Overworld Chapter 54 - Skyloft

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 ...as Taka dove down towards the massive floating island among the clouds. Link grabbed at his cap as they continued to descend at a rapid rate and a sharp angle. It was only as they were sinking closer to the island that Link began to notice the number of other Ritos leaving Skyloft, all shooting up into the air before diving off towards the surface below. As they pierced the clouds, the Ritos would level out, slowly gliding down to the surface below.

Skyloft itself floated on, a gentle giant in a hazy of clouds. Islands were strung together with little more than rope, but with the major population being individuals with wings, Link guessed the rope was more of a gesture than a necessity. He wondered if any besides the Rito even bothered living up here. With just a big risk going out, he didn't think most humans would want to live in Skyloft.

Buildings sprawled out over the central island, all centered around a three story building with several balconies. The large envelope posted on the outside was a decent indication of the building's use; this was the center of the Hylian Postal Service. Located on a flying island and mainly employing flying postmen did seem like a smart and efficient way to have the mail delivered. Two large hot air balloons rested on top of the building, with room for a third. Link wondered if they could have gotten a ride on one of those to get up here.

Suddenly, Taka jerked his wings open again. As they began to slow down, the Rito flapped a few times until Link wasn't feeling the force of gravity push him into Taka's back.

The moment Taka landed, Link was off the Rito's back. He staggered for a moment as the shifting motion of Skyloft rocked him. It was like stepping onto a boat, a giant, skyborn boat.

Zelda stumbled over to Link. She giggled as she gripped on Link's arm. "This is weird." She took a pace back, twirling once before laughing again. "I think I've got it though. Feels so strange though to walk on."

Taking a step forward, Link smiled back at the princess. "Agreed."

"Yay! Oh, so we need to get into this Keep," Zelda stated, turning towards Sagi and Taka, neither whom were phased by Skyloft's odd gravity. "What were you saying it about it?"

"You'll need a permit to enter the Keep," Sagi answered. "Security reasons."

"Don't know how these two think they're going to get one of those though," Taka added, laughing. "Only way to get a permit right now is to pass the flying course." The Rito tilted his head to point off behind Link and Zelda. The two turned to to follow the gesture.

A series of islands hovered off in the distance. Wooden structures had been built up off them. Long, flagged rungs of rope hung between the islands as Ritos dove among the constructed obstacles.

"Skyloft used the Keep as an armory. Only certified fliers are allowed in to Keep. It's already a dangerous flight, but if only certified fliers are allowed in, it's easier to track who comes and goes," Sagi went on. "And at the moment, the flying course is the only way to get one of those certificates. Chief won't let anyone take the archery trials."

"And they're not hiring at the post office, so no chance there." Taka shrugged, before tapping his chest with a winged hand. "Don't worry though. Sagi and I can handle the Keep. We'll just let you in once it's been taken over. We'll knock those monsters out flat."

Zelda and Link exchanged a glance. Zelda asked, "Could I demand to be certified?" Both Sagi and Taka turned towards the princess. "I am royalty. I hate to use it like that, but it's an emergency."

"All the more reason the Chief would say no," Sagi answered.

"He doesn't want anyone to know the Keep is lit up like a firework show as is," Taka stated. "Definitely wouldn't let you go up there. In case you decided to go home and tell on him for letting things get so bad."

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