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Y/N trades clothes with the suspect and walks him to the officers.

After the police arrests the guy, Y/N heads to the place where the suspect told him.

"You're finally here" A guy said when Y/N finally got there.
"We can't lose more time! We need to give the money to Sanzu-Sama "

'I've heard of this name before' Y/N nods at them and goes inside the car.

"We can finally take these masks off" Another said.
"Aren't you going to take it off?"

Y/N shakes his head and coughs loudly.

"Sheesh, keep that on" The one who was driving told.

The car starts to move and they were almost leaving the city area.
Stopped on a empty location, where they had to walk to the destination.

An abandoned building.

They were carrying the money with them inside.
Y/N spots a pink haired man waiting for them, he starts checking the money.

"You guys can leave now" Sanzu dismissed the group.

"Let's go" Someone told Y/N who was still trying to remember who was Sanzu.

Walking out of there, Y/N got into the car, but he shouldn't leave this early...

"1,2,3..." Y/N starts to count.


With a blink, Y/N quickly knocks them out and takes a deep breath.

"Why do I feel so afraid? It's not the first time I go to a mission alone..." Y/N gets out of the car.

"That was unexpected" Y/N heard someone behind him.
He turns around and is greeted by a gun pointing at him closely.

"Shit..." Y/N steps back, but hits his back against the car.

"Would you mind to take the mask off?" Sanzu gets closer.

Y/N doesn't say anymore and holds the mask with his whole life.

Sanzu wasn't liking it, he shoots Y/N's shoulder making the boy cover the wound.

Sanzu quickly takes the mask off.

"That's  pretty face...who are you actually?" Sanzu asks.

"I am....I was just messing around ...didn't mean to harm" Y/N puts a puppy face.

"Haha....this doesn't work on me" Sanzu smirks and raised a eyebrow.

"Is it?..."Y/N sighs in disappointment.
But with a quick mood change, Y/N slaps the gun away from Sanzu's hand.

"Interesting" Sanzu was surprised and sweat dropped.
"I see you're not a random person"

"Stop shit talking" Y/N gets himself into a better position and quickly goes for Sanzu's gun on the ground.

Sanzu also reacted fast and pushed Y/N away.
Both trying to take over the situation.
Sanzu didn't have the intentions to get the gun anymore, but to stop Y/N from moving more or things won't end up well for him.

"You're no joke...Small body of your's have such strength...who are you" Sanzu was over Y/N trying to keep him down, but it wasn't going well.

"Code Name: Seeker" Y/N smiled.

Sanzu got confused and unconsciously smiled back.

"Got you. Take me to your boss right now" Y/N took the small revolver out of his pockets and points right on Sanzu's chest.

Two Faced //Mikey x MaleY/NWhere stories live. Discover now