Chapter Nine: Worry

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|Hunter's Pov|

Did the blight just, flirt with me? I literally almost choked him to death and he's flirting with me?!  Can't say I'm not flattered, but still?! Who dose that?

"D-did I?.." The blight questioned himself, he was blushing all the way up to his ears. He looked slightly surprised at himself and confused. "Jeez Edric why did you have to say that!" I heard him mutter to himself while facepalming. I chuckled slightly which got his attention, he looked over to me his face completely red. I could feel my face start to heat up. Why am I blushing? I'm just ganna leave, this is way to embarrassing and awkward. I was about to just walk/fly away, until I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked and saw the blight, he was looking down clearly trying to avoid eye contact. What did he want now?

"I umm.." He started. He looked up at me slightly, I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or just flushed by how much he was blushing. I titled my head slightly before looking down at my wrist. Edric quickly let go of it and stood straight up, almost like a statue. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out! I know it's kinda weird and all but I think you're really cool! There I said it!" He said, taking several deep breaths afterwards. I felt my face heat up, why would he.. nevermind that. I hesitated for a moment. "F-fine.."I muttered holding flapjack tightly. He was in his staff form so I knew it couldn't hurt him. Edric's face lit up, "Really?!" He asked smiling slightly. I blushed and nodded. He's kinda cute now that I think about it. "Cool! We can meet back here tomorrow if you want!" He said smiling brightly. I chuckled and nodded. What the fuck am I doing?!

                                  • • •

I plopped myself face down Into my bed, screaming into my pillow. What the fuck is wrong with me! Why would I agree to hang out with him! We've almost killed each other before and now we're going to hang out?! What was I thinking! I continued yelling into my pillow until there was a knock on my door. I sat up and quickly went to open it, I saw Darius standing holding a scroll. "hello little prince." Darius said looking annoyed as always. "The emperor asked me to give this to you. Not sure what it's about however." He said handing me the scroll, I took it before closer the door on him. "Rude!" I heard him say form the other side. I ignored this and opened the scroll.

Belos wanted me to meet him in his 'office'. What could he want now? I got up and changed into my Golden Gaurd uniform before heading off. I walked to where Belos usually is and took a moment before entering. "Emperor Belos. You wanted to see me?" I asked kneeling down in front of him. Titan I hated doing this. "Good to see you too Hunter." Belos said turning around to face me. "No need to kneel." He said, I got up slowly and looked at him. Luckily he can't tell how nevus I look because of my mask. "What is it you needed form me?" I asked putting my arms behind my back. "Just a check in. Considering how many missions you've failed, I thought I'd try to let you redeem yourself." Belos said walking towards me. I could feel my knees get weak, I can't fail him this time.

He told me to head to the nightmarket to find some sort of scroll. He said it had the sigil that resembled a snake. A snake? That's odd. He told me to do it tomorrow since i have portals today. Speaking of which I need to make up for lost time. I got on my artificial staff and flew out of the castles main exit. Portal was easy most of the time, all I had to do was fly over each area of the boiling isles a few times. Usually it took a few hours. Guess that's why Belos wants me to do the mission tomorrow? Why would he send me on a mission to get a scroll anyway? Unless it's super hard to find.. yeah it probably is. He also told me not to go in my Golden Gaurd uniform, which is odd. I'm supposed to wear my uniform on missions. But maybe this one doesn't require it? Then again it's kinda odd.. what if it's some sort of curse for someone? Or maybe it's for the portal? But why a snake sigil? The sigil represents what could be inside and who could have made it. But snake like creatures aren't that common. Well intelligent ones aren't.

Maybe I could use the blight boy to help find it? Well not use, of course I'll tell him I need help. Maybe he knows what the snake means? I should really stop worrying about what a snake sigil means.. could just be that the owner likes snakes? Ehh.. I'll worry about it tomorrow.

Word Count: 886

|I had to change a few things up with the book. Lol, I wanted it to be based off of something I've read once before|

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