Chapter Twenty Five: Possum's problem

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|No One's POV|

Usually on days like this, Possum would be annoying Hunter or something. But he was busy that day, and Possum had an issue of their own.

Belos wanted Possum to help prepare for something. The day of unity to be exact. It had been delayed because of Hunter going 'missing' and stuff. But now it was a month away. Of course no body knew that yet. Possum was helping plan The coven's day parade, along with a few other things. They really this job, and knowing Belos had something bad planned made it worse.

Possum had tried for months to figure out what Belos was planning, but they always came up empty handed. But maybe this would be a chance for them to get some real info.

                                  • • •

Possum practically busted down the door to the owl house, kicking Hooty in the process. Possum looked like an absolute wreck, which they also do. But today was.. different to say the least. They had a cut on their cheek, along with a few buries. Their hair was a mess and their clothes were torn. Whatever happened, didn't seem good.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Hunter said, quickly rushing over to Possum and looking at their cut. "Belos mostly-" they said panting heavily. They were still trying to catch their breath, breaking down a door can do that to ya. "What's going on in here?! Sounds like som- woah- what happened to you kid?" Eda asked while walking into the living room. "Belos. He found out I had contact with Hunter-" Possum said after finally catching their breath. "Wait, what?!" Luz exclaimed, standing up a little bit to quickly form her spot on the couch. She almost fell over but managed to catch herself in time. "Let's just say- he's been spying on me somehow and knows I've been coming here." Possum said, wiping some blood away from the cut on their cheek. "Shit-" Hunter muttered under his breath, although Possum and Luz still heard him.

"Let's get you cleaned up before that gets infected-" Hunter said, walking over to Eda so she could help him.

They both quickly patched Possum up.They called Emira over so she could heal some of Possum's buries, but Edric of course had to tag along. He wanted to see Hunter and make sure everything was okay. "What exactly even happened?" Edric asked while watching as the others cleaned Possum up. "Apparently Belos found out about Possum hanging out around me. He lashed out and got Possum's cheek, the buries are form them flying over here though." Hunter exclaimed, as much as he wanted to make a joke about Possum's horrible flying- he resisted. "Belos would've killed me- but he needs me for the day of unity." Possum said, almost immediately covering their mouth afterwards. "The day of unity..? Than that means-" Luz started before realizing it. "The day of unity is coming up?!" Edric practically yelled after realizing it as well.

Hunter was frozen. He knew something bad was going to happen on that day. He just didn't know what, if only they had access to the castle still! Then, it hit him. He had an idea.

"I have an idea- one you guys aren't going to like.." Hunter said, earning a glare form Edric. "Don't even fucking think about it!" Edric exclaimed. He knew what Hunter was thinking, and he knew they'd get themselves killed. "Belos knows I have contact with Possum, which means he could end up hurting them worse than what he's done now. I have to go back." Hunter said, rubbing his arm slightly due to nevous. "Are you fucking insane?!" Possum yelled, which caught everyone of gaurd. "You're going to get yourself killed! I'm not letting my brother die form trying to protect me!" Possum continued, they were pissed, way more than Edric was. "Yeah well- I'm not letting the only real family I have die. So deal with it." Hunter said. He considered everyone in that room family, but Possum was his real family. Not some people who had adopted him.

Possum went quite, so did everyone else. It was settled, Hunter was going back.

Word Count: 714


Sorry for the short chapter lol, I didn't have much motivation.

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