Chapter Eleven: The Mission *Part One*

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/No One:s Pov\

Hunter and Edric walked through the night market. It wasn't uncommon for kids their age to go through it, but it was certainly weird. They'd been looking around for the snake scroll, as Hunter calls it, for about an hour. No luck. But they knew who it was rum by, so it was a bit easier, knowing exactly who to look for. Instead of wondering around all night looking for a scroll. But it was pretty difficult to find, the place was called 'Lizze's Treasures'. It was run by Lizze, an ex coven member who cut her own arm off. She said Belos wasn't the leader everyone thought he was, yadda ya.

She sold things form the palace and the coven she was in. Some say she was in the emperor's coven, but no one knew for sure. Expect Hunter, he was there when she cut her arm off, and that was ten years ago. He was still scared form the event. But he knew her, he couldn't exactly remember what Coven she was in, but he knew it was a powerful on. "We've been looking for hours! Are you sure she's here?" Edric asked, Hunter looked back to him and nodded. "For what I know she only sells on certain nights. Tonight's one of them." Hunter explained while turning around, to face Edric. "There aren't as many Coven scouts looking for her. Usually the scouts will come here everyday looking for her, because of the fact she stole coven artifacts." Hunter said, he quickly stopped walking when a certain store sign, caught his eye. It was mostly blue but had a name written in white. It was all lit up and stood out form everything else. The name it had on it was 'Lizze's Treasures'. Bingo.

Hunter quickly walked next to Edric and turned him around. "Found it." He said, before pulling Edric to the stand. "I can walk you know." Edric said keeping up with Hunter's pace. They made it to stand. It was a small stand, had a few displays in the front. A few had golden treasures and jewels, while others had potions and small knick knacks. But one in particular, had scrolls of all kinds. Just what they were looking for. "Think she'll have it?" Edric asked, as Hunter looked at the scrolls and there sigils. "Found it?" He exclaimed, while showing Ed the sigil. "That was easy." Edric said taking the scroll form Hunter, so he could examine it. "Don't jinx it." Hunter replied snatching the scroll back.

They went to pay the women who worked there but was stopped. "What do you think you two are doing, with a scroll like this?" The women asked, she had a very noticeable country accent. Which wasn't that common in Bones Borrow. "We need it for something.." Hunter said placing some snails in front of the women. "Alright now listen, that scroll contains a copy of the emperor's grim walker plan, or whatever he called it." The women said taking the snails, this woman was clearly Lizze herself.

"A grim walker, what that?" Edric asked quickly hiding the scroll. "Well, I'm not really supposed to tell people. But it's a clone of somebody or something." Lizze said counting and putting the snails up. "They also had magenta eyes as well. Just like your friend here." She said. Hunter froze. "What do you mean they have eyes like mine?" Hunter asked, Lizze looked at them and raised a brow. "It's how you tell if a grim walker is a grim walker. The eyes. The magenta color isn't normal, I'd recon you could be one yourself." She said.

"Well, we've gotta go! Thanks for the scroll Miss Lizze!" Edric said, he grabbed Hunter's hand and started walking off.

Something's not right about this all.

Word Count: 647


Short chapter sorry.

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