Chapter Eight: Too close

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|Edric's Pov| 

I froze up, he definitely heard that. I've gotta get out of here before he realizes it's me. I quickly started running in the opposite direction that Hunter was in, he'll kill me if he catches me!

As I was running I was suddenly stopped and pushed to a tree by a very pissed looking Hunter. Holy shit I forgot he can teleport. "You?!" He said confused and angry. In definitely ganna be killed. "Heya Blondie..." I said nervously, Hunter pushed his staff against my throat. "What the fuck are you doing out here Blight?!" He asked almost chocking me, I managed to kick him away so breath again. He's way stronger than I thought. Hunter got up and held his head, I managed to kick him a few feet away from me, he landed on the ground pretty hard. I took a second to catch my breath before looking at Hunter. "Good to see you too Blondie-" I said leaning back against the tree he'd pinned me to. He looked pissed, he had every right to be as well. I did capture him and bring him to Luz and Eda after all.

"You alright?" I asked witch surprised him, i know he did almost kill me, but I did kick him pretty hard. He stood up straight processing what to say. "I'm fine." He scoffed brushing himself off. I smiled slightly before moving away from the tree. Hunter took note of this and looked like he was ready to fight me if needed. "No need to get all defense. I'm not ganna take you back." I said. Hunter looked surprised, I knew he didn't want to go back, and I knew he'd just escape again anyway. There's no point in capturing him again. They stared at me in silence, probably thinking. I moved closer to them and saw the bandage on their neck again. "What happened to you?" I asked. I'd let curiousity get the better of me. Hunter stared at me, he looked scared almost. "T-that's none of your business.." He muttered covering the spot with his hand.

I stood in front of him, they froze up confused. I hesitated before moving their hand away form their neck, so I could look at the bandage. "What happened." I said placing a hand on their neck carefully. Hunter flushed red before quickly moving away. "The emperor is not a merciful man..." He muttered holding his staff tightly. "The emperor did that to you?.." I asked. Hunter nodded slightly, I didn't think the emperor would hurt his right hand man. I stepped back slightly, I was definitely way to close to Hunter.

"Shit- forget I said anything!" Hunter said, I guess he realized what he basically just told me. "Don't worry.. I won't tell anyone. I'm not like my sister." I said quietly. Emira would definitely start going around telling people about this if she knew. "Why are you even helping me Blight?" Hunter asked with a slightly confused tone. "Why wouldn't I help a cute guy like you." I said smiling slightly. Holy shit i can't believe I just said that.

"Did you just..flirt with me?.."

Word Count: 566

|Edric would definitely accidentally flirt with Hunter in this situation. Don't worry though, this is a sorta slow burn book. They gotta become friends somewhere right? Also sorry for the short chapter.| 

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