Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome back

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|No One's Pov|

It was late afternoon, Hunter and Possum had just arrived at the castle. Possum was still in their Golden Guard uniform, while Hunter was in a random scout's. Possum knew no one would subject anything, as long as Hunter and Possum, were able to not blow their cover.

They walked through the halls, slowly making their way to Belos's office, or throne room. Whatever you wanna call it. They were halfway there, and luckily, no one said or did anything. Until Darius saw them. He noticed Possum and the 'scout' heading to Belos's room. Possum had been missing for a day or two, and everyone wondered where they were. It was strange for them to just disappear like that. But Darius knew, he always knows. He decided he'd follow the two, to make sure neither of them got hurt. And, yes, he knew it was Hunter that was dressed as a scout. Hunter spoke to Possum a few times, mostly asking if they were stalling or something. Darius recognized his voice almost immediately, even if Hunter tried putting on a fake accent. It was a really terrible accent.

                                • • •

Hunter and Possum stood outside Belos's door, almost to terrified to move. Both of them had been hurt by this man, both of them knew the power he had and what he was capable of. Of course they'd be scared. "Are we... Ready for this?" Possum asked, turning to look at Hunter. "Definitely not. But we've gotta get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid or something." Hunter replied quietly. They needed to be quiet, in case 'someone' could have been following them. "Isn't that what everyone says in these types of situations?" Possum asked, sarcastically. "Just shut up so we can get this over with." Hunter said, clearly annoyed. Possum was always annoying, along with a few other people Hunter knew.

Possum took a quick deep breath, before pushing open the doors and walking in, Hunter following. Darius stayed outside the door, waiting. If anything happened to one of the two kids, then he'd step in. It was best not to get in their way, especially after seeing Hunter alive and surprisingly well.

As Possum and Hunter walked into the room, Belos turned his head to look at them. He had been busy talking with a scout, before he noticed Possum. He told the scout to leave, before turning around and facing Possum and Hunter. "Well Hello Possum. Glad you've realized what you did was wrong." Belos said, a soft smile on his face. Possum cringed, they knew that smile meant no good. "Oh, who's this?" Belos ask, titling his head in confusion at the, 'scout' next to Possum. Possum gave Hunter a side glance. Even if they had their masks on, they could tell each others facial expressions. Mostly form body language and the way their heads move. Hunter took a deep breath and gave a slight nod to Possum. They both took their masks off. Hunter was the only one Belos was interested in.

"Well well... I see you've come back, Hunter. I regret not killing you when I had the chance, but I didn't want that blight seeing what I would've done to you. It would ruin my business with his faith." Belos said, or explained. Hunter wanted nothing more, than to punch Belos in the face. But he had to keep up his act, if he didn't then he'd certainly be dead, and probably Possum as well. Poor kid, luckily they haven't gone through to much abuse form Belos yet. Hopefully they don't go through anything more as well.

Belos noticed the bandage on Possums cheek, a smile creeped on his lips. "My my, it seems like both the Golden Guards are starting to look alike. How cute." Belos said with a small chuckle. "You better have a good explanation as to why you're here, Hunter." Belos said, starting Hunter detectly in the eyes. Hunter took a deep breath, he couldn't let Belos get to him. "I've decided to return. I've realized how dangerous it has been to be living around wild witches, and that their magic is dangerous. I won't be going back anytime soon." Hunter said, keeping his voice calm and serious. He knew what type of tone to put on when talking to Belos. Although he hadn't used his, 'Royal Voice' in months, he was still able to do it almost perfectly.

Belos smirked and placed his hands together. "I'm glad you've come to your senses Hunter. Or should I say, Golden Guard?" Belos said, his smrik never leaving his lips. "As for you Possum, you'll be known as the Ruby Gaurd form now on." Belos said. Possum froze for a moment. 'Rudy Gaurd? Doesn't sound half bad actually.' They thought to themselves. "Thank you, Lord Belos." Hunter spoke, placing his hand to his chest and bowing. Belos only nodded before walking away to his throne.

Hunter and Possum than quickly left, sighs of relief leaving both of them as they made it out the door. "We did it- we actually did it!" Possum whisper yelled, Hunter only chuckled in response. "You sure did." A voice said, followed by a few slow claps. Dauris walked out form behind the walls, a proud smile on his face. "Darius!" Possum said, smiling happily. "Darius..." Hunter muttered, in slight shock. Dauris smiled and walked over to the two. "I'm proud of you both. Oh and, welcome back Hunter." Dauris said, patting both kids on the head. "Welcome back, Little Prince." Dauris said to Hunter, smiling softly to the boy. Hunter just hugged Dauris tightly. Even if the two didn't get along, Hunter still missed him. Dauris was in a slight shock, before he hugged Hunter back. "Dauris! Guess what! Guess what!" Possum said, causing Hunter to quickly pull away for Dauris, and give him a quick smile. "Oh my titan- what is it?" Dauris asked, rolling his eyes while a smile lay on his lips. "I'm now the Ruby Gaurd!" Possum exclaimed excitedly, Dauris chuckle. "Guess I have to work on your new uniform then." Dauris replied. Although he already knew what had happened, he was still happy to play along with Possum's excitement.

                                • • •

Hunter and Possum were now in Hunter's old room, aka Possum and his new shared room. Can't be to bad sharing a room with Possum, right? Anyway. Hunter laid on the bed, a wave of relief washing over him. He was alive, and that meant Edric wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. Hunter sat up and sighed, he looked up and saw Possum talking on a crow.

"Edric! Thank Titan you answered-"  Possum said, Hunter immediately sat up. Hunter got up and quickly snached the bird form Possum, "Give me that." He mutter, causing a small "Hey!" to come form Possum. Hunter sighed and held the bird to his ear, "I'm alright Ed." He said calmly, he'd heard a bit of Edric's panic through the crow while taking it from Possum. ""Thank Titan.. I was worried about you.." Edric said with a sigh of relief. "I know.. I'm sorry. We're okay."  Hunter replied, he was worried about Ed. He sounded so shaking and his voice kept cracking. "I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, I was busy with Belos.." Hunter said quickly. Edric passed for a moment before speaking again, "What happened?! Is everything okay?!" He asked, clearly terrified of what was happening. Hunter sighed, and started to explain everything.

Word Count: 1275


Yeah, this basically took place during the other chapter. Anyway, I need some ideas for the next chapter-

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