Chapter Twelve: The Mission *Part Two*

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/No Ones Pov\

Edric and Hunter walked into a near by ally way, and stopped to look at the scroll. They didn't care if Belos found out, they just wanted to know what was in it.

Hunter still had the letter opener he used from before, to open up the scroll. He made sure to leave the wax seal in tacked. He unrolled the school so he and Edric could look at it.

Edric stood beside Hunter, both were reading the scroll at the same time. Hunter's hands became shaky as he continued reading it, Edric noticed this and took the scroll form Hunter. He had already finished reading it though. Edric quickly rolled the scroll back up and put it away. He looked over to Hunter, and saw they were shaking. "I'm..." Hunter muttered out trying to speak. Hunter feel to the ground, reality hitting him. Edric knelt down beside him and moved him up slightly. "I'm a..clone?.." Hunter muttered, tears were wealing up in his eyes, but he showed no emotion. He was in shock and didn't even realize he was crying. Edric didn't say anything, he knew what was on that scroll now. They both did. Edric placed a hand on Hunters shoulder, "Deep breath Blondie.." he muttered trying to calm Hunter down. Hunter took a deep breath and wiped his tears.

Edric took Hunter's hand in his, and lead him out of the night market. He took them to the woods near the palace, to calm him down and stuff. Edric sat Hunter down near a giant bolder. He sat next to him and pulled the scroll out, fixing the wax seal and using magic to put it back. " you think you'll be able to complete your mission?" Edric asked holding the scroll out to Hunter, they nodded slightly and took the scroll. "I know how shaken up you must be..but you've gotta finish this mission. Like you said." Edric said, Hunter only nodded. Edric took a deep breath and took Hunter's hand. Hunter blushed slightly and looked at Edric confused, "Come on. I'll go with you." Edric said smiling. "Are you insane?! The scouts will see you! Not to mention Be-" Hunter was cut off by Edric disappearing. He then quickly reappeared, "I have illusion magic, I'll be fine." Edric said, quickly standing up. Hunter got up and sighed, "Just stay hidden. No matter what." Hunter said looking at Edric worried. Edric nodded and turned himself invisible.

The two got into the palace pretty easily, mostly because of the fact no one was on duty. And if someone was they were asleep. Hunter made his way to the emperor's  office(?) quietly. Edric was close behind, still hidden using his illusions. Hunter stopped outside Belos's door, hesitating. "No matter what happens in there.. keep using your illusion." Hunter whispered before opening the door. Edric quickly rushed in, and so did Hunter. Hunter kneeled down in front of Belos, the scroll in hand. "Emperor Belos. The mission was successful! I got the scroll!" Hunter exclaimed smiling nervously. Belos turned to face Hunter, he looked down at the blond with disappointment.

"Yes I suppose you did... but it doesn't make up for the fact you had someone help you. You were supposed to do this alone, Hunter." Belos said putting his hands together, Hunter gulped, "What are you t-talking about?" He asked. He tried acting as if he didn't know what Belos was talking about, but Belos saw right through it.

His arm turned into a sharp spike, and he flong it straight passed Hunter. It landed only a few inches away from Edric, but he made sure to keep quiet and stay hidden. However when he drew his attention back to Hunter and Belos, he realized the spike didn't miss Hunter. And that he cut into his shoulder while it flew by. "You can come out now, Edric." Belos said, turning around and walking back to his throne. Edric quickly rushed towards Hunter, and let the invisibility spell wear off.  Hunter was holding his shoulder, he was in complete shock and didn't know what to do. "Take him with you, I really have no use for him anymore." Belos said making a shoeing motion with his hands. Edric helped Hunter up and used what little healing magic he knew to stop the bleeding.

Edric had picked Hunter up and started carrying him. He decided he'd take him back to Blight Manor and have Emira heal him.

He'd have to think of what to do with him in the morning. He just hoped Hunter was okay..

Word Count: 776

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