Chapter Twenty Two: Matchmakers

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|No One's POV|

Possum quickly rushed over to the owl house, their hair a mess, and scratches all over them. They had just gotten through with a mission, and finally had a day to themselves. But they needed a bit of help with something.

It had been a month since they found out what they were, and about Hunter and Belos. They were doing pretty okay, they didn't go on that many missions because of their age, and Belos didn't really care what they did. So they visited the owl house pretty often, normally forgetting to clean themselves up. But Hunter helped with that. He had really taken on the big brother role, usually making sure Possum or Luz didn't kill themselves in some stupid way.

Possum landed as best they could on the ground. But they still ended up crashing. That was something that happened a lot, since they were still getting used to their artificial staff. Their crash had gotten Hooty's attention, who quickly helped them back up. "Thanks Hooty-" Possum said while dusting themselves off. Hunter, Luz and King all quickly rushed outside at the sound of the crash. "Seriously- again." Hunter said apon seeing Possum, "Hello to you too Hunty." Possum said while pulling their staff out of a Bush.

"You've really gotta teach them how to fly that thing." Luz said while putting her glyphs away. She was holding them when they rushed outside, just in case if there was danger. "It's more fun learning on your own though." Hunter said crossing their arms. "I have bruises on my buries-" Possum said, King let out a snicker. "Why are you here anyway?" Hunter asked, he always had to ask that, just in case. "Oh right- well it's something I need luz's help with." Possum replied, Luz titled her head. Possum quickly grab luz's arm and rushed her aside.

"Alright, what's going on?" Luz asked, pulling herself out of Possum's grip. "Well- nothing really. I just need you to help me set up Hunter with someone." Possum said, causing Luz to stare at them confused. "With who exactly?.." Luz asked crossing her arms an rasing her brow, "Edric-" Possum said very bluntly. A little to blunt. Luz almost joked on her own spit. "I- what?!" She said in confusion and shock. "Alright- guess I'll have to explain what happened." Possum said leaning against the wall they were hiding behind.

"So basically, Edric kidnapped, again- and asked me to help me. I asked what, an he told me he wanted to ask Hunter out or at least tell them how he feels. I got confused because I thought they were already dating, but appearing everytime Edric gets close to telling Hunter how he feels- someone interrupts him." Possum explained in almost one breath. Luz realized she was most likely that someone. She did always spy on them, and interrupt them whenever they were alone. Yeah she was definitely that someone. "So- how exactly are we going to do this?" Luz asked titling her head slightly, as if she was a dog of some sort. "I have no clue- that's why I sorta need your help." Possum said, their face told Luz everything. And that everything was, 'i have no clue what I'm doing.'

"Maybe we could leave them alone for a day?" A small voice, that only Possum could hear said. Luz titled her head upon seeing Flapjack. "You sure that a good idea? Who knows what those two could get themselves into!" Possum exclaimed, crossing their arms and looking at Flapjack as if he was crazy. "Wait- can you understand him?" Luz asked pointing to Flapjack. "Hm? Oh, yeah. I was raised by the head of the beast keeping coven. Well, the old head that is." Possum said. No wonder their name was Possum. "But I thought you couldn't do magic?" Luz said, she was very curious about it. "Oh- it's like potions almost. You don't need actually magic to understand it. Plus a lot of the animals the head had helped raised me-" Possum explained, Luz stared at them with excitement. "I could learn how to do beast keeping magic!" She asked, although it was more of a statement. Possum only nodded in response.

"Is no one going to listen to my idea?!" Flapjack exclaimed, flapping his wings in frustration. "Calm down bird brain- we're listening. Well I am anyway." Possum said, letting the red bird sit on their shoulder. "What's he saying?" Luz asked pulling out a note pad. "He thinks we should let Edric and Hunter be alone for a day. I'm not sure if it's a good idea be- and you're not listening to me-" Possum said realizing Luz was writing/drawing, something on her paper. "Wha- oh no I'm listening! Something about Hunter and Edric." Luz said looking up form her notepad, to see a very annoyed looking Possum. "Alright fine- I'll listen." She said putting the notepad away.

"Okay so, what's your full idea Flapjack?" Possum asked looking over to the bird on their shoulder. "Alright so.. I think we should-"

                                 • • •

Possum and Flapjack flew over to blight manor, kidnapping Edric and taking him to the owl house. Although Possum just yelled at him to get on their staff so they could go to the owl house, and Edric agreed because he knew Possum had a plan- yeah it wasn't kidnapping.

Back with Luz, she was asking Hunter a few questions on how they felt about Edric. Of course he doged a lot of them without realizing it. Which, wasn't that bad. Because Luz, already had a few things written down form the way Hunter acted around Edric. Yeah, she was definitely the person who interrupted Edric, whenever he tried confessing to Hunter.

Possum and Flapjack quickly flew back to The Owl House. Edric holding onto Possum's artificial staff, because he knew how bad they were at flying- like come on, they crashed at least five times on the way there, almost killed Edric, got chased by a griffin, and so on. Hunter really needs to teach them how to fly before they die- But besides that, they made it back in once piece. 

Possum practically dragged Edric inside, kinda concerning how they can't flay a staff, but their strong enough to drag a sixteen year old-

Once they got inside they saw Hunter and Luz. Luz was writing something down on her notepad, while Hunter looked annoyed with her. "Whatcha guys doing?" Edric asked while pulling himself away form Possum, who was still holding onto him after dragging him inside. "Oh I was ju- and nevermind." Luz said closing her notepad and tossing it to the side. "Anyway- We need you and Hunter to go out and find something." Luz said, giving a small wink to Edric. "Why do we have t-" Hunter began but was cut off by Luz kicking him off the couch. "Don't ask questions, just go. Possum has a map they'll give you." Luz explained. Hunter stood up and gave Luz a death glare, while Possum handed Edric the map.

It was just a random drawn map that lead to the Grom tree. Flapjack helped pick it out.

Hunter walked over to Edric and took the map form him, "I don't trust you with this-" he said before walking out the door. Edric just stood there flabbergasted, before quickly rushing after Hunter.

"Think it'll work?"  Flapjack asked while watching the two walk off. "Yeah, but you should probably go follow them-" Possum said. Flapjack nodded and flew after Hunter and Edric, he had to make sure they didn't do anything to stupid. Luz and Possum both sighed with relief, "If that doesn't work I'm going to kill that bird-" Possum said half jokingly. "And then Hunter would kill you." Luz said with a chuckle as she leaned back against the couch head. Possum went over and collapsed next to her, "I couldn't care less-" Possum said.

Well, Flapjack has it under control. There's no way something could go wrong- right?

Word Count: 1370


No Possum's or Edric's we're hurt in the writing of this.

This took a week to finish- don't ask why.

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