The Legend

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Legend speaks of a hero, called forth when Hyrule needed him most.

This hero, born from necessity for courage and the Goddesses' ultimate design, has been waited for through the ages.

He is to be a symbol of the end of a long-hated curse and the return of a power from the Creation.

If he should succeed, then Hyrule will endure peace forever.

If he should fail, then the Dark Lord will consume all.

Legend speaks of the Creation. The three Golden Goddesses descended from the Sacred Realm. With Their divine light, They created the world and all that endured there.

Din, Goddess of Power, created the earth.

Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom, gave law and order to the land.

Farore, Goddess of Courage, birthed all the races that would live there.

And this is the legend passed down by the ages.


There is an error to this tale. Nothing to blame the people of Hyrule, since they could not stop it passing from history. An error all the same though, and something that is shaping the face of Hyrule as we know it.

Over the past eras, the Goddesses have allowed Their will to break, and Their land take on its own shape. Their heroes have walked their own paths, pulling further away from the original divine design as time itself unweaves.

Yet, the omission in the legend intends to change that. Its return has been slow, and so the collapsing timelines have begun to merge again. Histories are being blended. Now, a Shrine stands in the middle of Hyrule Field, honoring all heroes of legend that have defeated the Demon Lord.

Now, that omission has decided to end his cycle. To do this, it must birth the Hero of the Fourth Goddess.

And so our tale begins...

[EDITING] The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now