Chapter 10

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I wake up with a yawn. "Morning baby girl." Alex says and I sigh happily. "Morning babe." I say and close my eyes again. "Nah uh. Were going to school. Get up, we're already behind." He says and I groan as I sit up. "Do we have to?" I ask and he nods. "Degree Raven." He says and stands. I stand up and scrutinize my closet for something appropriate to wear to school. I just end up wearing a knee length black sun dress. I leave my hair down but I make sure to have some hair elastics. Alex is wearing a pair of tan shorts and a green plaid tee. "Ready?" He asks and tosses me my bag. "As I'll ever be." I say and hand him some sunglasses. I put mine on and we walk into the kitchen. I write a note to Dean telling him that I took baby and were at school, and with that we leave. We climb into baby and I drive us to school. "So, what are we going to do for lunch today?" I ask and Alex shrugs. "I don't think it would be the best idea to go back to our spot just yet. We could eat at the bleachers?" He suggests and I nod. "Bleachers it is." I say and turn on some of Dean's mullet rock. When we get to school, everyone just kinda leaves us alone as usually. There are some sorry glances our way, and some people tell us that their sorry for our loss, but most of the people here don't even know that Aneles gone. We pass her locker on the way, and some of the teachers have set up a little shrine to her which makes me smile sadly. "I miss her." I whisper as we stop to look. There's one of her school pictures, it's one of the bad ones which makes me laugh. There's some fake candles cause we're not aloud to have fire. Some flowers. It's sweet. We don't stay long cause as is we both almost start to cry. Me and Alex split up to go to our separate lockers. When I get to mine, the school bully stops me. "Raven! Hey, Raven! Slow down!" He says and grabs my arm. "What do you want Jesse?" I ask a little harshly and wrench my arm away. "I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what happened to Anele. I feel really bad." He says and I smile a little. "Thank you Jesse. It actually means a lot to here that from... you of all people." I say and laugh a little as I wipe some tears away. "I know. I'm trying to change. Tissue?" He asks and holds one out for me. "Thanks, Jesse." I say and he smiles slightly. "Are we cool?" He asks and I nod. "Were cool." I say and dab my eyes with the tissue. I pull him into a friendly hug. "Thank you for trying to change." I whisper to him and he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, I've taken some time to really think about my life. I've had a lot of pent up emotions that I can finally accept. I wanted to start by apologizing to the three of you. But when I found out what happened to Anele, I just... I felt so horrible." He said and I smile. "Well, apology accepted." I say and he smiles brightly. "Thank you so much! And congrats to you and Alex becoming a thing." He says and I blush and look at the ground. "Hey, I've got to go, but we should defiantly talk later." I say and he nods happily, brown hair flopping all over his face. "Why don't you join me and Alex at lunch? Meet us by the bleachers, 12:00." I say and his smile grows. "Sure! Okay, thanks!" He says and I hug him again. I wave I little as I walk away. I make a quick stop at my locker and open it. I start to cry again when I see all photos of Anele, Alex, and I covering my locker door. I see the head band I borrowed from and I put it on. It's just a simple gold band, but it was still hers and I completely forgot I had it. I smile and wipe my nose with the tissue Jesse gave me. I grab my Psychology book and head quickly to class. When I get there, I rush to my seat in the back next to Alex. Her desk is empty but it still has the little carving she had made of all three of our names in a heart. I pull out my phone and take a picture of the desk. "Her head band." Alex says and runs a hand through my hair. "Yeah, it was in my locker." I say and wipe my eyes again. "You'll never guess who stopped me in the hall today to give condolences." I say and Alex looks confused. "Who?" He asks intrigued. "Jesse Morgan. He gave me a tissue and we talked. He said he was trying to change and I invited him to lunch." I say and Alex's jaw drops. "Shut up! No way!" He says and I nod. "I know right?" I say and a smile spreads across Alex's face. "Good morning class. Raven. Alex. I see you decided to join us. I'm very sorry for your loss." Dr. Howard says from the front of the class. I mouth a quick thank you to him. He mouths you okay? back and I nod. He smiles and continues with his lesson. ------Time skip to lunch------
"No homework tonight!" Dr. Howard says and everyone cheers. He smiles and we all file out of the class. "I really am sorry. She was a sweet girl and an even better student." He says as me and Alex leave the room hand in hand. "Thank you Dr. Howard. It means a lot. Did you help with the locker shrine?" I ask and he nods. "I lead the project. Do you like the photo?" He asks and I nod and smile. "Take care of her Alex. You two are good kids and I'd hate to lose anymore students." Dr. Howard says and Alex nods. "Thanks again Dr." I say as we leave the room. "I'm always here if you need to talk!" He says and I wave to him. Me and Alex walk down to both of our lockers to grab food, then walk to the bleachers. Jesse is already standing there a little awkwardly. "Hey Jesse!" I say and he looks up with a smile on his face. "Hey guys! Thanks for letting me eat with you. I left my other friends. You know, they weren't really friends to begin with." He says and we all laugh. We sit on the bleachers and talk for a while. Every thing is going smoothly. Jesse fits in with our marry band of two really well, I think he's really sweet actually, but I don't see him ever being as close to us as Anele was. He will defiantly never replace her. When the bell rings, it signals the end of the day for me and Alex. We only have on class left to take to graduate, cause we've taken all our other classes. "This was fun." I say and Alex nods. "Your really sweet Jesse. Don't worry. You'll do just fine here. We just need to find you the right click." I say and Jesse smiles. "Thanks guys. It means a lot that you're willing to help me." He says and I smile. "We should go. Same time tomorrow?" I ask Jesse and he nods. Me and Alex make another quick stop at our lockers, one at Anele's, then we head out. "Wait, don't go home! We haven't actually gone on a proper date yet. Want to grab a real lunch?" Alex asks and I nod. "Roadhouse?" I ask and he nods. Dean should us this little restaurant run by some family friends. It's cute and it quickly became Anele, Alex, and my usual hang out after school. I pull into the parking lot and turn off baby. I see a blonde girl run out of the front doors, smile, and wave excitedly. I smile as we walk up to her. "Jo! How long has it been?" Alex asks and she smiles. "Too long." She says and gestures us inside. "Ellen!" I say when I see her. "Raven! Alex! It's been too long! I heard about Anele. I'm sorry." She has and I smile. "Table for two?" Jo asks sarcastically and I laugh and nod. Jo leads us to a booth in the corner of the restaurant, knowing we prefer to be on our own. "Usual?" Jo asks and I look at Alex. "Yeah. But only one fry and one milk shake with two straws." He says and Jo raises her eyebrows. "We're here on a date." I say and grab Alex's hand across the table. "Awww, how sweet! Your order will be right up." She smiles and walks away. "So, what do people usually do on dates?" I ask and Alex shrugs. "Talk." He says and I rest my head on my hand. "Bout what?" I ask and he shrugs again. "You look good today." He says and I smile. "Why thank you. It's called the after school glow. You look fabulous." I say sarcastically and we laugh. "I guess we're not the conventional couple." I say and Alex scoffs. "Of course we're not! For your fathers sake Raven, while most couples argue about who's gonna pay, we're over here arguing about how we're gonna kill the demon." He says and I laugh. "I told you we should have gone with the shot gun!" I say and Alex holds his free hand up. "How was I supposed to know that it wouldn't die if you hung it?" He asks and I smile. "Dean warned us!" I say and Alex sighs dramatically. Jo comes over with our food and we thank her before she leaves. "So, what do you think we should do the rest of the day?" I asks and sip the milk shake. "Well, we could see if Sam and Dean have a hunt. We haven't done one in... 1, then Anele, like almost a month and a half." Alex says and I smile. "That would be nice." I say and grab one of the fries. We end up talking about all the hunts we've gone on and even the ones Alex has only heard stories about. "Oh my father! Do you remember the story of how Gabriel, Sam, and Dean met? That was so funny! They had no idea I was even there! The forgot me!" I complain and Alex laughs. "Yes! Oh my word! That was so funny to hear about!" He says and snorts. We make eye contact then laugh harder. The whole time we never let go of each other's hands. Eventually, when the food is done, we stand to leave. We spilt the bill like we always do and leave the money on the table. As we walk out to baby, we swing our clasped hands back and fourth happily. "That was fun! We should do that more often." I say and Alex puts his arm around my shoulders. "We really should." He says and I kiss his check. We climb into baby and I let him drive, Dean will be able to live with it just this once. We're both smiling as we pull up to the bunker and get out of the car. I grab his hand again as we walk down the stairs to the living room, where Anna is braiding Charlie's hair while the watch a movie. "Hey guys!" I say happily and Anna looks up. "Oh, hey guys! How was school?" Anna asks, smiling brightly. "It was good! Everyone was so nice about what happened. Charlie, you'll never guess who talked to us today!" Alex say excitedly. "Oh my god! Who?" She asks trying to move, but being smacked in the head by Anna. "Jesse Morgan!" Me and Alex say in unison. "What? How did that go?" She asks excitedly. "He was actually nice and he apologized and said he was trying to change. Then we had a lovely conversation at lunch." I say and Charlie coos. "That's sweet! How was the date?" She asks and I smile at Alex. "It was great! We talked about our old hunting stories and ate fried and shared a milkshake. Speaking of hunting, where's Dean and Sam?" I ask and Anna smiles. "Their in the war room talking about this big hunt we all might go on!" She says and smiles. "Thats so cool! I'm gonna go see!" I say and pull Alex to the war room, where Sam is hunched over his computer typing away, and Dean is reading some papers and books. "Hey guys! Anna told us about the possible hunt! Need some help?" Alex asks and Dean sighs happily. "Yeah actually. We need some people with experience. I'd get Cas or Gabe to help but their outside playing beach volleyball with Michael and Lucifer. I think Balt is the referee." Sam says and I go sit next to Dean. Alex sits next to me and Dean hands me some papers. "What are we looking for?" I ask and Sam turns the computer around. "Possible reaper. We think there could be multiple, they're terrorizing towns and we think it could be because of a carnival that's been there when these incidents happen, the leave right after." He says and runs his head. "Worst part, the carnival is going to Kentucky in three days." Dean says and I rub my forehead. "Okay. Let's get to work." I say and start to scan the pages with Alex for anything that could link the reapers to the carnival.

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