Chapter 30

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"Okay, so we have everything ready for the hunt?" Dean asks and I nod. "Our first hunt as a full family. I'm so excited." Val says, playing with some of the lightening in his hands. "So, what exactly are we hunting?" Riley asks, leaning on the table. The boys are fifteen now and couldn't be more or less the same. Valentine is tall and lanky, black hair cut into a fringe. He has taken to using magic more then weapons which is nice. He's a genius, certified and everything. But most of his language is sarcasm and wit. He's still my favourite. Just don't tell Riley, but at least Riles is Alex's favourite. Riley is tall and muscular after training most days with the humans in our party. He likes hand to hand combat as well as any weapon he can get his hands on. Riley is full of life and is always joking around with Gabriel. Even though their pretty much polar opposites, they're always hanging around each other. Best of friends. When it comes to school, Riley protects Valentine from the stupid bullies. Riley is the football captain, which Dean is very happy about. Valentine is more the lonely, nerdy kid. Like I was. "We think it might be a demon of some kind." Lucifer says. "Nice. I've been waiting for an opportunity to prove my worth to you guys!" Riley says and Michael lays a hand on his shoulder. "You already have, Riley." He says and I hear Valentine snicker. "What's so funny?" Gabe asks and Val shrugs. "Are you not entertained?" He says simply pointing at Michael's back. Gabriel high fives the giggling boy and Mike rolls his eyes. "What- ohhhhh. Nice one, Val." Brit says and I walk over. "That is a nice one." I say looking at the pink rind stone lightening bolt on Mikes back. "Can you do something like that to my shoes?" Anna asks and Michael groans and takes his ruined t-shirt off. "Mum, Michael is ruining the fun." Val says and flips his hair. "I know sweet heart. But I don't control your uncle." I say and turn back to Sam and Dean. "Should we get going? Is Charlie coming on this one?" I ask and the red head bursts out laughing. "Oh god no! I have like a week to myself!" She says and I nod. "Okay, let's go." ------Later that same day,------ I flop down on the motel room bed with a sigh. "What a flight." Val says flexing his large jet black wings, just like old mums. "It was relaxing." Riley says and shrugs his grey wings. If you look at them in the light their bright blue but it's just the sheen on them. "Guys, put your wings away and get some sleep." Alex says and all three of us groan. "I swear it's like raising three children instead of two." He mumbles and I giggle. "Isn't the mother supposed to say that?" I ask as he lays down next to me. "Not in this situation, no." He says and closes his eyes for sleep. We all end up sleeping the night away until Dean bangs hard on our door at 3:00am. "Guys! We found him! Get up!" He says when I open the door. "What? You found its hide out already? Fucking sloppy." I say and wake the boys. "Come on. We've got him." -----Even later----- "Okay, we're gonna split up and surround this thing. Riley, Valentine, you two will move in like we practiced and kill the thing." Dean says and the boys nod. "Michael and Lucifer, you guys take the roof, there's bound to be guards up there. Balthazar, Anna, Raven, Cas, you guys cover the exits. Gabe, Sam, and I will back up the twins. Alex you go after the that bomb, your the only one that can stop it." Sam says and we all put our hands in. "One, two, three, break!" We all says and slip off in our own directions. I stand at the north exit and wait. "Okay, we're clear on the roof." Michael says through the walkie talkie. "All exits are manned. Valentine, Riley, move in." I say and wait longer. Some muffled yells come from inside the building. "We got him." Val says and everyone cheers. "Meet back at point zero!" Anna says and we all meet back at our starting point by the impala. "Where's Alex? Has anyone seen Alex?" I ask then the walkie talkie crackles. "About that. The bomb is off line, but I stepped on something. I'm 93% sure it's a land mine." He says and I freeze. "I'm coming." I say and start to sprint towards him. "Raven, Raven! It's no use! There's nothing we can do!" Michael yells after me but I keep running. "Alex, is there anymore?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I did a sweep. I missed one apparently." He says and I walk carefully over to him, avoiding the little markers. "I'm gonna put the safety pin back in, okay? Everything is gonna be okay." I say and I dig out around the bomb. "Sweetie. I adore you and I always will-" He says but I shush him. "Shut up! There's away! There's always a way!" I say but I can't find the safety pin hole. "Guys, there's no hole. Why isn't there a hole?" I ask into the walkie talkie. "Raven, go back." Alex says as tears drip down his chin. "No I'm not leaving you! I'm not leavening you!" I say and kiss him gently. "Okay. Why don't we get something to disable it? Okay?" Alex asks and I nod. "Okay. Okay. Don't you dare leave me, Alex Winchester." I say and head back to the group. "-Do any thing!" Michael yells and I slid to a halt. "Cas, can you disable the bomb with your mojo?" I ask but he gives me a pitying looking. "Someone help us. Please someone help us. Daddy, save him! Please save him." I cry out hopelessly into the sky. "Valentine? Riley?" Alex asks into the walkie talkie. "We're here dad." Riley says. "I love you boys. I always have. Never forget that. Raven, my beautiful angel. I adore you with every fibre of my being. I love you with all my heart. And you guys better take care of them." Alex says and I turn to look at him across the empty ware house lot. "No, Alex! Don't you do this! Don't you do this to me! Well find away!" I yell into the walkie talkie. "I love you, Raven." He says and I wipe tears away. "I love you, too. But don't you dare move." I say and start to run to him. "Good bye my love." He says as I sprint full speed to him. I don't make it in time. "No! Alex! I love you! You can't!" I yell out and he smiles at me and blows me a kiss before lifting his foot. The explosion is massive, sending bits of derby everywhere. I'm pushed back by the sheer force of it and into a brick wall. I hit my head pretty hard and the next thing I know, everything goes black.

The End...?

(A/N: I hope you've enjoyed reading A Fist Full of Feathers as much I've loved writing it. It's been a journey and I adore everyone one who's read this. Thank you. And for the final time, TALLY-HO!)

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