Chapter Seven: Rumors

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|Edric's Pov|

Eda had told me about Hunter escaping. Kinda surprised they managed to cut through their ropes, and find their palismen. Kinda impressive, his ropes where renforced, and he had no idea how to navigate the owl house. Makes me wonder if he's been captured before.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Emira running up to me. She almost tackled me but ended up stopping just a few inches or so away from me. "You captured the Golden gaurd?!" She asked in a slight whisper yell. "Yes.." I replied confused. She started asking me questions about what they looked like and how they acted in person. "So? What dose he look like? What's he like in person? I need to know!" Emira said. "Blonde, cute, annoying, cocky, and traumatized." I answered. Eimra was holding a note pad and started writing stuff down, was she seriously taking notes? "Why do you even wanna know Em?" I asked. Emira didn't answer, instead she kept writing. She paused for a moment and started reading over it, before stopping and looking up at me. "You called the Golden gaurd cute??" She asked looking at the notes again. Surprised she's not asking about the trauma part. I blushed slightly, did I actually call them cute? "I-i uhhh-.." I struggled on what to say, what was I supposed to say?

'oh yeah the Golden gaurd is super cute!' no- I'm not doing that. Don't need her to start thinking weird things.

"Did I?" I asked playing dumb, "Yes!" Emira said holding her notes up. "I probably got my words mixed up..." I muttered trying to find an excuse. She rolled her eyes and me, "Yeah sure.." she said closing her note pad. Why did she even have one of those? She walked away giggling. She's definitely up to something.   

I decided I'd skip school out of boredom. Emira was being weird so I decided not to tell her. I walked out to the game field and sat down to think. I was mostly thinking about what Emira was up to, along with some school related things. But then Hunter crossed my mind. I don't really know why, but I started thinking about him randomly. He didn't seem half bad, sure he worked for Belos and almost had my sister killed. But he wasn't so bad. They seem to have a lot of trauma, considering their scars and the fact they wanted to off themself. They don't seem to really be, evil or whatever people thought. He just seemed to be weird and suicidal. Witch is really concerning honestly. I know it's weird for me to be concerned over them, but I can't help it.

I signed and sat down underneath the schools belchers. I pulled up pinstergram and started scrolling through it. There wasn't really many interesting things there, just the usual stuff. Like pictures off food, moonlight conjurings, palismen pictures, all that. Nothing much really. But as I was scrolling I came across several posts about the Golden Gaurd. It was mostly fake photos of what he could look like and stuff, but then there was the notes. The notes Emira had taken. She had posted a photo of them with the caption, 'Edric's words on the Golden Gaurd'. Yep, I knew she was up to something. A lot of the comments were about me calling Hunter cute, and a few were about what he could look like. Dear Titian, I'm gonna kill Emira for this.

I decided I didn't want to deal with some stupid rumors, so I decided I'd go for a walk. Get my mind off of everything. Especially the fact I called Hunter cute! I'm never gonna hear the end of this..

As I walked I continued thinking about the things people would say to me when I went back. They'd probably start asking stupid questions about my sexuality, and if I actually called the Golden gaurd cute. I didn't mean to say he's cute, even if he is. Hopefully Emira won't randomly go up to Hunter when he's buying abomatons form our parents. I know she'd start telling him I found him attractive, witch yes I'll admit, I do. I honestly shouldn't of told Emira anything.

While I continued walking I heard something. A voice, a very familiar one. Hunter. What was he doing out here anyway? I decided I'd go see, I walked closer and hide behind a tree when I knew it was him.

He was mostly just talking to himself, but his Bird was there as well. Chirping and flying around them. I peeked out form the tree, and there Hunter was. He was pacing back and forth and covering a part of his neck. They looked like a mess. Their hair was messing and had leaves in it, they had a few small scratches on their face. And they weren't wearing their Golden Gaurd uniform, witch was odd. They were dressed in normal clothes and seemed to be panicking about something.

As I was listening to them rant about whatever, I noticed they had a bandage one side of their neck. The side they'd been covering. I wanted to move closer to get a better look, but decided it was to risky. So I began walking away, it was probably best not to spy on him. Even if he was spying on me a few days ago- as I was walking away I stepped on a twig. It snapped and gained the attention of Hunter.

I'm definitely dead.

Word Count: 938

|Hunter almost dying is ganna become a regular thing.|

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