Mini Boss 3 - Marine Insect Terroite

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...into the dank room behind the door. Something moved, stirring the thick air. Link looked up at the ceiling, his nose scrunching as he looked at the giant insect hanging from the top of the room.

It had sacks of mucus that hung as if they were about to burst. Its legs dug into the ceiling through holes it had dug out with its long, slender claws. A pair of pincers swung out from above the bulging body, accompanied by a set of twenty multicolored eyes.

At first, the monster found no interest in Link or Zelda. Even after spying Link's drawn sword, the insect still showed no concern in the two. It went as far as to tuck its head back up above its body. Zelda notched an arrow as she looked up at it at the beast. She gagged once from the smell, but she held her stomach and her ground.

Looking around the room, Link noticed a drain in the bottom of the chamber. He asked, "Do you know where that goes?"

The princess spied the drain, answering, "Into the Zora's filtering system, I would think."

"So it won't connect directly to the water supply?" Link inquired. Zelda shook her head to confirm. He nodded. "Good." Then, he raced towards one of the dangling sacks on the belly of the beast. Ooze and pus leaked out and filtered down into the drain.

The monster screamed, its pincers swinging down and coming towards Link as soon as it spotted him. Backing up against the wall, Link waited for the head to charge him, before jumping out of the way. The head slammed against the wall, stunning itself from the impact. With the head dazed, Link began attacking the creature with his sword. He heard the air part as arrows flew passed him into the other side of the monster's head.

Finally, the creature lifted its head and shook it, forcing Link to retreat. Zelda recalled her arrows as the head swung back up. It remained searching its underbelly, searching for its attackers. When it would spy Link, it would make a sharp snap in his direction, but not fast enough for Link to lead it into the wall again.

Quickly getting out of the monster's sight, Link moved towards another of the dangling sack. Like the last one, it broke easily. Link rolled out of the way as the filth poured out and went down the drain. The stink was nauseating, and Zelda had to stop more often to block out the smell.

As the monster howled, Link moved towards the wall again. The head swung around, furious, its eyes beginning to turn a bright red. It launched itself at Link, but like before, Link dodged the pincers, and the head crashed into the wall. Link followed with his sword, and arrows hissing overhead as Zelda fired from a distance.

Link noticed that where Zelda's arrows hit the monster, the liquid that came out turned to pure water. It was muddled and distorted by the rest of the path it had to follow, both along the rest of the head and then the floor, but the magic in those arrows had a restoring power to them.

Something quaked. Link waved his arms to keep his balance, bracing himself. One of the long legs supporting the creature pulled out from the wall. Link watched as the monster dropped down onto all six of its vulgar legs and began turning around above Link, its head roving even quicker than before as it tried to find Link.

With the body turning, and the head watching Link, he had to change his plan of attack. He could probably still manage to get out of the monster's sight again, but he knew he'd be wasting his energy for the most part sprinting the edge of the room. He figured it would be easier to simply attack the sack with the monster watching. The head wasn't particularly hard to dodge after all.

Ducking in, Link hit the remaining sack as soon as he got close to it, before quickly dodging out of the way as the pincers tried to grab him. It took some time, his attacks briefer to dodge, but finally the sack burst open like the rest.

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