Chapter Twenty Seven: Getting ready

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|Possum's Pov|

It's been a day since Belos attacked me, and everyone's been making sure I'm okay and everything. Hunter's beed getting himself ready, since he so desperately wants to protect me. They're going to get themselves killed if they do this. But hopefully Belos will just think he wants to join him again. That would be way better than what's actually going to happen, most likely. Hunter said he wanted to take some Moon Flowers with us, not sure how he got a hold of them. Moon flowers can be very- actually, I think I know why we might need them. We could easily poison Belos with it, either by putting it in one of his drinks, or sprinkling it onto a palismen.

Today's the coven day parade, so we definitely can't poison him just yet. Unless I was to put the poison in his mask. I should probably stop planning murder, after all I don't want someone reading my thoughts and telling Belos. But that's not possible, so I have nothing to worry about.

                                   • • •

"You to have balance yourself- you're going to fall off or crash if you don't." Hunter said, trying to teach me how to ride my staff. He's been holding off on teaching me for like a month, mostly because he finds it funny whenever I crash. "Soo, the reason I've been crashing is because of my balance?" I ask while looking down at my staff. "Yep- and because you rely to much on the staff to fly it's self. It's not a palismen-" Hunter explained. It took me a moment to realize he was right. I see staff, I think- 'Staff is like palismen, it fly self'. But palismen are alive, and my staff isn't, it's artificial. I really need an actual palismen. "Alright. Artificial staff not palismen- so that means I have to fly it myself and stuff?" I said, trying to make sense of what my brain and Hunter were telling me. "Yes Actually. I'm surprised you managed to put all that together." Hunter said, I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. He probably wasn't.

I continued trying to fly best I could, while Hunter was talking to Edric and Luz. He seems closer to Edric these days- I'm guessing the map plan worked, but neither of them will tell me or Luz about it! Not even Flapjack will talk! But, I already know that Hunter and Edric are together! I've seen the marks on Ed's neck- he's not the best at hiding them...

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Hunter and I only have a few hours until we leave. I'm hoping nothing goes wrong when we actually make it to the palace. Hunter was still talking to Edric, who seemed worried about something. Most likely the fact Hunter could die when Belos sees him again. Edric tells me a lot of things without realizing it, including how much he worried for Hunter's safety. Wish I had somebody like that, who wasn't Hunter-

We didn't pack much stuff to take with us, all we really needed was the Moon flowers and Hunter's letter opener. Which, why dose he even need that thing anyway? He stole it from Eda one day and has had it ever since- sure it comes in handy at times, but it's still pretty useless. Maybe I'll find out when we actually leave, I'm sure I can ask Hunter about it.

| No One's Pov|

Luz and Eda had just left, they were going to go kidnap Eda's ex or something. Leaving only Possum, Hunter, and Edric alone In the house. Plus King and Hooty if you wanna count demons.

Edric was helping change Possum's bandages. They were pretty dirty and definitely needed a swap out, can't let Possum's cuts get infected after all.
While Edric was cleaning and bandaging Possum up, Hunter was busy thinking of a plan to stop Belos.
He knew Belos was planning something bad, everyone did. But it was hard to figure it out, since he never actually told anyone what was going to happen on the day of unity. All he ever said was that there would be no more wild witches, and that everything would be paradise! But that's clearly lie.

Hunter knew plenty about the day of unity, just not what would actually happen. He'd probably have to talk to Possum about it on the way to the castle. They might have some sort of information that could help.

Hopefully that is-

Word Count: 805


Finally managed to get enough motivation to finish this chapter-

Anyway, Cold Feathers has an official TikTok now! And I'm also thinking of making an official discord server for it as well. Seems a lot of you really like my writing, so that's why I wanna make a community out of it.

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