Chapter Twenty Four: Kissing under a tree

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|Edric's POV|

I can't believe, I'm about to tell the guy, I've liked for months, that I like him! If this goes wrong I will curl up and die.

I could feel my face heat up as Hunter waited for me to tell him. I took a quick deep breath, I can't believe I'm going to do this. I've been in love with this man for over five months! I've thought about him every night when I fall asleep. I think about him all the time! I think about how much I want to hold their hand, and to kiss them! And now's my chance to tell him these things! But it's so hard to, when our whole entire relationship in on the line! But, everything is perfect. Even if they don't like me back, I'll be fine.. I can get over him- right?

I pull my legs to my chest and sigh. It's now or never Ed..

"Hunter, I.. like you a lot. More than I probably should.. I like everything about you. The way you act, sound, and look. You're amazing in so many ways, that I can't even describe. Heck- I might even be in love you.." I said, my face heating up. I didn't even realize it, but my eyes started to tear up slightly. I was so fucking scared of what he'd say, but he didn't even say anything. He just stared at me in shock. Maybe I over did? Or maybe he just doesn't like me back?.. fuck why dose liking someone have to be so hard!  I looked away from Hunter, to embarrassed and scared to look at him. My body even started shaking. Why am I so panicked over this?!

I suddenly felt Hunter place a hand on my cheek, his turned my face to look at him. He was blushing, more than I was. He was even smiling slightly. He quickly pulled me closer to him, and he kissed me.

My eyes widened and I started to blush more. I was frozen in place. He quickly pulled away, blushing just as red as I was. "I- like you to.." he muttered, struggling to utter the words out. My face lit up. "R-really?!" I said, smiling like an idiot. Hunter smiled and nodded, which caused me to hug him tightly. He hugged back quickly, before I quickly pulled away.

"You scared me!" I said, referring to the fact he didn't say anything before. "I was panicking!" He exclaimed with a small chuckle. "You still could have said something a bit sooner! I was fucking terrified!" I said, placing both my hands on his shoulders. He placed a hand on my cheek and gently caressed it. I blushed and leaned my head against his shoulder. I can't believe this is actually happing! I looked up at them for a moment, looking down at their lips and blushing. "Can i-" I muttered, not taking my eyes of their lips. He only nodded slightly. That's all I needed though.

I pressed my lips to his, kissing him gently. Titans, this was way better than I had ever imagined. Hunter wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer and running his fingers through my hair. We only ever pulled away for air, before quickly kissing again. The kiss eventually started to get.. a little bit heated- so that's when we pulled away.

We were both blushing like crazy. "I love you-" I muttered out without even realizing it. My face immediately lit up when I realized what I said. "hahaha- did I say I love you? I meant I love- uhh- I'm doomed-" I said, while hiding my fave in my hands. Hunter let out a chuckle. He uncovered my face and gave me this smug look. "I love you too, blight." He said, quickly pecking my lips.

"Again with my last name- I thought we moved past this!" I said. Hunter rolled his eyes and quickly pulled me into his lap. Gay panic! gay panic! gay panic! gay panic! gay panic! gay panic!

"Could you be anymore red? You look almost like apples blood-" Hunter remarked. "Shut it Blondie!" I said. Hunter let out a small laugh. "Why don't you make me, blight?" He said with a smug smrik on his face. "M-maybe I will!" I said, moving myself closer to him. "Then what's stopping you?~" Hunter said in a slightly seductive way. I froze up, holy shit that was hot. Hunter burst out laughing upon seeing how flushed I got. I hid my face against his neck. Cruse him and his sexy voice- 

|TW? Intense making out- possibly more|

I quickly looked up at him again, in a very annoyed way. I quickly pushed my lips onto his, kissing him roughly. This caused Hunter to gasp slightly, which gave me on opportunity. I quickly slid my tongue into his mouth, trying my best to stay in control of this kiss. But it failed miserable, with Hunter quickly taking control and pushing me against the grom tree. He had himself placed in-between my legs, his hands resting on my hips. I am so fucking screwed- this man has me pinned to a fucking tree, while we intently make out! I'm definitely screwed, figuratively, and physically-

He started to run one of his hands along my side, making me whimper slightly. How in titans name dose he know how to do this so well?! He broke the kiss, causing us to both start panting like crazy. But Hunter definitely wasn't done with me- because the neck thing I know, he's fucking kissing and sucking on my neck! This person has no shame. They started to even bite at my skin, causing me to moan slightly! I could feel them smrik against my neck. He started kissing down my neck and to my shoulder, starting to kiss and suck on the skin. "Mm- Hunter.." I muttered out, haha holy shit what the fuck is wrong with me.

|TW Over|

Hunter quickly pulled away, most likely realizing the fact he was so close to- yeah nevermind. He let out a nevous laugh, "Whoops.. I guess I got a bit carried away-" he said, rubbing the back of his neck slightly. "Oh you think-" I said sarcastically. "Maybe we should head back now- we can finish this a different time." They said while quickly standing up. I stood up as well, quickly brushing any sorta dirt that was on me off.

Hunter sighed and held my hand, intertwining our fingers. "I did not need to see any of that-"  Flapjack said while landing on Hunter's shoulder.

Yeah- maybe we should have left him behind.

Word Count: 1136


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