Chapter 28

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"Mummy and daddy can we go swimming today?" Riley asks, waking me and Alex up. "Hmmmm?" I ask and he jumps a little. "We wanted to know if it would be okay to go swimming." Valentine asks and I nod. "Ask your father." I say and rub my eyes and ruffle the boys hair before standing up. "Who wants pancakes!?" I yell into the bunker. "Me!" Everyone in the bunker yells back. "You wanna help me make them?" I ask my boys and they stand up and cheer. "Come on. Let go make some pancakes." I say and lead them to the kitchen. I grab the box and some milk and eggs. "Okay, each of us get to crack an egg. Sound like plan?" I ask ad set the stuff in front of us. "Mat I go first mummy?" Val asks and I hand him an egg. He breaks it into the bowl and I hand him a towel. "Riley, your turn." I say and he jumps excitedly then cracks the egg into the bowl. I smile and ruffle their hair again before cracking my own egg and pouring in the milk. "Who wants to stir?" I ask and Luci pops up beside me. "I do!" He says and grabs the bowl and starts to mix it. "I was talking to the boys, Lucifer." I say and he laughs. "Well I'm a child at heart." He says and I laugh. "We all know that the entirety of our family is just good balls. Do think we're all good balls boys?" I ask and they nod, giggling. "Are you boys excited to start school soon?" Luci asks and they nod again. "You want to come swimming with us later, Luce?" I ask and he smiles. "Of course I want to come swimming!" He says and puts down the pancake mix. "Now who wants to be an airplane?" He ask and lifts the boys running around with them. "Yup. Thanks. Just leave me hanging." I yell after them and finish up the pancakes. "Breakfast!" I yell out once it's done and slowly people start to file in. "Gabriel. What in Christ's name happened to you?" I ask when I see his horrible bed head and the bags under his eyes. "I couldn't sleep. Don't even ask." He says an bangs his head on the table. "Well we made pancakes so get up." Michael says and flicks the back of his head. "Excuse me!? Who made the pancakes!?" I ask angrily and he laughs blocking my hands as I swat at him. "You did! You did!" He laughs out and I nod. "You don't mess with your mother boys." Castiel says and I bitch face him. "He's right though." Sam say and I stick my tongue out at him. "Anna, back me up here!" I say and she looks up, pancake stuffed in her mouth. "Anna, chew your food please." Charlie says and flicks her ear. "Shhhhhhh. Your all too loud." Gabe says and I lean in next to his ear. "Oh I'm sorry!" I yell and he jumps and glares at me. "Jesus, the power of Christ compels you." Dean chuckles as Gabe bangs his head on the table. "Valentine, Riley, put your plates away and go get your stuff ready for swimming." Alex says and they jump up excitedly and run off to do their tasks. "Anyone wanna come?" I ask and eight hands go up. "Gabriel your coming wether you like it or not so get your ass up and clean yourself up." I say sassily, hands on hips. "Damn, I thought you might mellow out with age. Guess I was wrong." He says an I sigh. "I'll be right back, babe. I'm just gonna get our stuff ready." I say and give Alex a quick peck before I run to our room and get our stuff together. I change into my suit and put on the iconic black dress before throwing Alex's suit and some towels into the bag. "Boys! Bring me your towel and clothes!" I yell out and my blacked haired boys appear at my side. "Here mummy." Val says and hands me their stuff. "Come on. Let's go swimming." I say. "I call going first!" Riley calls out as he runs up to the community pool. "No fair! I want to take my swim test first! Mummy! Daddy!" Val whine an I pick him up. "Alex, stay with Riley. Me and Valentine are going to get some food and drinks for everyone. Right Val?" I ask and he nods vigorously. "Kay babe. Do you need any money?" He asks and I kiss him. "Nope, were good." I say and ruffle Val's hair. "Yo, Michael, Luci, Gabe, Cas, Brit, Anna, any of you want to help with food?" I ask and Anna and Brit run over. "Yay! Aunty Anna! Uncle Brit!" Valentine says excitedly and jumps a little in my arms. "Yay! Valentine!" Anna says and take the kid from my arms, spinning him in the air. "That's fucking adorable." Brit says and we fist bump before leading the chatting pair towards the little concession stand the local outdoor pool has. "Raven!? Oh my god!" The boy working the stand says. Shit. Nope. Abort, abort! "James? Hey! How have you been?" I ask leaning in the counter. "I'm good, how have you been? It's been what, ten years?" He asks and I nod. "Hi, I'm Balthazar. You are?" He asks and James holds out a hand. "James. Me and Raven dated for a couple years in high school." He says and I give Brit a 'Fucking help me!' look that would just seem like a smile to anyone that's not part of the family. "Mummy, who's that?" Val says and I pick him up. "This is James, sweetie. We went to high school together." I say. "Mummy?" James asks, raising an eyebrow. "James, this is my son, Valentine. Riley is taking the swim test." I say and James whistles. "Are you the father?" He asks Brit seriously. Anna, Brit, and I make eye contact then burst out laughing. "No, no. These are my siblings. Anna and you've just met Balthazar." I say and James smiles. "Hey sweetie." "Mummy!" Riley and Alex say coming up behind me. "Their are my boys!" I say and kiss Alex and prop Riley on my other hip. "James?" Alex asks and he nods. "Hey, Alex. I assume your the father?" He says and shakes Alex's hand. "Yeah. Damn it been a while." Alex says and Riley looks at me confused. "Mummy, daddy, who is that?" He asks and I kiss his forehead. "This is James. He and I went to school together." I say and he smiles. "I passed mummy!" He says proudly and holds up his wrist, which has a green band hanging from it. "Great job buddy!" I say and smile fondly at him. "No fair! I want to pass too!" Val says and crosses his arms in a huff. "I know sweetie. Do you want daddy to take you?" I ask and he nods. "You heard the man, Alex. I'll see you soon." I say and him the kid. "See ya babe." He says and gives me another kiss. "Okay. What do you want?" I ask Riley and he smiles. "I want iced tea!" He says and I smile. "Okay, can we get fourteen iced teas and three large fries?" I say and James whistles. "We've got all the family over." I say and he nods going to get all our food. "Did you pass, Riley?" Anna asks and the little five year old nods. "I wouldn't be surprised, these boys are quiet the little fishes." Brit says and Riley sticks his tongue out. Brit copies and squints at him. "Here's your food. On the house." James says and I shake my head. "No, no please. I have the money right here." I say but he holds up a hand. "Consider it a pay back for that dinner I made you pay for all those years ago." He says and I smile putting the money away. "Thanks James. Come on, Riley. Let's go see if anyone wants food." I say and all four of us carry the food to where the others are waiting. "I did it mummy!" Val says running over to me proudly. "Great job buddy!" I say and hug him tightly. "We got some food. Come eat then we'll go have some fun." Lucifer says, biting into a fry. We all eat quickly and Dean, Cas, Sam, Gabe, Michael, Lucifer, Brit, Anna, Charlie, and Sonya who arrived a little after we did, take the boys into the water while Alex and I clean up. "Thanks for the help babe, but you can swim. I've got it." Alex says and I playfully punch his arm. "I'm cool. Look how they play with the kids. It warms my heart knowing the boys love their family. When are your parents getting back from their free the children thing in Africa?" I ask and he thinks. "They should be coming home soon. They had to stay for at least two years but they wanted to help more so they stayed for another three. But they have to come home soon because their elderly." He says as we toss out the garbage. "That's exciting. I'm sure the boys will love meeting their grandparents." I say as we walk hand in hand into the large pool. "Daddy can you throw me?" Riley asks and swims up. "Are you sure?" Alex asks and the little boy nods. "Three, two," He says and throws a giggling Riley out into the open water. "You wanna try, Val?" Cas asks but he shakes his head. "What do you want to do then?" Dean asks and the little boys surprises everyone by pushing Dean and Cas under water and diving on top of them. "Valentine! Don't drown your uncles!" I say and swim over. "But that's no fun!" He says as I lift him up. "You guys okay?" I ask and Cas spits out some water. "Peachy." Dean says and snorts some water you. "What do you say Valentine?" I ask and the little boy gives them puppy eyes. "Sawwy." He says looking up through his long lashes. "I can't stay mad at you." Cas coo's and Val brightens up. "Come on, let's play." I say and throw Val out over into the open water like Alex did to Riley. "Where are Michael and Lucifer?" Sonya asks swimming over gracefully. "I have no clue." I say and scan the pool that's almost empty besides our family and a couple others. "Oh, there they are!" Brit says point over to a corner on the deep end where Michael is pinned against the wall, Luci shoving his tongue down his throat. "Lucifer! We're in public! Get off Michael!" I yell and the pair jump apart. "I so~ ship it." Charlie says and Anna giggles. Michael blushes furiously and moves down so only his eyes are out trying to hide it. Luci laughs and pulls him over to the group. I'm so glad we came swimming today. It's some of the most fun our family has had since the twins were born.    

(A/N: I apologize for the super short chapter but I'm kind of trying to move things along with the plot. So there will be another super huge time skip in the next chapter.)

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