Chapter Three: Sad boy

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|Hunter's Pov|

I was on my normal portal, when a griffin decided to come and attack me. I have no clue why I decided to fly into the snow, I knew griffins hated the cold but crashing myself was definitely a bad idea. Because now I'm stuck with this stupid blight again! And I've lost my mask! Titian kill me already.

"You again?!" The blight said, confusion in his voice. I really don't have time for this shit. I picked myself up, and brushed the snow off of me. Im not really dressed for the cold, so lying in the snow isn't ganna do me much good. I needed to find my mask, and my staff. When I crashed myself I ended up losing both of them. Way to go me, I'm stuck in the middle of who knows, and I'm stuck with this blight, again. I looked around trying to find my staff, I needed to get out of here. Flapjack was back at the castle, and the article staff was the only way I had out of here. "Looking for this?" The blight said causing me to look at him confused. He was holding my staff, how the fuck did he manage to find it?!

"Give it." I said in a demanding tone. I needed that staff back. The Blight me, clearly ready to use it against me. "You attacked my sister, and stole the portal key!" He exclaimed. How the fuck did he know about the portal key? Did Amity tell him or something?! "I had reasons to, now give me my staff." I said annoyed. I really don't have time to be dealing with this blight. "Ya know, I think I might just keep it." The Blight said in a smug tone. This guy is really starting to get on my nerves. "Listen Blight, I don't have time for games. Now give me the staff!" I said trying to grab it form him, but he used it to kick me to the ground. "What the hell?! I am your superior!" I yelled trying to get up, the blight used that same spell as before to keep me in place. "What is Belos using the key for?!" The Blight said pointing my own staff at me. "Thats none of your business middle blight!" I yelled struggling against the spell once more. It was harder this time since I was stuck on the ground. "Middle blight? I'll have you know I'm a twin!" The Blight said clearly offended. At least that distracted him a bit. I continued to try and break free, but it seems the blight had made it almost impossible. Guess he took note on how I escaped last time. "You aren't ganna be able to escape this time Blondie." The middle Blight said tighten the spell around me. Titan, whatever this was it was strong.

                                  • • •

The middle Blight continued to hold me hostage. Not sure why though, maybe he'd give me to the owl lady or something. Flapjack's gonna start worrying if I don't get out of here. "What you even plan to do with me?" I asked, I couldn't really care less about what he did, but maybe he'd take me to the owl shack or whatever it's called. Maybe I'll be able to break free there and capture the human! "Oh, my sister and her friends we'll be here soon. They're the ones with a plan." The Blight said, he was busy making a fire while his weird bat thing watched me. I could easily get away but the bat made sure to alert the Blight anytime I attempted. "This is kidnapping." I said annoyed. If I break free I'm definitely arresting this guy. "Whatever you say Blondie." He said still focused on the fire. "Stop calling me that." I said through greeted teeth. "Well I'm not calling you Golden gaurd, and I know you won't say your actual name. So you're stuck with Blondie." The middle blight said looking up firm the fire to look at me. "I hope you know I'm arresting you once I break free." I said kicking some snow at the Blight. "If you break free. Witch you won't." The Blight replied sticking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes at this and looked down at the snow. This is boring.

About an hour of me being stuck with this blight, the human along with Amity showed up with the owl lady and her pet. "Woah, you actually caught him." The owl lady said looking slightly surprised. "How's it going Hunter." The human teased. "I hope you chock on a griffin egg." I said sticking my tongue out at her. "So that's their name? I was calling Blondie most of the time." The middle Blight said standing up firm his spot. "Of course you'd call them that Edric." Amity said crossing her arms, I forgot his name was Edric. Well at least I won't have to call him middle Blight anymore. "So what's your plan for him anyway?" Edric asked looking over to me. "I say we feed him to a trash slug!" The owl lady said smiling. "I'd rather be eaten by a griffin, but trash slug works to." I said, this surprised everyone for some reason. "Alright he definitely wants to be killed so let's not do that." The owl lady's pet said. I can't tell if it's her pet or her son.

"I'd rather you guys kill me-" I said clearly annoyed. "No wonder Luz calls you a, sad but bad boy. You really are sad." Edric said putting his hands in his coat pockets. " Rude." I said quietly. "Okay enough talking! Let's just take him to the owl house and figure out a plan there." Amity said using her magic to wrap me in an abomination. This feels familiar. At least my plan could actually work. Hopefully Flapjack will come looking for me soon.

Word Count: 1024

|Another chapter done. Honestly I'm surprised people like this so far. But anyway if you haven't already figured it out, Hunter is very very suicidal in this au.|

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