Chapter 24

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"Yo! The gangs back!" Dean yells. "Father look! A wild Sam and Alex have appeared in the kitchen from their natural habitat of 'the library' where they spend most of there time." I say and point. "How rare! This is an amazing opportunity to get some photos of these rare nocturnal animals!" Gabe says and starts to film on a small blog camera he pulls from no where. "Notice how the wild 'Sam' keeps its hair long. Researchers still don't understand this since the 'Alex' has its hair short." I say into the camera. "Guys!" Sam says and starts to approach. "Stop filming us!" Alex says walking just behind Sam. "Run! They've spotted us!" Gabe yells and we sprint through the house, Alex and Sam chasing right on our heels. "Quickly! Outside!" I screech as I feel one of their hands on my back. We run harder outside and take off into the air. "We've taken off into the air knowing full well that these wild beasts can't follow us he-" I start but Sam reaches up and grabs my ankle, yanking me down with a yelp. "Sam-Sammy! Sammy, nooooo!" I squeal as he starts to tickle my sides. I writhe around on the ground laughing my head off as Gabriel films and narrates the whole thing from up high. "Alex! S-Save me! Sam no!" I screech and Alex just looks at me. "Nope." He says and with whatever dignity I have left I glare at him. "Then screw both of you." I laugh out as I gently use my powers to lift Sam off me. "Gabriel! Control your boyfriend!" I say up at Gabe as I fly up to join him. "I think we should leave them alone. Their torture is horrible." I say with a shiver and I grab the camera. "Anything you want to say Gabe?" I ask. "Sammy if your cheating on me with Raven, I'll kill you." He says and I hear Sam barks out a cough of laughter from the ground. "I couldn't even if I wanted to. Which I don't!" He yells up and Gabe sighs. I close up the camera and hand it to Gabriel. "We should film stuff more often. I want our kids to see it." I say as we land. "Alex, you didn't even look back when Sam attacked me!" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Well you did call us wild animals." He says and I kiss him. "Well that only because we were having fun. I was bonding with one of my favourite brothers." I say and press a kiss to his lips. "One of!" Gabe says, filming again, and I look at him. "Top three. Defiantly top ten." I say with a laugh. We walk back inside and join the others in the war room. By the time we get there Gabe put the camera away. "What are we talking about?" I ask and Dean slams the book they were looking at shut. "Nothing, dearest." Dad says and I smile. "Okay, Daddy." I say and stop. "Alex, my I introduce you to my father, God." I say and Alex holds a hand out. "Nice to see you again, Chuck. We all thought you were dead but I'm glad your not." He says and dad shakes his hand. "It was strange to pretend to be a prophet but I wanted to check up on these idiots." He says and ruffles Cas and I's hair. I smile and grab Alex's hand. "I can see the love radiating off you two. It's something I haven't seen in a long time. Your auras seem to match perfectly. I can see it two with all the parings you have going on here. Keep your head up Balthazar, you've already meet them. You just don't know it yet. There they are actually." Dad says right before the door bell rings. "Can I go?" Brit asks and dad nods so he sprints to see who it is. "So, Michael, how is she doing with powers and stuff?" Dad asks and Michael opens his mouth but I hold up a finger. He tries to talk but no sound comes out. Dad turns to look at me shocked and I lift all the books scattered around room and start to circle them around up. A slight wind gushes and blows only my hair as I lift myself off the ground too. I put all the book down in their proper order and lift everyone else off the floor, as if in zero gravity. "Better then I thought apparently." Dad says and looks around. "Oh you have no idea." Luci says as he floats past. "She's mastered all of this on her own too." Cas says, twirling around in the air. I gently put us down on the ground and look at my shoes as I scuff them around nervously. "Technically she'd be considered a certified witch." Sam says and I blush. "I think their beautiful." Alex says which only make me blush deeper. He lifts my fave to his and I smile nervously. "That, dear Alex, is because it is beautiful." Dad says and I look at him. "Thanks dad. Who's up for pancakes?" I ask and everyone raises their hands, even God. "Cas, you wanna help?" I ask and he nods. We head into the kitchen and I turn on the radio as I grab some stuff for pancakes. "And now, Dear Future Husband by: Megan Trainor." The announcer says and the song starts. "Oh I love this song! Turn it up!" Cas says and I turn up the radio. "Take me on a date, I deserve a bae, and don't forget the flowers every anniversary. 'Cause if you treat me right I'll be the perfect wife, buying groceries, buying buying what you need." I sing and turn to Cas. "You got that nine to five, but baby so do I, so don't be thinking I'll be at home and making apple pies," He sings and winks at Dean. "I never learned to cook, but I can find a hook, sing along with me, sing sing along with me." Gabe jumps in out of now where and takes over. "You gotta know how to treat me like a lady, even when I'm acting crazy, tell me everything's alright." He says and bats his eyes at Sam who rolls his in response. "Dear future husband, here's a few things you need to know if, you wanna be my one and only all my life. Dear future husband, if you wanna get the apes ail loving," Lucifer sings and slaps Michaels ass before walking in, still singing. "Tell me in beautiful, each and every night." "After every fight, just apologize, and maybe then I'll let you try to rock my body right. Even if I was wrong, you know I'm never wrong, why disagree, why why disagree?" I sing and Alex bangs his head on the table. "You gotta know how to treat me like a lady, even when I'm acting crazy, tell me everything's alright." Anna sings and her and Charlie disappear somewhere. "Dear future husband, here's a few things you need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life. Dear future husband, make time for me, don't leave me lonely and we'll never see your family more then mine." Michael sings along finally and joins the rest of us in the kitchen. "I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed. Open doors for me and you might get some kisses. Don't have a doubt in mind, just be classy guy, buy me a ring, but buy me ring." Cas says and places his lips on Deans. "You gotta know how to treat m like lady, even when I'm acting crazy, tell me everything's alright." I sing and turn to Gabe. "Dear future husband, here's a few things you need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life." He says and Sam sighs. "Dear future husband, if you wanna get that special loving tell me in beautiful each and every night." Sam looks up sarcastically. "Your beautiful." For the last part we all go to our boys and smile. "Future husband, better love me right." We all sing at the same time. "That was so cheesy." Alex says and I bow. "Only the cheesiest." I say and kiss him. "I didn't know that all of my favourite children were ladies." Dad says and I smile. "Apparently we are." Michael says, staring lovingly deep into Luci's eyes. "The pancakes!" Cas yells and we spring into action. I lift up the smoking pan. "Give me a minute." I say and zap the pancakes to fresh ones. "Won't be as good, but food." I say and Cas puts them on plates. We eat our food talking quietly amongst our selves. "I think you'll love the dress, babe." I say and kiss Alex. "I'm sure I will, baby girl." He says and kisses me back. "Sammy! I want to be that happy!" Gabe whines and Sam pushes his head into the pancakes. "Dean, I still want to know about children." Cas says and I look up. "Didn't you tell him?" I ask and Dean shakes his head. "Tell me what?" Cas ask worriedly. "That I'm willing to carry a child for you. I am for all of you but I have a limit of one child per couple." I say with a small chuckle and look around at my brothers. Cas lights up and I smile. Then a very, very, distant memory decides to resurface. "Hey, Sam, Dean? Do you guys remember a case you did a long time ago, Jack Montgomery? How his wife was pregnant with his weird to be canibal child?" I ask and Sam thinks for a minute. "Yeah, yeah when I had just meet Cas? Like right after I came back from hell? Yeah I remember him, why?" Dean asks and I shake my head. "I don't know. It's just all this talk of children and pregnancy make me think of the cases you guys did with pregnant women. You know, that was my first real time dealing with humans. It was honestly the first time I was actually close to one. Well, there was the time Anna and I went shopping, but we really went at night when there was no one out and I was here sometime to visit Gabe when he was here, all that aside this was like my first time with a vessel and everything. But I digress, Cas kept me to the side for the first little while so Dean didn't get overwhelmed but I remember watching you vividly. I remember watching Sam mostly especially when he was with Ruby. I was always fascinated by her. I was always like begging Cas to let me hug him. Sam always reminded me of puppy that had been kicked one too many times." I say and sigh. "I'm not a puppy Raven." Sam says and I coo. "Of course you are." I say as I pat his check. "Dean, is Sam a puppy?" I ask. "He's a moose!" Gabe says and we all laugh. With Gabe, not at him. "You Cas, when we first meet these guys you were kind of a dick." I say and Cas fanes hurt. "You kinda were. But I understand why. Back then you had a stick up your ass." Dean says and ruffles the angels hair. "Did not!" Cas says. "Did too." Dean retorts and ruffles the hair Cas is trying to fix. "I'm just happy that you guys let Lilith finish opening all the seals! That is until you locked us in that cage." Luci says, furrowing his brow. "The cage wasn't all bad," Michael says and Lucifer gives him a look. "You're right. It was pretty." Sam scratches the back of his neck. "Well, you did want to take over our bodies so we didn't really have choice." He says awkwardly. "Oh shut, vessel." Luci says. Gabe bristles with anger. "Lucifer." He says in a warning tone. "Speaking of the cage," Dad interjects defusing the dangerous situation. "How did you two manage to get out?" He asks leaning forward on his forearms. "Well the cage wasn't permanent. We just found a way to speed up the process. And we couldn't miss Ravens wing ceremony." Michael says and I bark out laughter. "That was a ceremony? I was in a bathtub of my own blood with Cas." I say and Mike shrugs. "Well what ever it was it was important and beautiful." I forward in my chair and then poof. My wings are smacking him in the face, on purpose of course. I laugh as he sputters and I let them fold up behind my back. Michael glowers at me but I can see the amusement behind his eyes. "Raven their so beautiful." Dad says. I blush and look down at my lap. I'm still not used to getting compliments about them. "Thanks dad." I say with a shy smile. Dad smiles back and lifts me chin with his finger. "Cheer up dearest. It's almost your wedding day."

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