Chapter Seventeen: Kidnapped

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|Edric's Pov|

Me, Hunter, and Luz were all sitting in Amity's room. Luz kept asking dumb questions about Hunter and stuff, mostly about the whole grim walker stuff. I can't blame her honestly, it's all so confusing. Amity was busy with something, but I don't know what exactly. She said something about needing to speak with Eda, and that's it. Form what I remember anyway. Hopefully it's nothing bad that has to do with Hunter. Speaking of Hunter, he seemed to be kinda tired and annoyed.

"So, Belos hurt Hunter's shoulder right?" Luz asked suddenly, "Yeah. His arm turned into some type of green gooe spike. Almost like abomination slime." I explained. Luz being Luz, began to write everything down. "Oh, it also managed to disconnect form his body!" I added, Luz nodded and continued writing. "Luz!" I heard Amity yell, while rushing into the room. "What is it Amity?" Luz asked getting up, she closed her note book and put it in her pocket. "Just came with me! Edric, Hunter, you guys too." Amity said, Luz nodded and started following her. Me and Hunter stood up and were about to follow them, until something suddenly wrapped us in a ball together.

"What the fuck is this?!" Hunter yelled trying to break the free, of whatever this is. We're in some type of ball, it keeps shifting every once in awhile, which means it's moving somewhere. "There could be a possibility it's abomination slime, or vines." I said. We were in a really tight spot, we only had a foot or two of space between us. Hunter was on one side of the weird ball, while I was on the other. We could both stand luckily. But these random, shifts and bumps are making it hard too. "I bet you the human did this." Hunter said crossing his arms, "Why would she captured us!" I replied. "I don't know, maybe to turn us in? Or kill us." Hunter said, starting to suggest several outcomes. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Suddenly there was a large bump, which caused both me and Hunter to roll around.

Suddenly we stopped rolling, and found ourselves on top of each other. Well, Hunter was on top of me. My face immediately turned red, holy shit Hunter is on top of me! I wasn't sure what to feel, all I knew was that I probably looked like a tomato. Pretty sure I started holding my breath as well. Hunter quickly got off of me, his face red. It was quite for a bit until I realized something, we stopped moving. "Hunter, do you feel anything?" I asked standing up. "No-" he replied looking confused, but then he realized it. "We stopped moving.." he muttered, I nodded slightly. Hunter quickly pulled out what looked to be a glyph, "Where'd you get a glyph form?"I asked. "Stole it." Hunter replied, before using the glyph to set the ball on fire! The ball tore open form the flames and we rushed out. Turned out to be a ball of vines after all.

We saw Luz, Amity, Willow, and Gus all standing there. Luz started feeling around her pockets before looking at Hunter, "Did you steal my glyphs?!" She yelled. "You kidnapped me! Again!" Hunter yelled, He has a point, he gets kidnapped far to often. "Wait- Edric was In there with you? That explains a lot.." Willow said, muttering the last bit. "Mind explaining why you kidnapped me? And Edric-" Hunter said crossing his arms. "To bring you to me." We heard a voice say form behind us, we turned around and saw Eda, hand on her hip.

Should've guessed they'd take Hunter back here again. By force none the less.

Word Count: 647


Hunter being kidnapped and almost dying is going to be a common thing in this book. Also this is rushed.

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