Chapter Fithteen: Out And About

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|Hunters Pov|

I sat on the windowsill, starting outside. It's hard to go outside, especially when the human is over at the blight manor 24/7! She's usually outside with Amity or in Amity's room, so I'm always stuck in Edric's room. I don't mind that much, but it gets annoying being stuck inside. But it's not so bad, Edric usually stays with me so I don't get lonely. Even if I have Flapjack. It's nice that he cares, he didn't turn me in to the owl lady, and he saved my life. So, I'm kinda glad it's him I'm stuck with.. even if we fight and annoy each other. He's still fun to be around. And that's why I'm gonna use him to get outside.

Edric was reading a book about beast keeping, apparently it's his hobby. I got off the windowsill and walked over to him. He looked up form his book and smiled at me, I sat next to him on the bed. I guess I'll just ask him to take me outside.. "Hey Ed do you think yo-" I was cut off by Edric closing his book and looking at me. "Let you go outside? No. Not unless you want Luz to see you." He said, standing up and putting the book back, in its place in the bookshelf. I groaned in annoyance and laid down. Edric chuckled and sat back down. "I didn't even know you liked being outside." He said looking over to the window, I nodded slightly. "I'm used to being outside because of missions and stuff.." I said sitting up slightly. Edric sighed, "Alright, as long as we go anywhere, that isn't here." He said getting up. I immediately sat up straight. "Wait really?!" I asked looking at him, he chuckled and nodded.

                              • • •

Edric used some illusions to get me outside and past Luz and Amity. He said he was going to town and quickly went off, I wasn't far behind him. We ran into the woods, and when we were far enough, the illusion on me wore off. "I can't believe that worked!" I said catching my breath, "Me neither-" Edric said. I smiled and took a quick deep breath. I'm so glad I'm finally outside.. "Now that you're outside, what do wanna do?" Edric asked leaning against a tree. "I, didn't think that far ahead-" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Come on. I know somewhere we can go." Edric said chuckling slightly. He held his hand out to me, I blushed slightly and took it. I know it's only so we don't get lost form
each other, but it feels weird holding hands. Not in a bad way though.. but in a nice comforting way..

                                • • •

Edric and I ended up walking all the way to the boiling sea! At one point we did fly on Flapjack thought. Not sure why he choose the boiling sea, of all places to go. But I don't mind, it's kinda nice. I knelt down close to the water, gaining a worried look from Edric. "Don't get to close Hunter-" he said walking up behind me, "When have you ever used my name?" I asked standing up. "Since- I don't want you to burn your fucking skin off." He said sarcastically. I chuckled and knelt back down. "Im not going to get hurt." I said, placing my hand in the water. "I'm practically immune-" I said taking my hand out the water. Edric stared at me shocked, "How in the-" he muttered kneeling next to me.. "It's doesn't burn me like it would you. it does of course burn, but it takes way longer to actually hurt me." I said letting Edric examine my hand. "And here I thought you couldn't get any cooler-" Edric remarked, I chuckled and stood up, placing my hands in my pockets. "I'm being serious! It's hella cool! Being able to not get burned by the boiling sea, it's just amazing!" Edric said standing up as well. I blushed slightly for some reason and smiled slightly.

We sat down on the sand and started talking, Edric mostly going on about how impressed he was. He's cute when he gets like this, all happy and fascinated. Guess being a grim walker has a few perks. "Dose it hurt at all when you stick your hand in the water? Or dose it take time or something?" Edric asked, "At frist it's like a small sting or heat feeling. But later on it hurts." I replied laying down in the sand. Edric laid next to me, he looked over to me and I looked back. "Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?.." Edric asked suddenly, I blushed slightly and stared at him for a moment. "Not that I know of.." I muttered, "Well, they're really pretty.." Edric said blushing and looking at the sky. I chuckled nervously, why did he say that so suddenly. Edric quickly sat up and so did I, "Hunter I need to tell you something." He said looking over to me. "Alright..?" I said confused, "I think I m-" Edric started but was cut off by yelling.

Very familiar yelling.. we looked over to where the sound came from, and saw Amity, Luz, and her friends...

Word Count: 886

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