Chapter 17

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I lift one of the blades and gently caress the demons face with the sharp end. It scrunches up it nose and sucks in air through its teeth. "Did that sting?" I ask and move toward it. "Cause that's only the first step." I grab a pinch full of the salt and drop it gently into the demons hair. It lets out a muffled cry as it burns. I let small pinches of salt all over the thing. "What else do we have here? Oh, this one will be fun." I say lift up my cross that I brought down. "The power of Christ compels you!" I says jokingly but the demon still twitches. I carefully touch the demon with the cross, right over its heart. It yelps and whimpers a little. "Oh, do we like that?" I ask and sit on its lap. I trace the cross around its and lay a hand o its check. I stand and walk back over to the plater. I grab the slat infused blade and drench it in holy water. "This ones gonna sting." I say as I make various cuts all over its body. It's blood starts to seep through his clothes and it lets out a moan of pure, white hot pain. "I'm sure that hurts." I say and place a hand on the deepest cut. It whimpers and I remove my hand. I pluck out one of my feathers, which hurts like all hell, and gently trace the soft bit over the demons cuts. It twitches and bites its lip. "What's wrong? Do you it when I do that?" I ask and trace the feather over the burns around its face. I put the feather and grab the cup of holy water. "I'm sure your thirsty." I say and pour the liquid down its throat. Stem erupts from its mouth and it cries out in pain. "Oh, sweetie, we're not done." I say and dip my fingers in the holy water. I trace those over its torso and its shirt is pretty much ruined, so I rip that off it. "Ahhh, that's better." I say and dump the holy water on my hand and place it on its chest. I go back to the plater and place the cup down. I'm about the grab the demon blade, when my phone goes off. I pull it out of my coat pocket and answer. "What do you want?" I ask irritated. "I just wanted to tell you were on our way home. Lucifer left a while ago, so he should be there soon. There rest of us will be there by morning." Alex says and I smile. "Okay. Do you have Achoo with you?" I ask. "Of course I have our dog." He says and the demon laughs. "Achoo? What kind of name is that?" It asks and using my powers I hold the blade to his throat. "Raven. What's going on?" "Oh, it's nothing. Really." I say and Alex scoffs. "Whatever. Well be there by morning. Bye baby girl." He says and I smile. "See ya babe." I say and hang up the phone. "You need to learn to shut up." I say turning back to the demon. ----Time skip---- "Raven! What did you do? Are you finished with it yet?" Lucifer asks from the door way and I turn around. "Yup. Kill it." I say happily. There's blood all over my hands and face, even some in my mouth from where I licked some one of the deeper cuts, its dripping from my fangs from the many times I bit the thing, and from my claws where I scratched it. "Your adorable." He says as he walks in and grabs the angel blade. "Your a traitor. Pleaser doing business with you." He says menacingly and chips its head off with the demon blade. "Well, not that that's done, shall we get caught up?" He says as I nod. "Glade I wore black." I say jokingly and we laugh as we walk back up stairs. I wash up and sit in the kitchen. "What about the body?" I ask and Lucifer smiles. "The body will disappear with in the hour." He says and I nod. "I think I had a little too much fun with that." I say but Luci tuts. "It was your first time. I had too much fun my first time too." He says and I gag. "Father, you make it sound like sex." I say and Lucifer sticks his tongue out. "Well, I'm going to class tomorrow so yeah. Night." I say and Lucifer waves sadly. "What's wrong?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't know. I just get lonely sometimes." He says and I sigh. I grab his wrist and drag him to my room. "Sleep. I get that feeling too often to leave you. Damn it, Luci." I mutter the last bit myself as I put some pjs on and crawl under the covers. "Thanks, Rave." He says and I roll my eyes. "Any time." I fall asleep but I'm plagued with extremely wired dreams. The details I don't remember, but I do remember that at one point Sam sprouts antlers and hooves and gives me a piggy back ride. Then Lucifer and Dean star making out in the corner and Gabe starts to teach grade eight science. Anna and Brit get married, and have a cow baby. Michael is just Michael. And Alex is a cat. Like I said, weird. I wake up confused and find Lucifer staring at me strangely. "You were in my dream, weren't you?" I ask and he nods. "I wish I wasn't." He says and I nod. "Same here." I shake my head slide out of my bed. I grab a casual white to black ombré dress. The right side is slit up to the thigh. I magical make my beloved fangs disappear and add a touch of make-up. I curl my hair slightly and twirl to face Luci. "Looks great." He says and I nod. "Want to come?" I ask and he sighs. "I'd love to, but I really don't want to." He says and I flip him off before leaving. I walk down to the kitchen and make piece of toast before I leave. I wrote Dean a quick note and leave it stuck to the door and grab my bag. I put on a pair a black swede timberlines and some sun glasses. And with that, I head to class. When I arrive, I head to my locker and grab a water bottle, full of holy water just in case an incident arouse, and my psych books. I walk into the classroom and sit in my normal chair next Alex, who's not in. "Morning class." Mr.Howard says and we all reply with lazy good mornings. "So today, we're going to be learning more about different ways to differentiate one common disease from a sister disease." He says. Yay, this should be fun. Alex doesn't show up all day, but something told me he wouldn't after the hunt. I eat lunch with Jesse, which was nice as he introduced me to his new boyfriend. You see, him being gay really explained a lot of the pent up anger. I could've told you that just by the way he walked, but whatever. After lunch, I just decided to head home. I pull baby up and exit. I open the front door, arms full of my books and shit for homework, plus my holy water bottle to be filled up, and a cup of shaken black tea lemonade from Starbucks. God that shit is good. As soon as the door is open, I'm attack by a puppy. "Yes, hello Achoo. I'm home." I say and try to close the door with out crushing the dog. "I'm home!" I yell out and walk to the kitchen. I set down my crap and sit down. I sigh and sip at my drink before starting my homework. It's not very hard, looking at a few different fake clients and diagnosing their problems. Simple. I finish with in ten minutes and decide to take Achoo for a run. We both need the exercise. I quickly run to my room and change into some work out clothes. I put in my head set and zap a leash onto the puppy. "Ready, boy?" I ask and he yips. "I'm going for a run!" I yell back into the house and head out. We go for a short but nice run through the park, seeing as Achoo couldn't do much more then that. When we get home, I see Lucifer sitting in the kitchen, drinking my tea. I unhook the leash and Achoo try's to run inside, but only mashes to trip over his massive paws. He sits up and runs over to Luci. "Lucifer. Your drinking my tea." I state simply and he looks up. "Yeah, what's wrong?" He asks and I stare at him. "Dude! You don't drink a girls Starbucks. That's just not done." Dean says from behind me and I nod. "Well, sucks for you." He says and finishes it off. I turn on my heel and storm off to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I change back into the outfit I wore to school and head back to the kitchen. Lucifer and Sam are laughing about something or other, Dean and Cas are talking intently about something in the corner, Anna and Charlie are no where to be found, Balthazar is typing frantically on his phone, Michael is read some book, and Gabriel is sitting alone. I head toward him and plop down next to him on the couch. "Hey, Gabe." I say and he smiles. "Hey, Rave." He says, not taking his eyes off Sam. I smirk to myself as I look between them. Gabriel looks like a love sick puppy. I raise my eyebrows at him and he rolls his eyes, popping a sucker in his mouth. "Shut up." He says and I grasp my heart. "I didn't even talk genius." I say and he shrugs. "Your eyebrows speak a thousand words." I make a duck face and flip my hair. "So your saying my eyebrow on fleek?" I ask and I face palms. "Eye brows on FLEEK!" I exclaims as I run my index finger over one. "Shut up." Gabe says and I stick my tongue out. Achoo leaves Lucifer and waddles over to me. "Noooooooo! Dog! I just want you to love me!" He says and Sam cuffs him on the back of the head. I pick up the puppy and he yawns, sneezes, looks at me and wags his tail. "Are you tired Achoo? It's been a long day for little puppies." I say and rub his floppy ears. "Hey, Dean? You know where Alex is?" I ask and he stop talking with Cas to look up. "He went home after the hunt was finished. Said something about no talking to his parents in forever? You know what that means?" He says and I nod. "They had a fight a while back and he's been trying to convince himself to do it. I think I'll go over and see what's up." I say and stand up. "Gabe, can you take the puppy to the door? I want to bring her, I think I'm gonna spend the night there." I say and everyone ooo's like a class of grade fours. "Not like that you nasties." I say and walk to my room to get some stuff. I meet Gabe at the door and he looks confused. "You could've just come back for the dog." He says and I grab the puppy. "Yeah, well, I wanted to talk to you." I say and he huffs. "I know you like Sam and I know it's hurts when you see him with any one else. I'm just want to tell you, don't stop your advances, just ease up. He seems a little scared. Your making good progress though. Keep up, bro. Tell Dean I took baby." I say and walk out to the car. Gabe closes the door as I close baby's door. I put my stuff in the back and let Achoo ride shot gun. The drive to Alex's apartment is around fifteen minutes, so I decide to put on some music. Eye of the tiger comes on very loud an me and Achoo both cover our ears. I reach forward and turn it down. "Let's listen to something different." I say and Achoo seems to nod. I change the songs and carry on my wayward son is on. "That's better, right?" I ask an the puppy yips. "I think so too." We drive to Alex's while listening to Deans mullet rock. I walk with the puppy to the door and I press his call button. "Who is it?" Alex ask through the intercom and I scoff. "You already know who it is!" I hear he buzzes me in and me and Achoo go to the elevator. "Hey, baby girl." He says when he opens the door and I smile. I lean in kiss him and he leads me inside. "Hello, Achoo." He says and bends down to pet the jumping excited puppy. I slap his ass before running in and sitting on the couch. Alex has a massive pent house apartment in the downtown area. The location is probably why its so cheap for him as an upstater. It's my a bad part of town, I actually really like this apartment complex and part of town, it's just poorer so people tend to stay away. But the people are nice and they have a fantastic little bakery next door. Since Alex owns the pent house, it's two storeys. He's decorated it really modern and stylish, but still cozy. I actually really like it here, I just... like the bunker more. Achoo comes rushing and flings himself onto the seat next to me. Alex comes not one minute after and plops down on the other side of me. "Have you video chafed your parents yet?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Why not! Alex, there probably worried sick about you!" He sighs and puts his head in his hands. "I can't do, Raven. You don't understand what it's like." He says. Wow. That's stung. "Your right. I don't understand. You know why? I don't have parents. Not even because I'm adopted or they walked out or I ran away. No. Cause my dad is fucking god!" I say voice rising at the end. He looks up. "No, Raven I didn't mean it like that." He says and I scowl. "Raven I meant it like... like no one understands. Not just you." I ease up and sink into the couch. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that." I say. "No. It's my fault. I'm sorry I didn't think. I should've thought about what I was saying." Alex explains and I open my arms. We hug and I stuff my face into the crock of his neck. "We really should call them. I can be there with you if you want. They don't know about us and I haven't seen your parents since you moved out." I say and Alex sighs. He stands and he's upstairs. When he comes back he has his laptop. "Let's do this." He says and I smile. ----Small time skip cause this is really just Skype set up and shit. You know how Skype is---- "Hello, Mother. Father." Alex says and I almost laugh. He elbows me and I get a hold of myself. "Alex! Sweetie! Oh, your father an I have been so worried about you!" His mother, Linda, says. "I'm okay mom." Alex says and his dad clears his throat. "It's good to see you son." Alex smiles, happy tears brining behind both of our eyes. "Dad, your okay. How was the surgery?" Alex ask and his father smiles. "It went well. They say I'll be fine, but I have to be careful from now on. The knees isn't as responsive as they used to be, so if I'm gonna fall, there no stopping me." Noah, his dad says. Noah had a terrible fall last spring and broke both of his knees. They didn't heal and after a savage infection set in they weren't sure if he'd make it through. But before the fight he was scheduled for surgery. "That's amazing dad." Alex says wiping some tears away. "Who's that girl there?" Linda asks, adjusting her glasses. "You remember Raven, don't you?" He asks and his parents faces light up. "Oh Raven! It's been too long! How's your family?" Linda says and I smile. "They're good. They're all here actually. Well, not here here, but at my place." I say and Achoo picks that moment to start squirming around. "What's that thing moving?" Noah asks and I finally give up and the puppy pocks his head up so it shows on screen. "Mom, dad, meet our puppy Achoo." Alex says and Achoo yips. His mother coo's but his father raises a bushy eyebrow. "Who's our?" Alex coughs and looks at me. I nod and we take hands. "Our puppy. Me and Alex. We're in a relationship." I say and his mother stops her coo's and his dad raises his other eyebrow. "Oh sweet heart that amazing!" His mother says and I let out a silent breath of relief. "In fact, your father and I had a bet that you'd either fall in love with her, or be gay." Linda says and Alex flushes beet red. I laugh and he rolls his eyes. "Damn, Linda. I owe a night out." His father says and we both stop. "Wait, if I fell in love with Raven and you owe mom... DAD YOU THOUGHT I WAS GAY!?" Alex exclaims in surprise. We both seem a little taken a back, but his father just shrugs. "You just seemed the type." Noah says and I laugh. I had forgotten why I love his parents so much.

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