Chapter Eighteen: Questions

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|Hunter's Pov|

Luz had somehow convinced Amity to kidnap me, again, so she could get answers out of me about Belos. She really could've just asked, instead of kidnapping me. She even tied me up, along with Edric as well. She had us sat on the floor against the couch, The owl lady, her son rat thing, Luz, Amity, and there friends were all standing in front of us. "Alright Hunter. Start talking!" Luz said slamming her hands down on a coffee table. "Fine." I said, Luz and the owl lady looked at each other confused. "That was easy." The owl lady said chuckling. "See! He's in our side! Now could you please untie us!" Edric said, seriously, why'd they tie him up? "If we untie you you're going to try and help Hunter escape! And if he escapes he'll tell Belos!" The owl lady's rat stated, jumping onto the coffee table on all fours and pointing at us. "That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week, and I live with Edric." I said, Edric gave me an annoyed glance. Amity scoffed, "Hunter clearly isn't working for Belos Luz. He's hardly even gone outside! There's no way he would be able to tell him about, all this!" Amity stated. She knelt down and untied Edric. When she went to untie me she saw the ropes were already off, "How did you-" she started. "Letter opener." I said standing up. I know it's been like two weeks since I was frist kidnapped by these guys, but the letter opener comes in handy!

"It just seems to easy! How do we know he's not actually lying! British people can be very manipulative!" One of Luz's friends said. Dose he actually think I'm British? "Hate to break it to ya, but I'm neither British, or manipulative." I said. "How do you guys even know what British people are?" Luz asked, "British people live in the demon realm to Luz-" Amity said, placing a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. Bleh, emotions.

Luz had made me sit back down in the spot I was in before. On the floor. At least I wasn't tied up this time. "Alright, we've still gotta ask you some questions." The owl lady said, "Also please stop calling me the owl lady, the names Eda. And those two are Willow and Gus. Also King isn't a rat, he's a demon." The owl lady said. Guess it is good I call them all by there actually names. "Alright that's good to know I guess. You can start integrating me now." I said. "Alright, what do you know about Belos and his plans for the day of unity?" Eda asked, she sat down in a near by chair and crossed her legs. "He never told me about the day of unity. In fact he never really told me anything. All he ever said was that the titan has big plans for me, whatever that means." I replied.

They continued to ask me questions until they felt they had enough answers. "You kids can stay here for tonight. It's a long walk back to Bligh Manor." Eda said throwing a blanket over Edric. "Alright, I'll send a message to Emira so she doesn't worry. But then again she's to busy hanging out with Viney to even care." Amity said walking off into a different room. I stood up and took my hoodie off, I don't like wearing it to sleep. Of course, wearing a short sleeve shirt underneath was probably a bad idea though.  "That's a lot of scars kid. Where'd you get them form anyway?" Eda asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "Missions, Belos, Kikimora, you guys." I said, "Himself-" Luz added in. "This is why I hate you, and will never open up to you again." I said glaring at Luz with hateret. "Alright, I'm adopting you now." Eda said suddenly, "Wait what?!" Me, Luz, and King all said at the same time.

"You can still with the Blights if you want. But it would be nice if you stayed here, Luz could even teach you how to use glyphs!" Eda exclaimed. I suddenly felt what was, definitely Edric hugging onto me. "Don't take Hunter away from us!!" He exclaimed, I started laughing. Titan he's adorable.. ",I'm not leaving you guys, yet anyway. I'll have to think about it." I said pushing Edric off of me.  "Dose your family ever stop adopting kids?" Amity asked walking into the room. "Nope! Be careful we might adopt you next!" Eda joked while wrapping an arm around me. "She's already adopted Willow and Gus as well. Since neither of them have a mother figure, they don't mind." Luz said. Speaking of those two, I'm not sure where they went. "Where are Willow and Gus anyway? Did they go home or something?" I asked, "We're actually staying the night as well." Gus said walking into the room in pajamas, Willow not far behind him. "Holy Titan that's a lot of scars." Willow said staring at me concerned, "Yeah I know." I said sitting down on the couch, "Oh! By the way, I found this little guy trying to fly through one of the windows." Willow said holding out a familiar red Cardinal. "Flapjack!" I yelled gently taking him form Willow.

"I was so worried about you!" I exclaimed, "Me too! Dats why I came here!" Flapjack tweeted, I'm getting better at understanding him. "Well I'm fine buddy. I get kidnapped on a daily basis. I know how to escape-" I joked, Flapjack pecked my hand hard. "Ow! I was joking!" I exclaimed holding my hand in pain. "You can understand him pretty well." Willow said. I nodded slightly, I looked at the spot Flapjack had pecked me at and noticed it was bleeding. "Flapjack! You jerk!" I yelled, Willow chuckled and handed me a bandaid. "I get cuts like that all the time because of the plants I work with. So I always carry some bandaids with me." Willow said smiling, she didn't seem to bad. "Thanks.." I muttered putting the bandaid on. "Glad you kids are all getting along." Eda said smiling.

"I thought Hunter would hate you guys-" Amity said, I couldn't tell if she was being scascatic or not. "It's nice that he has friends." Luz said, she sat cris cross on the floor with Amity. "Well I'm his best friend!" Edric said wrapping an arm around me, "You're a very clingy one-" I said pushing him off. "But you still care about me enough not to slap me!" He said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

Maybe this new life wouldn't be so bad, I just hope Belos doesn't get any ideas about making another grim walker. Now that he doesn't have me around who knows what he'll do.

Word Count: 1162


Any options on a jealous Edric? Also, there may or may not be a new character added soon...

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