Chapter Sixteen: Surprise!

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|Luz's Pov|

Me, Willow, Gus, and Amity, were all going for a walk on the beach. But as we were walking I spotted Edric, he'd left Blight manor earlier in a sort of hurry. Guess this is where he went to, I started yelling to get his attention. It looked like he was with somebody, but I couldn't tell who. I started walking over with everyone else to say hi. Edric got up and waved slightly, I couldn't see anyone else there. Maybe I was imagining it?

"What a nice surprise seeing you here!" I said smiling, "Yeah-" Edric replied. He sounded kinda off, like he was nervous or something. Amity and Edric were both glancing at each other, weird. "What are you doing out here anyway.. Edric?" Amity asked, "Just thought I'd go for a walk." He replied. "Well, it's nice seeing you." I said putting my hands together and standing on my tip toes. I could hear Edric whisper something, but I wasn't sure what it was. I decided not to question it. I was going to ask Edric if he wanted to hang out with us, but he left before I could.

But while he was leaving I noticed something odd, there was a second set of footprints in the sand. An illusion! "I'll be right back.." I said starting to walk after Edric, "Where are you going?" Amity asked. "Just to find some sea shells."I said. I quickly rushed off. I used a invisibility glyph when I saw Edric had stopped. I could see someone else with him, they'd appeared out of nowhere. Edric most likely used an illusion to hide them. That would explain the footprints.

"In surprised that worked so well." Edric said, I couldn't tell who the other person was. All I could tell was that they wore a red hoodie and some black sweatpants. I don't know anyone who wears stuff like that, so this must be someone new. "Same." I heard another voice say. It was familiar, and annoying. Wait a second, that's Hunter's voice! "But I'm pretty sure your sister knew I was there." Hunter said, I could hear Edric chuckle. I decided I'd stop spying, and confront them!

I quickly jumped out for the rock I was hiding behind, and used a plant glyph to tie Hunter up. Hunter and Edric looked at each other surprised. "What are you doing here Hunter!" I yelled, a fire glyph in hand. "Luz!" I heard someone yell form behind me. I turned around and saw Amity, Willow, and Gus. "Amity I swear to titan- if you don't get your girlfriend to calm down! I'm going to throw her Into the boiling sea!" Hunter exclaimed while struggling against the vines around him, he even tried to bite them off. Amity rushed over to Hunter and untied him.

"Luz, what's going on?" Gus asked, Willow and him both gave me a concerned look. "I don't know.." I said.

|Hunter's Pov|

I brushed any extra vines off of me. I should've guessed the human would notice something was off. "Can somebody please explain what's happening here?!" The human asked, she looked distressed and confused. Amity sighed and glance at me and Edric. I groaned with annoyance, there goes the whole 'Don't let the human know I'm not working for Belos anymore' plan.

"Alright, Hunter has been living with us for the past week." Amity said, starting to explain the story. "Wait, this is the Golden Guard? He looks so much more, scrawny than I have imagined." One of the human's friends said. I swear, everytime people realize I'm the Golden Guard, the always go- 'He's so scrawny!' or, "they're so sickly looking!'- let me be. Please-

Amity continued explaining everything, while me and Edric stood behind her. Luz just stared in shock and horror. Her friends, looked just as concerned. "So, Hunter has been staying with you guys after they failed they're last mission. And after Belos almost killed them, and Hunter's also something called a grim walker? And he's a clone o somebody Belos used to know!" Luz said taking deep breaths. "Pretty much." I said. "You're life sound pathetic-" Luz's short friend said, "His life is not pathetic! It's just sad." Edric said. "Sad but bad boy!" Luz said suddenly, we all satred at her for a few moments. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "Wait- if Hunter's living with you- dose that mean you adopted him before I could?!" Luz asked.

"Luz, we aren't going to adopt Hunter. Edric would be hear broken." Amity said, why would Edric be heart broke about that. Edric's face turned red, and he elbowed Amity. They began to fight with each other, while the rest of us just slowly started backing away.

Word Count: 840


Half of this got deleted earlier by complete accident, so it's kinda bad. Mostly because I lost energy and hope after the part I worked hard on got deleted. Sad times lol.

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