Chapter Thirdy One: Hollow Mind.

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|No One's Pov|

It's hard to explain what happened before the kids got stuck in Belos's mind. But it went something like this..

Possum and Hunter were keeping on eye out for any scouts. While Luz helped Raine create a spell circle in the dirt. Darius and Everwolf, mixing up a potion of sorts.

Everything seemed to be going well. Possum and Hunter were talking, Ranie and Luz were nerding out about spell circles and glyphs, while Dauris and Everwolf stayed silent. Everything was perfect. That is.. until a few scouts appeared..

Hunter and Possum had tried they're best to lead them away, but it was no use. Dauris quickly finished the potion, tossing it to Luz. Ranie stood up, summoning their violin. Luz watched as Dauris pushed Hunter and Possum into the spell circle, before Everwolf tossed her in as well.

"We'll hold them off, you kids activate the spell. We'll pull you out when you need us!" Ranie said, using their magic to hold off some of the scouts. Luz quickly smashed the bottle, hoping it would activate the spell. And it did, sending them into Belos's mind..

Luz was the first one to wake up. They'd all passed out when teleporting. She looked around, her eyes wide. She was in Belos's mind. She stood up, a bit wobbly form the landing I guess. She looked around for the others, walking through the seemingly endless hallways of Belos's mind.

"Hello? Hunter, Possum?" She called out, her arms close to her chest as she walked around cautiously. She was terrified of running into inner Belos. Hopefully she could find the others and get out of here with the information they needed.

As she continued walking, she her a high pitched yelp. She quickly ran to where the sound had come form, and found Hunter holding onto a wall. He seemed to be in pain.

"Hunter!" Luz said, causing Hunter to look up at her. She immediately ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Ow! Careful! Pretty sure I sprained my ribs-" he said, pushing her away. "Heh sorry- Where's Possum?" She asked, looking around slightly. "I don't know actually. I heard them earlier, but I haven't seen them." Hunter said, holding his side. "Dammit. Alright, let's start looking for them. Im sure they're around here somewhere." Luz said, putting her hands together and smiling. Hunter only rolled his eyes.

As the two walked around, Hunter started pointing out a few of Belos's memories. Sometimes he wished Belos wasn't as bad as he actually was.. but it doesn't matter now. What matters now is finding Possum and getting the information they need.

As Hunter and Luz continued walking, they started feeling like they were being watched.

Suddenly they heard a scream. It was Possum. They quickly rushed to where the sound had came form, and were slightly disappointed at what they saw.

A small child was hugging tightly onto Possum, while they were absolutely terrified. "You've gotta be kidding me." Hunter said, Luz only chuckled a bit. "Get this thing off of me!" Possum yelled. Luz snickered and pulled the child away form Possum. They looked to be around four or five, and were very small.

"Hey uhh Hunter... How did this kid get here anyway?" Luz asked, knowing how much Hunter knew about mindscapes. "I'm not sure.. but we probably shouldn't mess wi- what are you doing?" Hunter said, watching as Luz was lifting the kid up. "He's so small!" She said, staring into their eyes. "Luz- that could be Belo's inner demon!" Hunter said, trying to warn Luz. "I don't think Belo's inner self is a small child.." Luz said, glancing back at Hunter and Possum.

"I don't trust it... please kill it." Possum said, hiding behind Hunter. "Possum! It's a child!" Luz exclaimed, "And it could be Belo's inner self!" Hunter said annoyed and frustrated.

Luz scoffed. "Maybe they can at least help us get the information we need to stop Belos." She said, setting the kid down. Hunter sighed, facepalming. "Fine- but you owe me if that turns out to be Belo's inner self." He said, walking over to one of the paintings in the hallway. Luz rolled her eyes, this was ganna be a long and annoying night.

                                              • • •

After a while of walking, the kid started jumping through paintings, causing everyone else to follow behind them. And after several traumatic and horrifying events. They were all inside a strange looking dark forest.

Possum was shaking and holding onto Hunter for dear life. While Hunter and Luz were just trying to process everything they had seen. The kid however, was making some type of circle or spell glyph out of everything they had gathered while in there.

The group had been being chased by what they thought was the inner Belo's. When the kid finished the circle, that Belo's came running. Stepping into it and getting trapped.

Hunter had already realized what was happening the moment the kid started creating the circle, and when Luz realized she almost started crying.

The kid started turning into a gope of types, and then into the real inner Belos. He'd already destroyed the creature that had been following them. Hunter knew what it was, and he wanted to cry after watching it die and try warning them about everything. But it was to late.

Belos turned to the group, arms behind his back. "It's a shame.. I had higher hopes for you two." He said, indicating Possum and Hunter. "But coming into my mind and trying to look for a way to rid of me? I must say I'm impressed." He said, smiling under his mask. "Hunter was right about you.. you really are evil.." Possum said, tears welling in their eyes. "I knew you were bad and couldn't be trusted... But you.. you killed those witches.." they muttered, hugging onto Hunter tighter. Luz stood slightly in front of the two guards, glyphs in hand. "Oh, what's this now? You need the human to protect you?.. I always knew you were useless on your own.." He said, glaring at Hunter. Hunter clutched their fist tightly.

Possum let go of Hunter, causing him to look at him. "You take that back!" They yelled. Belos was taking a back by this. Hunter sniffed and walked next to Possum. "I'm not useless. You're just upset we found out the truth!" Hunter said, Possum crossed their arms and nodded. Suddenly, the walkie talkie Luz was given started going off.

"Kids! Can you hear us? We're ganna get you out, hang on!" It was Raine. The group must've been in there longer than expected.

Luz quickly tossed the Walkie to Possum. Then she quickly placed fire glyphs around Belos, Hunter setting them off.

This gave them enough time try and run away. But Belos stopped them. "You think you can beat me that easily?" He said, wrapping a goopy arm around the three. They all started struggling and trying to get out of it. Belos began laughing at the group as they struggled. Possum got fed up and bit the arm around them, causing him to drop them.

They ran and held onto each other, Possum shouting now as they all got pulled out of Belos mind.

Word Count: 1237

|Fucking finally- I've been working on this chapter for months and finally got it done! Are y'all proud of me :')

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