Chapter 1

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'Beep Beep Beep!' The shrill sound of my alarm clock wakes me up with a loud shriek. "Ugghh!" I say loudly as I flip over in bed and slap wildly at my night stand. I finally hit the right button and the sound stops and I sigh. "Raven! Get your ass out of bed!" Dean yells from outside my door. "Why! It's Saturday!" I call back. He sticks his head in the door and says "Yeah, But Charlie and I are making breakfast." He says and with that I jump out of bed an walk after him down the hall. "Hey! Looks who's finally up!" Cas says from the other side of the table. "Hey Bro. Hey Charlie. Hey Sam." I say greeting them all. "Hey Raven." Sam says lazily into his coffee mug. "Mornin' Baby Doll!" Charlie calls out looking up from her frying pan. I roll my eyes an sit down next to my brother. "Hey Cas." I say again, wrapping an arm around him. "Good morning sunshine." He says sarcastically pushing me off him. Charlie then places a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and sausages down in front of us. "Breakfast. Is. Served." She says spreading her hands. "Thanks Charlie!" I say taking a piece of bacon and munching on it hungrily. "No problameo." She says taking a bit of toast. We all eat greedily and quickly. When we finish I sit back and sigh happily. "That was great Charlie, Thanks." I say smiling and she winks at me. "Your welcome, Ray-Ray." She says and smiles back at me. I roll my eyes dramatically. Cas and Dean laugh, and Sam chuckles while he continues to read his paper. I hope off my chair punching Sam playfully in the shoulder, sarcastically kiss Cas on the check, and mess up Deans perfectly styled hair before walking around to the other side of the table and hugging Charlie. "Imma go to my room now." I say and walk out of the kitchen. I walk down the long hall lined with bedrooms until I reach my own. I walk in and smile. Over the summer my room had changed drastically. It used to have posters crowding every single inch of my walls, but now my walls were a light blue. My comforter matched my walls. I walk over to my radio which has both an iPod dock, and a CD player. I'm old school like that. I plug my iPod in and turn on my classic music listening to motzarts midnight sinada fill my small room. When I say classic, I mean classic. I let my mind float freely with the music, thinking about the day that my wings will grow in. I hope it's soon. Cas told me that I wouldn't have to wait much longer. I smile as I come up with ideas as to what they will look like. I open my eyes and walk over to my small desk and turn on the light. I open up the first drawer and pull out my drawings. When I got bored I liked to draw random things, I'm pretty good if I do say so myself. I have done one of Cas, Charlie, Dean, Sam, and my best friends Alex and Anele. I smile down at them, I really do love my family. I pull out my current project and my pencil and pencil crayons. I'm in the middle of a self portrait, with my large wings wrapped around me in a kind in 'self hug' way. I've drawn them in all black with a rainbow kind of sheen, like oil. I start to draw along with the music and soon I'm lost in my swerving curling brush strokes. I'm in my own little world until I heard a small knock on my door. I didn't look up, like I said I was in my own world. I only stopped drawing when a hand was rested on my shoulder. I shriek an cover up the drawing with my arms embarrassed. "They'll come soon." I hear Cas say in his gravely voice. "I know, But I'm imagining what they'll look like." I say looking up at him. I start to shuffle my papers when one falls out, the one of him. I've drawn him in mid flight, a look of determination on his face. He has an angle blade in one hand and a pistol in the the other. "Wow." He says looking at it and smiling. "You shouldn't have seen that!" I say trying to take it from him, but when I lift my arms up to grab it, he grabs the others. "Nononono." I say trying in vain to take them. "Why do you not want me to see them so much?" He says and looks at them. He looks at the one of Dean whose on one knee looking up through his lashes. He has a blooded blade in his hand and a demons head is at his feet, the body falling behind him. His green eyes glint mischievously and demon blood is splattering the whole right side of his body. "Oh my word," He says examining the picture closely. "This is amazing." He says flick to the one of Charlie. She's sitting on the kitchen table in Hogwarts robs. She has a book open in her lap, and a wand in her hand. She has her tongue sticking out and is pointing the wand vigorously at a lamp. She has a gryfindor scarf on an a speech bubble that says 'Lumos Maxima!' Cas laughs and says "This is totally something she would do!" I blush and look down at my shoes. He flips through the pile to the one of Sam. He squints his eyes and tilts his head. In the photo Sam is holding a blond cat with brown eyes. Sam has the cat held out at arms length and had one eye brow raised. The cat has golden wings and a little heart as a speech bubble. "Is that..." Cas starts and I sigh and bang my head on the desk. "Gabriel? Yes." I say, voice muffle by the desk. "I'm just gonna move on." He says and I sit shoot up right. "No. Your not." I say pulling the papers out of his hands, just after he saw the photo of Alex. "Oh my god. Is that who I think it is?" He asks and I mimic his eye squinty thing. "What?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow at me. "I know what I saw. But I'm not going to ask." He says and I shrug which makes some of my red/purple hair fall in front of my face. I try to blow it out of my face but it just lands in one of my green eyes. "Ow!" I say as I pull it out to much relief. "I'm going into town if you want to come." Cas says and starts to exit the room. "Nah. I'm good here." I say and turn back to my art. "Suit your self." He says and I hear him leaving my room. I start to work on the drawing of Alex. The reason I didn't want Cas to see was because the photo was of me with my legs wrapped around Alex's waist while kissing passionately on the lips. My long soon-to-be-wings are draped limply on the floor behind me. His blonde hair is held tightly in my baled fists and he's holding my up by my back. I sigh and start to finish up the background setting of my room. I sigh deeply, wishing that this moment could be real. I finish the final touches on his hair, my wings, and the room behind us. I look down at the paper smiling sadly. I put the finished ones back in my drawer and close it tightly and I go to work on the one of just me. My wings were the only thing done so I started decide to work on hair. I start to get into it again when I hear my door fly open and someone walk over to me. "Alex?" I ask looking at him. "Sup?" He says sitting on my desk. He's the only human I've ever told about my wings, well besides Charlie, but that's beside the point. "Nothing just drawing." I say blushing slightly. "Cool! Can I see?" He asks and I nod showing him the unfinished photo of me. "That's really good Raven!" Alex says smiling fondly. "Want to see the one of Sam, Dean, and Cas?" I say and he nods. "Did you do the cat Sabriel thing I told you to?" He asks and I laugh. "Just wait and see!" I say carefully pulling out only the three drawing I wanted him to see. I show them to him and he smiles. "Yes! You did it! Yas!" He says with a laugh. "Of course I did! You asked me to!" I say and we both laugh. I grab the papers from my desk and start to slid them away. One gets a little crumpled and I pull them all out and try to slid them in again with out crumpling. I was busy so I didn't notice that one fell out. "What's this one?" He asks bending down to pick it up. I suck in a breath of air not knowing which one it was. "Raven... Why did you draw us?" He asks and I mentally slap myself. He turns the paper around so I can see. I let the breath out in a long slow sigh. It was the one I drew of us racing down the beach, sand and hair flying wildly behind us as we sprint as fast as possible to the ice cream cart. "I don't know. I wanted to always remember that moment. It was one of the best days o my life." I say truthfully blushing and looking down. "Awww, your so sweet!" He says looking down at the photo again. "Keep it." I say and look up at him threw my long lashes. "Really? Thanks! Your awesome Ray!" The blue eyed boy says, throwing his arms around me. I just kind of stand there awkwardly for a second trying to catch my brain up to where we are now. With in 1 second flat, I'm wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Want to dance?" I ask am he raises an eye brow at me. "Which style?" Alex says and I sigh thinking. We had mastered as many different kinds of dances as we could since we became friends. "Our favourite of course!" I say excitedly and he smiles. "Ballroom or Swing?" Alex says and I look at him exasperatedly. "Ballroom it is!" He says an I skip over to my iPod and turn on some more classical music, The Waltz. I walk back over to him and he holds his hand out sarcastically. I stick my tongue out at him as I grab his hand. He sticks his tongue out back at me as he grabs my waist, closing the distance between us. I place my hand on his shoulder and we start to dance around the room. He leads me and I follow him closely. After a minute or two the music changes. "Oh shit." I say. He looks at me and wiggles his eye brows. "Do I have to?" I whine and he nods. "I ballroom danced for you, you have to salsa for me." He says walking over to me. We start to shimmy around the room and soon were laughing and he's spinning me and I'm dipping him and then we're laying on the floor and breathing heavily. I look over at him and smile when he looks back. I don't know what compels me to, buy before I know it in leaning in towards him and God damn it. He was leaning back! Before I knew it our lips were gently brushing against each other's. I shuffle closer to him and slide my hands up his back and pull him closer to me by the hair. His arms are wrapped tightly around my waist. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip and I opens my mouth willingly. He slides his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch of it. I love the way he tastes and I hear a small moan come from the back of my throat. He smirks into the kiss and brings me closer it that was even possible. By the time we pull apart I'm breathing heavily. I put my forehead on his and stare into his eyes. "That's was a amazing." I mumble out and he continues to make out with me on my bedroom floor. After a few minutes I sit up and smile down at Alex, with his lips all puffy and swollen from the make out session. "You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that." I say to him and he smiles cockily. "I knew it!" He says and does a mini fist pump. "Your such a geek." I say and he looks me dead in the eyes. "If I'm a geek then your a nerd." He says this so seriously and I can't help but burst out laughing. Soon were both laugh and wiping start tears from our eyes. I stand up and hold out my hands for him to grab. He does this and I tank him up off the ground. "Hungry?" I ask and Alex says "Starving." I nod and lead him downstairs, even though he knows the small house off by heart. I sit him down at the table and start to rummage threw the fridge. "Ah-ha! There you are you bugger!" I say as I pull out a box of cold pizza from last night. I set it down in front of us and flip open the lid. "Lunch is served." I say with a cocky smile. He looks up at me, icy blue eyes shining happily. We each grabs a piece of cold pizza and munch on our snack happily until we hear the front door open. "We're home!" I hear Dean yell out and soon him and Cas are standing in the kitchen with some grocery bags in hand. Cas looks... different, and so does Dean. Like something small is off but I can't tell what yet. I will need to find out, eventually. "Hey guys!" I call out happily and wave. Dean gives us an awkward half smile and says "Oh, hey Alex." Alex nearly jumps out of his skin. "Oh hey. Hi. Hello." He says trying to brushing pizza sauce off of his t-shirt from where it fell. "Sorry about that." Dean say causally, back to his normal self. "No, no, no. It was my fault." Alex says and I roll my eyes. "So, what did you bring me?" I say cupping my chin in both hands looking at the boys. "Hmmmm... lets see." Cas says looking into the bag "Well there's bird food, a cage, hmmm what else?" He says while rummaging threw the bag. "That's all I need! Thank you so very much!" I droll sarcastically. "Any time boo!" Cas says and I stick my tongue out at him. He mimics me and Alex just shakes his head disapprovingly. While his head is down I decide to to the best possible thing to do in this situation, I lick his face. He starts to sputter as he wipes the silva off his face. "What was that for?" He asks blushing deeply "Well, First off, Don't shake your head that way at me and my big brother. Secondly, I was wiping that smug look of your face." I say to him and he smiles. "Whatever." He says and rolls his eyes. "Good." I say all huffy and turn around crossing my arms over my chest. "Good." He says mimicking me. "Fine" I say furrowing my brow. "Fine." He says sticking his tongue out at me. I quickly reach up at pinch his tongue in between my index finger and thumb. "Hjalflekxly!" He says and I snicker as he glares at me. We've been so caught up in our own little world that we didn't even notice that Dean had gotten bored and started to run his fingers up and down the back of Cas' leg. When I finally had enough of touring Alex, I let go of his tongue and took a sip of the water I had gotten myself a while ago. I took a large swig and set down the glass. When I looked up I blew the water out of every possibly exit in my face. Example: Mouth, Nose, ect. Alex looked at me in shock at the disgusting noise I just made, following my eye line to where Dean had Cas pinned against the wall, mouths pressed together, with my brothers hands held above his head 50 shades of grey style. We both gawk at them for a few minutes until Dean noticed us watching and let go of Cas whilst both of them blush furiously. "So, Ummmm..." Dean says shuffling uncomfortably from foot to foot. I look at Alex and we both silently decide on what will happen next. I hold up three fingers under the table where only Alex and I can see them, then count down. 3, 2, 1, then in unison we say "Awwwwww!" Cas smiles shyly at us and Dean just wraps an arm around Cas' shoulders. Just then Charlie comes bursting threw the doors and looks around frantically. "Oh God! Yes, Yes, Yes!" She says and takes a picture of Dean and Cas. "DESTIEL IS CANNON!" She screeches and jumps up and down. "I never thought I'd see the day..." I start and she turns to me "But now it's all so..." She say and at the same time we walk over interlock fingers and say "Real." Then we giggle and talk for a while until the boys leave to do something manly while me and my flame haired friend stay back and fangirl.

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