Chapter 15

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Deans eyes widen in shock. "What are you-" He starts to say, but a tiny woof cuts him off. "Is that what I think it is?" Dean asks and I smirk. "Yup." I say picking up the large puppy in my arms. He looks up at me with huge round brown eyes and a wave of calm floods over me. "Hey buddy. What's your name?" I ask as I scratch under his chin. He yips and licks my face. "What about Achoo?" I ask him. He yips and sneezes, so I take that as a yes. "Well, Achoo it is. What do you think Cas?" I look up at my brother, whose smiling like an idiot. "Cas?" I ask him and he giggles giddily. "Puppy!" He squeals and I can help but smile as well. "Do you like Achoo?" I ask and name nods hurriedly. "Get that thing out of here." Dean says and I tut at him. "Oh, you'll like him, Dean." I say and coo at the puppy as he rolls around in my lap. "I'm not so sure." Dean says and I scoff. "Don't worry Achoo! He'll like you. Everyone will like you." I say and rub his the tiny head. I continue to play with Achoo as we drive back to the hotel. Dean walks around and opens the door for me. He catches sight of little bloodhound puppy. Dean coos are scratches the puppies floppy black ears. "Aren't you a cutie. And I'm bettin' you can help us on hunts, eh?" He says and Achoo just woofs and wags his tail. "I told you so." I say to Dean as I lift the puppy in my arms and take him inside. "Thank god this place allows dogs. For such a posh place you'd think they'd have stricter rules." I coo at Achoo. The large puppy just seems to smile and wags his tail happily. We walk into the hotel and the receptionist jumps to her feet. "Oh. My. God! What an adorable puppy!" She says, long blonde hair bouncing as she coos. "Thanks." I say and she nervously smiles. "Can I pet it?" She asks and I nod moving closer. "His name is Achoo." I say and she scratches his ears. "Why Achoo?" She asks, and as if on cue, Achoo sniffs her hair, and sneezes loudly. "He sneezes when he picks up scents." I says and the receptionist smiles. "Quiet an amazing dog you have here." She smiles and sits back down. "Thanks. Do you have any pets?" I ask and she smiles brightly. "No. I'm allergic but I still love animals." She says and I nod. "Do you have a name?" I ask. "Sonya. And you are?" She asks and I hold out my hand. "Raven. Pleasure to meet you Sonya." I say and she shakes my hand. "Rave! Hurry up!" Dean yells from the elevator. "Sorry Sonya, I have to go. Maybe we'll talk later?" I ask and she nods. I smile and run over to where Cas and Dean are holding the elevator open. I jump in and sooth Achoo. "Awww, it's okay. Did you get scared from the movement?" I ask and he whimpers. "It's okay, Achoo. Your safe in the arms of an angel now." Dean says and I bitch face him before turning my attention back to my dog. We ride the elevator until it dings and opens onto our floor. We exit the elevator and slipped out. We briskly walk down the hall to our door. Dean knocks three times, waits, knocks twice, waits, the pounds hard once on the door. It flys open revealing Sam dressed in the black gear we wore on our way here. "Oh my god, Raven." He says and reaches for Achoo. Achoo gets ahold of Sam's scent and sneeze repeatedly. "What the?" Sam asks at the dogs sudden outburst. "He sneeze when he gets hold of a scent." I say and adjust the puppy in my arms. Sam steps aside for us, but I pause in front of the closed door for Sam to pet Achoo a little. "RAVEN HAS A PUPPY!" Gabriel screeches as soon as he sees Achoo. Achoo yips and shrinks into me a little. "Gabriel! He's just a little puppy, and a bloodhound at that. Your banshee screaming is scaring the little guy!" I say, rubbing Achoo's huge floppy ear I between my thumb and forefinger. "I'm sorry. It's just exciting!" He says quieter and rushes over to my side. "Hey buddy! Do you have a name?" He asks and Achoo proceeds to sneeze in his face. "Achoo. And he sneezes when he gets a scent." I say, barley able to contain a giggle. "Well hello Achoo." Gabe says and rubs the little puppy's face. "I like dogs." I smile and move into the house. "Gabe wasn't kidding! Raven had a puppy!" Lucifer says excitedly and jumps up. "Hello buddy!" Michael says and joins the growing crowd. Anna rushes over, gushing about how cute he is. Achoo starts into a fit of sneezes and I giggle. "He sneezes when he gets a scent." I explain for the millionth time tonight. "How adorable!" Anna squeals and holds the little puppies paws. After all the angel spend some time gushing about our puppy, I decide I should show Alex, considering it's going to be our dog in the first place. "Alex? Do you want to me our dog?" I ask and sit next to him on the bed. "Our dog? As in you and me, or as in the family?" He asks and I kiss him. "As in you and me." I whisper to him and he grins. "Hey buddy. I'm your new daddy." Alex says and Achoo as usual, sneezes. "I heard you explaining." Alex said as I open my mouth to tell him about the wired scent thing Achoo does. I smile and kiss him again. Achoo yawns and fights to keep his eyes open. "Awww, our port baby's tired." I say and gently massage the puppy's muzzle. "Eventually, he'll even be able to fight and help on hunts, if we train him right." I say to Alex as the little thing falls asleep in my arms. "Raven, we don't even have stuff to take feed the puppy. Let alone raise one to fight." Alex says and I sigh. "I know what I'm doing babe." I say and snap my fingers. A little doggie bed appears next to our bed and I gently set Achoo in it. "There. Now, I need to get ready." I say and strut over to my draw and grab the set of all black clothing I wore on the way here. "I missed you." I whisper to the boots and stroke them. "That really weird Raven!" Alex calls but I shush him and point at Achoo's sleeping form. He apologizes and I continue to grab my clothes. I change in the bathroom quickly and sharpen my fangs again, they were getting dull. I exit the bathroom. "Ah, here comes my favourite part." I say as I pull out my weapons. I slip each one into its allotted spot with a satisfying click. When I'm finished I let out a quiet moan of happiness. "I missed you all." I whisper to my guns and blades and bullets. Oh my! (A/N: If you don't get this, go. Just go. Jk, but no seriously.) I spin around a little and sigh as I flop down onto the couch where everyone else is waiting. "Are we ready to go save Salem yet?" I ask and with that we all stand and head for the door. "Salem?" Lucifer asks as we take the rear of the group. "The reaper. Salem." I say and Lucifer cocks an eyebrow. "What? He's special. First one I meet." I say and Luci just shrugs. "Shut up." I say and push him jokingly. We laugh as we walk down hall. "I call stairs!" I tell and sprint to the stairs. "It's faster." I say from the open door, then slam it shut and race down the stairs as fast as humanly possible. I run as fast as possible to the front of the elevator and finally pause to collect my self. I take a few calming breath. Not because the run tired me out, just because it got my adrenal pumping. I stand with hands on hips, and an annoyed look on my face. Just in time as the elevator opens to all nine members of my team squished into it. "Father, that took a long time." I say and turn dramatically, letting my coat fly begin me. (A/N: Swishie Swish :D) I saunter over to the door and stop. "Sonya! This isn't what it looks like." I say turning around to see the blonde hair receptionist squealing and bouncing. "Oh my god! This is so exciting! Nothing interesting ever happens! I so bored and I don't get much actual human contact sat here alone! And now there's a group of people coming throw, dressed for battle. And a lot of there members are attractive men. Hey boys." Mage says with a flirtatious wink. "Well hello there." Brit says and slides along the desk so he's standing in front of her. "Hello! I'm Sonya! And you are?" She asks holding her hand out. "Balthazar." He says and shakes her hand. "Wait, what are your names?" She says pointing to the group. "Well, I'm Lucifer, that's Michael, Anna, Cas, Gabe. And you've already meet Rave and Brit. Oh yeah. And that's Sam, Dean, and Alex." He says pointing people out. "Holy crap! Are you guys cosplaying?" She asks and I tentatively move toward her, speaking carefully. "No. We're the real thing, Sonya. We're here because we're on a hunt. I assume you've read the books, no?" I ask and she nods. "Good. Sam, Cas, and Dean are the only main characters, yes? And the rest of us are side characters?" I ask and she nods again. "Damn it, Chuck!" I screech and slap my hands down on the table. "The writer?" She asks confused and I shake my head. "No. Father." I say without thinking and Brit slaps me across the back of the head. "Way to ease her into this, Rave. Don't says 'God', no go straight for father." He scolds and I rub my head. "Shut up, Brit! I don't have anyone outside of you guys, so in used to saying father!" I argue and he rolls his eyes. "Wait, if God is your father that makes you... Holy shit!" She yells and covers her mouth. "Yes. I told you, we're the real thing." I say and she smiles. "Gosh, this is the coolest thing ever! Like I said, this post is so boring. And there's not many employees here so, I'm a little.... obsessed... with certain things." She says shyly and I smile. "We have to go, but we'll be back soon." I say and Sonya just nods sadly. "Go, save the world." She says and rests her head in her hands. "I'm sorry, but guys, we have to go." Sam says gently but forcefully. "Go." Sonya says and I pull Brit away. We stand outside the large glass doors and I turn to see Sonya looking at us lazily. She waves sadly and a punch of guilt hits me. I smile and look around the empty street. I see a couple of cameras, but I make sure to block everyone out. I look Sonya dead in the eyes and let out my huge wings. Her mouth drops open and a smile splits her face in two. 'Told you so.' I mouth at her with a wink before taking off into the air. I fly way up high and just breath in the sweet smell of clean air. The biting fall night nips at my skin, but I shake it off. Not thirty seconds after I take off, Michael joins me up in the sky. "Raven that was so risk-" He starts. "Not going to be many more days we can fly with the winter coming and all. It's a nice night though don't you think?" I interrupt calmly, looking up at the stars. "Do you understand how risky that was? We just meet this girl and now she knows everything!" He yells but I just keep looking at the swirling stars and far off galaxies. "I had it covered Michael. I knew exactly what I was doing. No one saw us other then Sonya, and I jammed all of there camera systems with static. Michael, I left nothing to chance." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. My voice is calm, but heavily bunched. As if ready to spring at the slightest provoking. Michael sighs and runs his forehead. "Raven, even still, we don't know this girl. What if she tells someone? Then were fucked." He says and I snap on his ass. "Michael! Who in hell is she going to tell! She said it herself! She's lonely and has no one! Any way, who would believe her if she told any way?" I yell at him and he backs away. I wipe some tears from my eyes and turn away from him. "I know we just meet her, but for a while there, I saw Anele in her. I can get where she's coming from, not having anyone. I get that she's lonely and I just thought maybe we could be friends or even just bond over a mutual loneliness. But apparently having friends other then my family and Alex is too risky." I say sadly. I'm still angry, but more just... alone. "Raven. I didn't know. I'm-" He says but I scoff at him. "I don't want your apologies. Your only apologizing because you know my secrets now. You know what? I've never told anyone about how I feel. But now you know... and I can't take it back. You know what else? This was a mistake. I shouldn't have said anything in the first place." I say and sniffle. I fly away as fast as I can, the tears streaming faster and faster down my checks. "Raven! Raven wait!" Michael yells but I only speed up. At least I paid attention to where we were going earlier. I fly to the edge of the carnival, and stop. I spot a small forest and head down there. I land poorly and trip, but I don't stand up. I just crawl into a ball and cry. "Anele after you left, I just felt like I had no one left. I put on this mask of happiness so well, I started to convince myself that I was actually happy. But I guess all lies catch up with you sooner or later." I whisper harshly at myself as I cry. I'm ashamed I do it, but I just can't steam the tears flowing down my checks. "To think for one minute that I could be happy was a lie. Probably the biggest I've ever told." I sneer out and wipe my eyes. I lay down on the hard packed earth and just sigh. "My life has gone to hell in a hand basket." I whisper and sigh. I sniffle again and roll onto my back. I stare at the stars and blink away tears. I hold my hands up so I can block out everything around me but directly up. I imagine I'm like three years old again, sitting with my family up in heaven, looking out at all the different and beautiful constellations. The happy illusion is broken by the sight of my brothers and sister flying above me, rather then laying beside me. Their just low enough for me to make out there faces, Michael is place and wide eyed as he searches the ground. He spots me and gasps in happiness as tears spring in his eyes. He flys full speed at me and tackles me in a hug. "Oh Raven! I thought we lost you for good this time!" He sobs into my shoulder and I hug him equally as tight back. "I'm sorry. Michael I didn't mean to snap at you like that." I says and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you so much. I just get to panicky sometimes. And we're on this hunt and I've never done this before, and I should've trusted that you knew what you were doing cause you do this all the time and-" He rambles but I cover his mouth with my hand. "Michael, you were right. I thought rashly. I was blinded by my loneliness. I was being risky and I put all our lives on the line." I say and we hug each other again. "Raven, get your hands off my man." Lucifer says. I laugh and wipe away even more tears! God I'm crying a lot recently. Michael and I pull away and Luci wraps his hands around Michael waist. "Michael, you flew down so fast we thought something was wrong." Anna says and lands gracefully as per usual. "Jeez guys, what the hell happened here? Raven, you totally abandoned us!" Gabe says with a lolly pop in his mouth. "Yeah! What happened to no chick flick moments?" Brit says taking a swig from his flask. "Raven? What happened?" Cas asks gently as he lands silently next to me. "I am now."

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