Chapter One: Lost in the woods

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|Hunter's Pov|

"How the fuck did I manage to lose them?! Now I'm lost!" I muttered to myself while wondering through the snowing woods. I'd somehow managed to lose Kikimora and her troops while looking for eclipse lake, I had stepped on a twig and Kikimora had shot at the sound. I had to run or else she'd see me!

As I continued walking, I heard something up ahead. Maybe it's Kikimora! I quietly rushed over to the sound, but stop upon seeing the edge of a cliff. It didn't look to high but I can't risk being seen.

I quietly got down on my hands and knees and peered over the cliff. It wasn't Kikimora, but it was somebody. It was one of the blight twins. He seemed to be talking to himself? "Okay Edric, so what if they hate you now! It's probably just a misunderstanding. They'll come to they're senses.. right?" The blight said to himself. Edric? So that's his name. Edric seemed to be distressed about something, "Maybe it was a rumor or something like that? Or maybe they just don't like me anymore? But that's okay..right?" He said, he sounded like he was crying? I didn't know blights could cry-

I knew it was probably best to leave, so I turned myself around and got ready to stand up. But I was startled by some sort of bat creature, it flew at me with caused me to fall backwards off the cliff. Well at least people will think I committed suicide, and that a bat totally didn't push me off a cliff.
I closed my eyes ready to hit the ground, but that didn't happen. Instead I felt someone catch me. I opened my eyes and saw the blight. He'd managed to catch me and keep his balance. Kinda odd how he didn't fall over by the impact of him catching someone falling to their death.
He immediately dropped me into the snow upon seeing I was a coven scout. The snow was surprisingly deep, guess I actually wouldn't off died form falling. Shame. I stood up and brushed the snow off of me, and then I was faced with another problem. The blight twin. "You're a coven scout?!" The blight said stepping back a bit. I looked at him and noticed the same bat that had attacked me.

"Control your palismen Blight!" I said out of reflex while pointing to the demon. "Batric is my friend! Not my palismen!" The boy said trying to defend his pet. "Wait, how do you know my last name?!" The blight asked, "It doesn't matter if I know your last name!" I said about to walk away. But the blight cast some sort of spell that kept me in on place. There wasn't anything visibly there, but I could feel something tighten around me.  "What were you doing spying on me! And how do you know who I am?!" This guy was getting really annoying, "I wasn't spying on you!" I yelled struggling against whatever spell this was. "That's not what Batric says." The blight tightened the spell more, almost crushing me.

I continued to struggle against the spell. Whatever it was it was painful and strong. "Answer the question!" The blight yelled, he didn't tighten the spell anymore. Probably so he wouldn't kill me. "I'm lost ok?! I thought you were Kikimora and her stupid troops!" I blurted out, the Blight loosened the grip slightly allowing me to breath properly. "That voice.." He muttered, the grip on the spell was loosening. Maybe he was distracted enough I could break away?

I tried to break free of the spell but failed, "let me go already!" I yelled out of frustration. I continued to struggle against the spell, no use came of it though. "You're the Golden gaurd!" The blight suddenly said. Shit, no no no, If he tells his parents about me looking for Kikimora Belos will end me! "What are you talking about blight?!" I asked trying my best not to sound suspicious, "why would you think I'm the Golden gaurd?!" I said still struggling. "I know that voice, you've bought several products form us before!" Welp I'm dead.

I tried to kick my legs and move my body so I could break free form whatever the spell he was using was. How the fuck was this dude so strong?! "What are you doing out here dressed as a scout?!" He asked, I'm definitely going to find a way to arrest him later. "That's none of your business blight!" I said kicking and moving around more. This time I managed to kick the blights knee, witch caused the spell to break. I quickly pushed him to the ground and ran off.

Luckily he didn't chase me, he had no point too. I just hope he decides not to report this to his parents. If they told Belos.. I'd definitely be killed.

Word count: 857

|Yes I am writing another Goldric story. And I thought eclipse lake would be a good episode timeline to focus it on. So yeah, anyway hope you enjoyed!|

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