"You dare to touch what is mine" Mikey murmured and kicked the dude.

"Y/N-San, are you ok?" Draken helps Y/N to stand up.

"Y/N! Your face!" Mikey grabs Y/N's face with both hands.

"It's....hurting" Y/N managed to cry in front of him.

"That's bullshit! He was the one threatening us!" The dude stood up yelling.

"I was trying to protect my self at first...they kept draining money from me...I was trying to get it back, so I decided to attack first" Y/N cries more and hugs Mikey .

"Why would he believe you!?" The dude said.

"Maybe Because they are dating?" Draken replied.

"Give the money back" Mikey said.


"You want me to say it again!?" The blond one yelled.

The boys threw the money at the floor and ran away.
Y/N who was hugging Mikey, saw them looking back, so he gave them a middle finger with a smirk.

"That was dangerous you know?" Mikey looks worried.

"Don't think about it. I am ok now" Y/N smiled.

"The punch and kick were pretty strong I might say" Draken referred.

"Oh...I just tried to imitate Mikey....I can't
really fight" Y/N lies naturally as he breathes.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be having lessons?" Mikey asked.

"M-My teacher didn't show up, so I decided to walk a little. I didn't know I would get into trouble" Y/N looks down.

"If these bullies mess with you again, just call me and I will end them" Mikey kissed Y/N's cheeks.

They were around the same high, Y/N smiled and grabs his hand.

"Let's go somewhere!" Y/N suggested.

"Alright! Ken-chi? Want to come with us?" Mikey asked.

"Nah, not in the mood to third wheel" Draken rejected.
"I will go hang out with Mitsuya for a little"

"Okay! Bye!" Mikey waves to his best friend who is walking away.

"Now it's just the two of us" Y/N felt his face warm and couldn't control his smile.

"You're so cute!" Mikey lifts Y/N and kissed him.

"I love you so much" Y/N said after he was put down.

"I love you too!" Mikey said holding the boy's hand.

"Where do you want to go?" Y/N asked the blonde.

"How about....We go eat!" Mikey said and the other nodded.

"Let's go!" Y/N started to run, dragging Mikey with him.

Inside the restaurant, Y/N was really happy to spend time with his boyfriend.
Mikey was having a great time too.

"Continue eating, don't look at me" Y/N said after swallowing.

"I'd like to eat something else" Mikey smirked making Y/N frustrated.

"W-what" He asked.

"....Dorayaki" Mikey said it with a big smile.

Y/N dumbfounded looks at the corner of his eyes avoiding the eye contact.

"What did you think it was?" Mikey said, knowing what he did to have Y/N embarrassed.

"You did it on purpose!" Y/N realized.

"On purpose? What on purpose?" Mikey started to laugh.
"Ohhh, maybe...You're just dirty minded darling"

"Ok, enough. I can't take too much" Y/N hides his face behind his hands.

In the middle of the conversation, a girl from another table walks towards them.
Y/N could hear the girl's friends encouraging her to talk.

"Excuse me?" The girl caught Mikey's attention and he turns to look at her.
"I was wondering...if you have some cash? I will repay you!"

"Hm? Ok" Mikey gave the girl some changes.

"Thank you! Can you give me your phone number? So I can call you? Maybe I can treat you a meal for helping me" The girl said, her friends were pretty excited and a little noisy.

Y/N then realized that the girl was only doing it to get Mikey's phone number.

"No need, just use it. We don't need to meet up" Mikey said.

"B-But, I will feel bad if I don't repay!" The girl said.

"Have my number instead" Y/N smiled .

"Alright, I will call back!" She said and went back.

"I got his friend's number!"

It is also good! We can call the both of them, they are pretty handsome" Y/N could hear her friends say.

"You really gave it to her?" Mikey asked Y/N doubting.

"Pfft, no, I gave her a random number" Y/N whispered.

They finished their food, payed and left the restaurant.

"You need to go back to your school" Mikey said yawning since he gets sleepy after eating.
"I will drive you there."

"Alright!" Y/N smiled.

After they arrived the school, Y/N gave a little kiss to Mikey, he also gave a kiss before leaving.

Some people inside the school saw that and made disgusted faces.
Y/N noticed after Mikey left.

"That's so disgusting" A girl said to her friend.

Y/N walks towards her .

"Say that again. To my face this time" Y/N grabs her by her hair.

"What are you doing! How can you bully a girl!" Her friend yelled calling other people's attention.

"Do you really think, people in this school will care about it?" Y/N said.
"Bully her? I wouldn't do that to a young lady~ instead, killing ends the problems quicker"

"Let me go!" The girl tries to leave and hits Y/N's arm.

"Ew, go wash your hair...it's oily as hell" Y/N made a disgusted face.

Meanwhile, Mikey noticed that he had Y/N's backpack and decided to headback.

Y/N was laughing at the girl's embarrassed face, suddenly he was stopped by a tall guy.

"How dare you treat my girl like that" The guy pushed Y/N, hiding the girl behind him.

"Don't fucking touch me with your disgusting paws" Y/N cleans where the guy pushed him.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now