Commander of Evil, Lord Dragmire

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...landing hard in the saddle as Epona raced passed. He kept his head low to her neck as debris was flung from every direction around them, sand the worst offender.

The rain was beginning to slow from torrential to heavy as the music was whisked away in the din of battle. Great clots of sand tangled in Epona's fetlocks as they tore across the dunes towards the encroaching force. Link held the Master Sword out to light their way through, a beacon in the dark of the storm clouds.

Ganondorf lowered the trident in his hand and raised his empty palm. With in, a blot of red and black energy began to form as magic concentrated tighter and growing larger by the second. Eventually, the orb grew from the size of a ball to a goron rolled up and then larger still.

Link didn't need to guess how devasting the blast from that would be as Ganondorf rode ever closer towards the Hyrulean army. Too late did the right flank begin to take notice of the advance, and Link heard the cries for a Sage to protect them.

No one else would make it in time. Even Epona at a flat-out gallop was still too far for Link to reach, and who knew how much longer Ganondorf would wait. Link couldn't afford to guess wrong.

Yanking hard to turn Epona, Link cut his sword up through the air. A vertical wall of light raced out across the desert, nearly clipping Ganondorf's horse as it charged forward. It would go on to dismount another of the riders by his side, and it panicked Ganondorf's massive stallion.

The orb went up into the air as Ganondorf redirected to pulling his horse back into order, bringing them to a hard stop that threw sand in every direction. His guards galloped passed before circling back around as the Gerudo rested control again over the spooked creature.

A glower visible for leagues spread over the villain as he searched the battle field for his attacker. It didn't take him long to spy Link, still barreling ahead at full speed.

The stallion stomped as it finally settled to a standstill. Ganondorf twisted his grip on his tridents as he turned his horse towards Link, the walk climbing to a trot and a canter and then a gallop.

Sword out to his side, Link flashed his sword's gleaming blade at the Gerudo, before wheeling Epona around to the north and away from the battle. Ganondorf eagerly gave chase, his men close behind. There was confusion among them as Ganondorf pulled away from the obvious target, still they followed in his wake as they grew further from the main fight.

Their leader was on the war path.

Link weaved his path, moving farther away from the battlefield as the sound of the battering ram rang in the distance. The gate would break soon. They'd take the courtyard.

If I keep him away, Link thought, looking back again at Ganondorf hunting him. He was gaining as Link wandered back and forth, splitting the Gerudo further from his guard in the curves and bends of his flight.

It could only last so long. Ganondorf's trident had more reach than Link's sword. Link dove into Epona neck at the spikes grew too near, before throwing up his blade to catch the second stab before it could strike home.

Locked between each other, Ganondorf's eyes narrow, dark with hatred. He wrenched his weapon away, before striking yet again, and again, and again, only to be met with Link's parries to each strike.

"You should have stayed in that hole in the ground!" Ganondorf raged, winding back for yet another strike.

In his anger, he grew too telegraphed. The trident met air as Link swung Epona in close, smashing into Ganondorf's horse, and stabbed into a break in Ganondorf's armor. Metal rent as Link yanked his sword back and pulled Epona away while he could, Ganondorf faltering his hold on his trident to press on the wound and letting out a wild desperate swing that met air.

[EDITING] The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now