Chapter 18

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We've been talking to Alex parents for around an hour now, as all I all its going pretty smoothly. "So, do you guys think you'll get married?" Linda asks and I almost spit my tea everywhere. I do spit a little but not as much as I could have. I made us tea half way through. "What? Mom where did that come from?" Alex asks and I wipe my chin. "I don't know. Maybe?" I squeak Alex turns to look at me and I give him my very best version of Cas' confused face. "What?" I ask and he smiles. "Maybe." ----Time skip cause parents are boring. Not really, I LOVE YOU MOM!---- "Maybe? Is there another man?" He asks and I shake my head. "Of course we're getting married, but you haven't asked yet and I don't want to get your parents hopes up." I say and Alex blushes. "Well, speaking of yet," He says and drops to a knee. I lift my hands to my face as fresh tears spring to my eyes. "Raven, I've know you for almost five years. We've only been dating for a couple months, but I feel like I've known you forever. I love you with all my heart and I can't incision myself with anyone else. We live together, love each other, own a dog together, hunt together, all of this, I can't spend my life with out it. Will you, Raven Novak/Winchester, you know your really indecisive about your last name, do me Alex England, the honour of being my wife?" He says and pulling out a little blue velvet book. I pull him to his feet and wipe some tears away. "Of course you absolute perfect dork!" I say and press my lips to his. "Good. I'm not a dork! I'm a nerd and proud." He says and he slips the ring onto my finger. It's fairly simple, a silver band with a small design and a medium diamond (A/N: See photo). I kiss him, tears rolling down my checks. "Yes you are." I whisper into his lips and he smiles. I pull back and rest my head and rest it on his shoulder. "You know, this is the best day of my life." I say and he kisses the top of my head. "We haven't even gotten married yet, baby girl." He says and I shrug. We sit and cuddle and share some kisses and I do end up spending the night. Neither of us get much sleep. And you can probably imagine why (A/N: I'm not a smut author. If you want to know just find a straight smut and change the names). I wake up next to my fiancé in his bed. Achoo is scratching at our door and I assume he has to go out. "I'll be back in a minute baby." I say and kiss him. He hums in reply and I put a silk robe on. Alex had a balcony with a little bit of grass so I just take Achoo out there. I lean on the edge of the balcony and just look out at the city. The sun is rising and it's turned the entire sky line pink and purple. A gentle pair of arms is wrapped around my waist and I look up to see Alex standing in a towel behind me. "It's beautiful." I whisper and he looks down at me. "So are you." He says and kisses me. We watch the sun rise together just to escape reality a little for a while. "That was amazing." I say once it's over and Alex nods, taking my hand and leading me inside. "We should tell my family today." I say but Alex pulls me onto the couch. "Or we could stay here." He says and I nod. "Or we could stay here for a while." I say and he gives in. Achoo runs off to his little puppy bed and sleeps. He is only a puppy after all. "We could have a little more fun before we leave though." Alex suggest sexually and I nod. "We could." I say and kiss him. "But we should eat." I say and he scoffs. "Not like that ya nasty." I say and walk over to his kitchen, swaying my hips more then usual. "What do you want to eat?" I ask him, looking through his fridge. "What about eggs?" He asks and I nod. "Eggs it is." I say and start to make some eggs. "Mmmmmm... Your attractive when you cook." Alex says and wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh, thanks babe." I say and he attaches lips to my neck. I make the eggs, Alex not helping me much. We eat on the couch, cuddling an feeding each other, very cliché. We watch some House, M.D. on Netflix while we eat. It's become an obsession of ours since we watched it that night with the gang. "You now, House is a dick." I say and Alex nods. "Baby girl, you said you wanted to go home today right?" He asks and I look at him over my shoulder. "I mean, we could stay here if you want. I don't understand why you don't just move into the bunker with us. We have more then enough room, plus your part of the family. I mean look at Charlie." I say and kiss him. "I now, I mean I would have to pay less money, and it just makes sense, but I just kind of like the apartment. But I feel like we need to decide if we're going to stay in the bunker or get our own place after the wedding." Alex says and I think. "Well, we could live in the bunker, but I think we should get our own place. We could live here if you want." I say and he smiles. "And we finally reached the same conclusion." He says and I kiss him. "Your a genius." I say and stand up. "Come on. Let's go get ready." I say and pull him to his feet again. I end up wearing a flowing white dress and some black ballet flats that I have here from my little wardrobe. I'm feeling wedding-y. Alex just wears a pair of nice jeans and a black v-neck. I put a beanie on his head and he rolls his eyes. "But you look so good in it!" I say and he laughs. He puts a flower crown on my head and we leave, Achoo walking beside us with out even needing a leash. "We should start to train him for hunting soon." I say, slightly swinging our joined hands. Alex nods and we climb into baby. Alex is driving today and Achoo is sitting in the back, chewing on one of his toys. "I wonder how there going to take it." I say and grab Alex's hand. "I'm sure they'll take it well." He says and I turn on the music. I gasp and a smile breaks my fave in two. "Oh father no not this song. Raven! No! Don't sing along." Alex says and I get into it. "Backstroke lover always hiding 'neath the covers till I talked to your daddy, he say. He said 'You ain't seen nothin' till your down on a muffin, then you sure be a-changing your ways'. I meet a cheerleader, a real young bleeder oh, the times I could reminisce. Cause the best lovin' with her sister and her cousin only started with a little kiss. Like this!" I sing along with the song as it goes into the instrumental part. "No, Raven, stop! No!" He says covering his ears. I dance along with the next verse and Alex groans. "Walk this way! Walk this way! Walk this way! Walk this way! Just gimme a kiss!" We sing together and I kiss his check. We continue to dance and jam out to the song until it sadly ends. "That was fun." I say and Alex rolls his eyes. "I don't know what you have against that song." I say and he bangs his head on the wheel as he parks the car. "Oh, nothing. My dad just used to love this song. It brings back memories of us dancing stupidly. But now, I have a new memory of the song." He says and kisses me. "Come on, Achoo." I say and we all hop out of the car and walk inside. "Raven's home!" Charlie yells. "Hey, Charles." I say and hug her. "Hey, Alex." She says and we walk inside. "Raven!" Lucifer says from the couch and he stands. "Hey, Luci! Anna!" I say and we high five each other. "Yo, Alex my man!" Anna says and Luci fist bumps him. "Where's the gang?" I ask and Luci points to the war room. "Sup in there?" Alex says and Anna shrugs. "Something about getting Cas and Michael to watch porn or something. We didn't really want to so, here we are. We were playing boggle." I smile and sit down. "Alex, should we... you know... now or wait for everyone?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well I think we should wait." He says and I nod. "What are you talking about? What are you doing?" Charlie asks and I shrug. "If you can get everyone here, you'll find out." I say and the trio spring to their feet and head to the war room. "Your evil you know that?" Alex says with a laugh and I laugh too. "Of course I do." I say and kiss him. "As adorable as that was, what did you want?" Dean asks and I gasp. "Gosh. It's seems like the boys don want to know. I don't think they really care about this." I say to Alex who shrugs and smiles. "Go. Sit. Now." Anna says and rushes over and sits in front of us. Everyone moves in front of us and I grab Alex's hands. "Well. We have some exciting news. Raven?" Alex says and I beam happily. I kiss Alex and turn back to everyone. "We're getting married!" I say and everyone erupts in happy little gasp. Charlie squeals and soon Anna and Lucifer join in. "Oh my god! Raven!" Charlie says and everyone rushes over. "When did this happen!?" "Oh my father! This so exciting!" "Alex, great job dude."  So many people talking at once and yet I've never felt so certain of anything in my life before. "Last night. I'm excited too! And thank you." Alex says and I just beam. I've never been as happy as I am now. "Guys, when's the wedding?" Michael asks and I look at Alex who shrugs. "We've put a lot thought into it even though it only happened last night as we think that it should be after we graduate. There's only like five months until the end. You need that long to plan a wedding. Hunter or not." I explain and Mike nods in approval. "Your ring is so beautiful!" Anna says and I move my hand closer to her. Charlie claps Alex on the shoulder and smiles. "You did good bro." I roll my eyes and squeeze Alex's hand. Eventually people disperse and Lucifer, Charlie, Anna, Alex, and I continue to play boggle. "Damn it! I'm so bad at this game." I say with a fake huff and then just laugh. "Well, what else could we play?" Anna asks and I smile. "Let's play the Oregon trail." Everyone groans and I fain surprise. "Come on, let's do it!" I say and run over grab my laptop. I sit down and pull up the game. "There. Let's be.... carpenters." I say and type in the number two. "What the names of our wagon leader?" I ask and look to the guys. "Luci?" I ask and he shrugs. "There's five people in the game. Why not name them after us?" I nod. "Okay. Wagon leader, Alex. The girl in the wagon is Anna. The little boy is Lucifer. The mother is Raven. And the little girl next to me is Charlie." I say as I type in their names. "Why am I the little boy! I'm older then Alex!" Lucifer says and I turn to him. "It's cause I'm engaged to him and not you. I would help you raise a family if you needed it, but I'm not going to marry you." I say and turn back to the computer. We end up playing for around a hour before our first death. "Damn it Charlie! You died! The hell were you even doing?" I ask and she shrugs. "Laying underneath the wagon? Getting shot? Getting stabbed? I don't know." She says ad I groan. The next person to die, was Anna. Of malnutrition. "Holy crap you two! You left me alone with the boys." I complain and huff as I check out supplies. "Oh shit were almost out of food. Looks like were going to have to reduce our rations to meagre." I say and we continue on our route. We lose Alex along the way to some disease and me and Lucifer push on. "Noooooo! We were almost there! We were outside of Oregon! No!" I yell and close the laptop. "You almost made it!" Charlie says and I bang my head on the laptop. "Shhhh. It's okay baby girl. You almost made it." Alex says rubbing my shoulder. I groan and sigh. Damn it that game is infuriating.

(A/N: I actually played this game through before writing this chapter so I could write it properly. I made it to the same spot they did. Also, yay! They're engaged! I just felt that so much bad shits been going on in Rave's life that she needed something good to happen. Just a head up, I'm probably going to be doing some big time skipping to more important moments cause all that's going to be happening for a while is school. So that is all. TALLY-HO!)

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