Chapter Ten: The sigil

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|Edric's Pov|

I sat on my bed, Emira was on her scroll. She apologized for the whole rumor thing,, she didn't take the post down but it's fine. I don't mind anymore. It's not like I would actually like the Golden Gaurd...right?.. And I'm not that into guys. Plus Hunter would never like me, not in a million years. Pretty sure he's annoyed with me. Or he hates me. But I don't mind, I still want to hangout with him.

He probably needs a friend anymore. Or an emotional support animal. He dose have Flapjack thought. It's been a few hours and I'm still thinking about him, I mean how can I not! I'm going to be hanging out with the Golden Gaurd tomorrow! I'm excited! He just seems so.. different form other Emperor Coven Members. Lillth was only really focused on healing Eda, Kikimora is just in love with the Emperor, and Steve.. is just Steve. Hunter takes more responsibility to things, and works hard to impress everyone around him. He's just so amazing.. still don't have a crush on him though. Even though everyone here thinks I do.

"Alright- who'd you score a date with?" I heard Emira ask. I immediately turned red and looked at her. "I-i what?!" I yelled. "You've been sitting there redder than Apple blood itself! And that shits pretty fucking red." Emira said sitting up form her position, "For one, I'm just going to hang out with them. And for three you better not be drinking apples blood-" I said. I've caught her drinking apples blood before, and not the kid friendly kind. "Whatever. But who are you going out with anyway?" Emira asked nudging me slightly, "Just a friend of mine." I said blushing slightly. She better stop pushing. Emira groaned in annoyance, "Yeah sure.. Just a friend." Emira said before getting up. "You can continue to day dream about your.. 'friend'. While I try and sleep." Emira said before leaving my room. Titan she can be annoying.

I decided I'd go to bed a bit early. I'm tired anyway so it's no big deal. I layed down and got comfy. I closed my eyes and sighed quietly, hopefully I can befreind Hunter tomorrow.

                                 • • •

I sat against the same tree from yesterday. The one Hunter had pinned me too- that one. I wasn't necessarily waiting for Hunter...I just got bored and wanted to be there. I wonder when they'll be here. I am a bit it's probably ganna be awhile. I decided I'd climb the tree I was sitting under, I quickly stood up and scanned the tree. It's definitely climbable. I quickly climbed up the tree and sat on one of the branches. It wasn't too far up, so if I end up falling I definitely won't die. I closed my eyes for a bit and listened to the sounds around me. it was strangely quiet, I could only hear a few birds. But then I heard a way to familiar voice.

"Flapjack stop following me. I told you to stay at the castle!" It was Hunter. He walked into view a few seconds later, still arguing with his bird. I chuckled. Guess Hunter heard me, because the next thing I know he teleported onto the same branch as me. "Thank Titan it's only you.." they said sighing. They then quickly jumped off the branch and back to the ground. I followed and barely managed to catch myself. 

"I'm surprised you're here this early." Hunter said looking towards me. "Oh well umm.. I was just bored.." I muttered blushing with embarrassment. Hunter chuckled, "Guess that's a better reason than me.." he said looking down. I titled my head slightly, what dose he mean by that? Hunter looked at me quickly and sighed. "Anyway.. what is it you wanted to do today?" Hunter asked crossing his arms. "Well... I didn't really think about it.." I said nervously, "That's just bad planning. Come on." Hunter said grabbing my hand and walking off with me. We ended up walking into town.

It's nice being able to talk to him like this, but something is definitely going on with Hunter. "So, what's with the cloak?" I asked. He's been wearing a cloak today. It's black and covers his head. "Oh..umm.. a lot of people know what I sound like, so I can't have them seeing what I look like." He explained, "did the emperor tell you to wear it?" I asked. Hunter sighed and nodded. "You look better without it covering your face up." I said starting to walk a head of him a bit. I stopped for a second to look back, and I saw him take the cloak off. He tossed it onto the ground and quickly caught up with me. I smiled at him, and he surprisingly smiled back. It was a weak smile though, kinda cute.

We decided to stop for a bit, we sat down on a bench and talked for a bit. He told me about a weird mission he has to go on, one with a very strange scroll.

"So you have to go to the night market, to get a scroll, that you have zero idea is about?" I asked. Hunter nodded slightly, "I do know that it has a snake sigil on it." Hunter said, "And you want to use me to understand it?" I asked titling my head slightly. Hunter nodded. "Well, snake symbols usually mean rebirth. They can also mean I few other things." I explained. I forget the other things it could mean. 

"Think you'd be able to come with me to get it?" Hunter asked suddenly. "Umm.. y-yeah sure!" I said smiling slightly and blushing. "Thanks Ed." Hunter said quietly. "No problem cutie." I said, I blushed after realizing what I said. Hunter's face immediately turned red and he looked away from me, "I'm pretty sure you meant to say Blondie..." He muttered. "Y-yeah! Sorry.." I said laughing nervously, "W-we should probably get going now." Hunter said standing up quickly. "Yeah!" I said getting up as well.

Titan sakes Ed, why'd you have to slip up and call him cute!

Word Count: 1040

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