Chapter 11

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We search until late at night, building up a possible profile on every single person working at the traveling carnival. "Im going to get coffee. Want something?" I asks everyone and stand up. "Black for me." Dean says, looking up from some papers. "One milk and two sugars." Sam says still typing. "I'll just have what your having." Alex says and I nod. I head into the kitchen and turn on the Keurig I made Dean buy. "Raven? Why are you up?" Lucifer asks from behind me. "Working. Sam and Dean have a possible hunt and need our help." I say and rub my face. I start the coffee maker and lean against the counter. "Cool." Luci says and I sense something's off. I rush to his side and grab his hands. "What's wrong?" I ask worriedly and he lets a small smile onto his face. "Your an amazing sister you know that right?" He asks and I scoff. "I would do anything for you six. I'd lay down my life for you. Now, what's wrong?" I ask and Luci sighs. "I don't know. I just feel really down." He says and I coo. "Why? What's happened?" I ask and he shrugs. "I... I just feel so self conscious sometimes." He says quietly. "Don't. Your amazing just the way you are." I say and raise his chin with my hand. "In know it's hard sometimes, but you gotta keep your head up." I say just as the Keurig beeps. I jump and scuttle to the coffees. I quickly make them as Lucifer just laughs at me frantically trying not to spill them as I stumble to the war room. "Shut up." I call back at him as his laughter fallows me out. As much as I hate him laughing at me, I'm glad I helped make him feel better. What are twin sisters for? I smile to myself as I walk back into the war room and place the cups down. "Dean. Sam. Alex." I say handing them their coffees. "Thanks Ray." Sam says and looks up with a smile. "Any time Sam." I say tiredly and sit down with a yawn. "Found anything while I was gone?" I ask and Dean nods. "Yeah, apparently one of the workers went to an asylum for a while cause he was trying to kill someone using the black arts. Weird stuff, they found a black alter and everything. Could be at it again." He says and for some reason I start to get really angry. "How dare he enslave such a powerful creature?" I say standing and letting my wings spread imposingly. "He should be punished for his miss deeds." I growl and I swear to god, the temperature drops like seven degrees. "Raven..." Alex says backing up a little. "He's miss treating them. He's miss treating them. He's miss treating my loyal reapers." I state and growl. "Raven! Clam yourself!" Cas shouts from the door. I turn and stare at him confused and angry. "But he deserves it." I hiss and Cas advances slowly. "Raven, he does deserve punishment, but that will be determined by father." He says cautiously putting a hand on my shoulder. "But there my soldiers. The work for me." I growl and raise my wings far up above our heads. "Raven..." Cas says as I tower over him. "He should die." I spit and start to push past Cas when Michael stops me. "Raven. Stop." He says forcefully. "No. My soldier is out there being controlled by an undeserving imbecile!" I shout menacingly. Everyone in the room is cowering from me, everyone but Michael. "Raven, stop. I know, and he will be punished. By our father." Michael says. "But the voice in my head is insisting that I kill. It'll only go away if I kill!" I state growing frantic. "It won't go away Raven. It will get stronger. The voice is the new part of your conscious. It proves that you've almost fully gained all your powers." Michael says and I start to calm. "Michael? Why did this happen to me?" I ask sleepily, drained from the sudden and random outburst of anger. "I don't know Raven." He says and I nod, my eyes closing as I sway. I start to fall, but Michael catches me and drags me to my room. "Well talk in the morning. Get some sleep." He says and I nod, flopping down onto my bed, where I fall asleep immediately. I wake up under the covers, and in a pair of pjs. I yawn and sit up. Alex isn't next to me and I can't figure out why until all the memories of last night flood back to me. I didn't even put away my wings. They lay beside me now, feathers ruffled. I sigh and shake them put. It fixes the problem a little so I brush my fingers through them gently. I fix them up a little so their at least presentable. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen where Michael sits sipping some coffee. "Michael? What's wrong with me? Why is there a part of me that wants to kill everyone and everything?" I ask nervously. "Like I said last night, it's part of your conscious now." He says and I sigh as I sit down. "So, will it go away?" I ask and Mike shakes his head. "No. But if you ignore it, it should grow weaker with time." He says and sips his coffee nonchalantly. "How are you so calm?" I ask and bang my head on the table. "Because I knew the first death. He told me a lot about what it's like." Michael says and I nod. "I wish he was here now to help me now." I whine and Mike pats my shoulder. "Where's Alex?" I ask. "He went home after your outburst. He was a little terrified, as were Sam, Dean, and Castile. But they live here. Go easy on them today. You were pretty terrifying. Like an avenging war goddess." He says and I smile. "How did I get into pjs then?" I ask. "Lucifer." Michael says simple and sips his coffee. "Ew!" I say and Michael laughs. "Raven, you two practically shared showers until you were twelve. Don't even say ew." Michael says and I scoff, mock offended. "Don't offend an avenging war goddess." I say sassily and add a snap for good measure. "You were pretty terrifying, Raven." Cas says from the door way, Dean not far behind. "You looked like you were about to kill that man. And everyone and everything that got in your way." Dean says and I nod. "I was going to till Mike stopped me. It got me really riled up that that man is hold one of my soldiers hostage. Still does." I say unhappily and Mike nods. "I know. That's why we're going to free them."Cas says and a bright smile splits my face if half. "Really?" I ask excitedly and they all nod. I squeal and jump up and down. "Finally! We haven't had a proper hunt in like forever!" I say and sigh happily. "Yes, Dean, Sam, Cas, and I worked out the details last night. We leave for Tennessee tomorrow." Michael says I tackle Dean and Cas to the floor in a hug. "Thanks guys!" I squeal and climb off them gracefully. Cas follows in my lead, leavening Dean to clamber off the floor. "How long will we be out there?" I ask and straighten my shirt. "Well, all eleven of us will be out there hopefully if Alex joins us, so maybe three-four days? If all goes well we could be done in less then that." Dean says and I nod. "Pack for two. Okay." I say and head to my room. "That's my girl!" Dean calls and my smile only widens. I saunter into my room and grab my small duffle bag. I grab two pairs of everything essential. After that, I open the locked dresser in the corner of my closet. "Dean! What will I need!" I yell down the hall and Deans head pops out of the "Everything!" He yells back and I nod. I need to be prepared for anything. I walk back into my closet and start to grab weapons. "Machete, shot gun, duel hand guns, throwing knives, what else? Will I need my demon/angel blades?" I wonder aloud and pack them anyway. "Oops! Almost missed my salt!" I say and grab my steel container of salt. I continue to grab different weapons and shove them into my bag. When I finish, my bag is weighed down with all of my different blades and guns and etc. I text Alex with the details and he tells me he's on his way and to pack him a bag. I nod and pick up the pre packed bag I made just incase. I take both of them out to the war room and see Dean and Sam sharpening some blades. "Nice, question. Can I bring my katana?" I ask and Dean looks up. "Why not? You need some practice anyway." He says and I fist pump. I run back to my room and grab it. "Perfect. I missed you." I say talking to the double sided blade that shines in the light. "Here. Sharpen him up." Dean says and I scoff. "Dean, you know me. If it wasn't sharpened I'd stab myself with the dull blade." I say sliding it back into its case. "Dean, you can have your car. But this sword is my baby. He needs to be treated properly." I say and gently place the long sword down onto the table. "She's right Dean. A sword like that should always stay sharp." Sam says in my defence. "Thank you, Sam." I say and he nods. "It still isn't sharp enough." Dean says and I one fluid movement I draw my sword and barely place the edge to his neck. But even such a ghostly touch is enough to draw blood. "I think it's sharp enough. What about you Sam?" I ask moving the blade away and wiping in on the cloth I tied to the sheath. "I think so too." Sam says and Dean touch the small stream of blood that comes from the wound. "Damn it Raven!" He says and gently presses the cloth I hand to him on the cut. "Fine, it's sharp enough." He grunts and I beam. "I always keep it at a wickedly sharp edge." I say proudly inspecting the deadly sheen. I start to practice the sword fighting technics I know and soon the blade is whirring like a deadly sharp silver butterfly in front of me. As I finish up the set, a small noise comes from behind me. I spin around quickly and press the edge of the blade gently to Cas' neck. He gulps which makes the blade cut a little deeper. "Cassie! Don't scare me while in practicing!" I say and lean on the hilt of my sword. "Sorry! You haven't practiced in a while and I forgot!" He says and I scoff. I put away the blade and fasten the belt around my waist, so it hangs along my left leg. "I need to clean gun sling." I say inspecting the dirty leather of my current one. It holds my shot guns in the back, and ammo along the front, like one of those old western ones. When paired with my jet black trench coat, again like the old western ones, I can hold all of my guns and pistols at once. I have multiple different belts, depending on what blade I'm carrying. I can also clip the different sheaths onto one belt if I please. Dean throws a scrub brush at me and it smacks me in the face, pulling me out of my thoughts. I pick it up off the floor and start to clean the black leather to a polished sheen. I can't wait for this hunt.

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