Chapter Twenty Two: We're Fucked.

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|Hunter's Pov|

Me, Possum, and Luz woke up back at the owl house. Eda, Raine, Ever Wolf, and Darius where all there. Luz immediately ran to Eda and hugged her, Eda was probably worried, she almost lost her kids.  Darius ran over and hugged us surprisingly. "Thank the Titan you kids are okay! We were so worried Belos might have hurt you!" He said pulling away. "Don't worry Papa D, we took care of that ugly clown pretty well " Possum said proudly, I snickered slightly. Papa D? That's so stupid yet so funny. "He found you?" Eda asked, letting Luz go. We only nodded slightly, "He was tricking us, pretending to be something he wasn't. A child.." Luz explained, rubbing her arm slightly.
Eda looked at Raine, pissed. "I told you you should've gone with them! Heck! You could've sent Ever wolf and that would've worked. You can't send Children into the mind of a psychopath!" She lectured, Raine chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of their neck. "Sorry E... We had to distract the guards." They said, genuinely feeling bad. "What can I do to make it up to you?" They asked.

"For starters, you're cleaning hooty this month." Oh, that's something no one's ever wants to do. I wish Raine luck with that. "And, you're going to take the kids away from here." Eda said, arms crossed. "What!" Luz and Raine Exclaimed. "You heard me. You're taking the kids away from the boiling isles. We can't risk Belos coming after them." She explained.

"She has a point. He knows we were in there, he knows where we are." I said, I genuinely don't want that maniac coming after us. Luz went silent, she knew I was right, she knew none of us were safe.

"Alright.. Where are we going?.."

                                           • • •

"Tah Da!" King said, throwing his claws in the air. He'd taken us to this strange island. I guess it'll due for our situation, still though, kinda weird. I'm not even sure why Kings here? Dose he know about what's happening? Hopefully not.. poor guy would be traumatized. I know he can handle himself and whatnot, I just don't want him getting hurt, or emotional scared.

"What even is this place?" Luz asked, kicking a rock. "We don't know exactly. Well, we know it has something to do with kings family. But we're not sure where they are or if their even here." Raine explained, walking around a bit.

"Oo! Can I set up camp?" Possum asked, strangely excited. Raine sighed and nodded. Possum immediately ran off to find supplies and I good place to sleep. The island was pretty small so they wouldn't get lost, plus it was nothing but rocks and stones anyway.  "Hopefully we'll be able to go back soon.." Luz said, she's clearly upset and scared.

"Maybe me and you can walk around the island? Take our mind's off everything." I suggested to Luz. "That.. would actually be nice.." she said smiling weakly.

"Me and king will stay here, yell if you need anything." Raine said as me and Luz walked off.

                            * * *

|No one's Pov|

"Hey Raine?" King said, looking up at the bard. "Yes king?" They replied, kneeling down to match King's level. "Do you think I'll actually be able to find my family here?.." King asked, looking down at his collar with the symbol on it. Raine sighed, "I'm not sure. But, I'm sure we'll find a clue about them.." They said with a warm smile.  "Thanks I guess.. I just really wanna be able to meet my dad." King said with a sniffle. Raine smiled, petting King's head. "I'm sure you will. Even if you don't, you're bound to have family of some kind." They said, standing up. King went quiet for a moment, before perking up.

"Like you and Eda?" He asked, with big eyes and I wagging tail. Raine covered their mouth with their hand. That was the most precious thing they've ever heard. "Of course King." Raine said with a large smile and teary eyes. King hugged their leg and smiled. "Yay! New parent!" King said happily.

Suddenly, Possum was also latched onto Raine. "What th- Possum?!" Raine yelped in surprise. "You're also now my parent." They said with stars in their eyes. Raine chuckled slightly, oh dear, they've been adopted by two strange children.

While Raine was being declared King and Possum's parent, Hunter and Luz had found something. "What do you think it is?" Luz asked, running her hand over a small crack surrounded by strange markings. "Not sure. I don't know what this place is, so i can't really say much." Hunter said, he knew a lot about the boiling Isles and the surrounding lands. But he'd never seen or heard about anything like this.

Maybe Raine knew.


                           * * *

"I've never seen something like this either.. It looks like something belong in that crack." Raine said, examining the markings and crack. King suddenly walked over, holding something like a shard. "Maybe.. This?.." He said, handing it to Raine. They sighed, "Could be worth a shot." they said, placing the shard into the crack.

Suddenly, everything around them changed. They were on a dock, and there was a small town near it. "Well.. We're fucked now." Possum said, arms crossed. Probably had a point.

Word Count: 908

Honestly i can't rember much of Edge of the world. Sorry guys. Next Chapter has some Edric content. Finally.

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